  • 用教堂用品像圣诞树之类的来饰。
    decorate with ornaments, as of christmas trees.
  • 他受雇装饰这所房子.
    He's been engaged to decorate the house.
  • 雇一名专业饰工来修房子
    Hired a professional to decorate the house.
  • 有必要修这间教室。
    It is necessary to decorate the classroom.
  • 我可以帮你饰布置房间吗?
    May I help you decorate the room?
  • 上珐琅,上釉用瓷漆覆盖、镶嵌或
    To coat, inlay, or decorate with enamel.
  • 雕饰通过仔细雕刻和塑造来
    To decorate by cutting and shaping carefully.
  • 镶嵌饰通过嵌入这样的图案来饰某物
    To decorate by setting in such designs.
  • 招摇或华丽地饰或打扮
    To decorate or dress ostentatiously or gaudily.
  • 用丰富的图案饰,织出丰富的图案
    To decorate or weave with rich patterns.
  • 用灌木饰、保护或支撑
    To decorate, protect, or support with bushes.
  • 饰成盘旋状,饰成螺旋状
    To decorate with coiled or spiral shapes.
  • 饰修饰如通过修使美化;
    To make beautiful, as by ornamentation; decorate.
  • 用嵌板面板来饰墙或天花板。
    decorate with panels, as of walls or ceilings.
  • 饰或者解释文本的插图。
    illustrations used to decorate or explain a text.
  • 他们用大理石饰房间。
    They decide to decorate the room with marbles.
  • 为迎接圣诞节商店的橱窗被饰一新。
    The shop window is all decorate for christmas.
  • 以人字形排列或装饰
    To arrange or decorate with a herringbone pattern.
  • 糊墙纸用墙纸饰墙壁或房间
    To decorate a wall or room with wallpaper.
  • 镂刻用镶嵌或雕刻来饰美化
    To decorate or ornament by inlaying or engraving.
  • 用亮漆或假漆装饰
    To decorate with a black enamel or lacquer.
  • 细丝饰用或似乎用金银细丝饰品
    To decorate with or as if with filigree.
  • 给…的边或端磨光或
    To finish or decorate the border or edge of.
  • 人们总是在圣诞节时用冬青来饰房屋。
    People often decorate their houses with holly at Christmas.
  • 以花饰以花饰或以花的图案
    To decorate with flowers or with a floral pattern.
  • 用珠宝饰的用或似用珠宝饰的
    Decorated with or as if with jewels.
  • 以花的图案装饰
    Decorated with floral designs.
  • 用特定的方法来饰。
    decorated in a particular way.
  • 有小枝图案作为饰。
    decorated with designs of sprigs.
  • 每个房间都饰得异常华丽。
    Every room was lavishly decorated.
  • 挂着花毯或者用花毯来饰。
    hung or decorated with tapestry.
  • 这条船饰得很俗气。
    the boat is meretriciously decorated.