  • 他靠勤奋掌握了语发音。
    He came to grasp English pronunciation by diligence.
  • 他靠勤奋掌握了语发音。
    He come to grasp english pronunciation by diligence.
  • 有一场战斗中的英雄
    Had a dilly of a fight.
  • 卢德派成员在1811年到1816年期间骚乱,并捣毁节省劳动力的纺织机器的国工人。他们认为这些机器会减少就业
    Any of a group of British workers who between1811 and1816 rioted and destroyed laborsaving textile machinery in the belief that such machinery would diminish employment.
  • 很明显的,新加坡人本来在对华贸易上的语言优势,正在因讲语家庭比讲华语家庭越来越多而逐渐消退之中,岂不可惜?
    It is obvious that Singapore's linguistic advantage in China business is diminishing because the number of English-speaking families is increasing at a greater pace than the Chinese-speaking ones. Isn't it a pity?
  • 罗马天主教香港教区每周出版中文《公教报》各一份。
    The diocese publishes two weekly newspapers, Kung Kao Po and The Sunday Examiner.
  • 高中语老师说他有学习方面的缺陷。
    His high school English teacher said young Chou had a learning disability.
  • 你要是语讲得不好,找工作时就会处于非常不利的地位。
    If you don't speak good English, you'll be at a big disadvantage when you try to get a job.
  • 他不会说语,这使他在参加国际会议时于不利的地位。
    His inability to speak English puts him at a disadvantage when he attends international conferences.
  • 她过去一向感到法国比不上国。
    She had always compared France disadvantageously with England.
  • 在离开之前他做了两个有趣的恶作剧,以免孩子们失望;他没有打电话,而是给她写了一封信;没有用拉丁术语而用语术语。
    rather than disappoint the children, he did two quick tricks before he left; he didn't call; rather (or instead), he wrote her a letter; used English terms instead of Latin ones.
  • 他拒绝参加我们的语晚会,令人非常失望。
    His refusal to come to our English evening was most disappointing.
  • 他们不喜欢国饭菜。
    They disapprove English food.
  • 他们不喜欢国饭菜。
    They disapprove of English food.
  • 这场战争的发动没有获得联合国安理会的授权,在安理会中只有西班牙和国支持布什总统的观点,即通过外交手段解除伊拉克武装的努力已经失败。
    " The war started without the authorization of the United Nations' Security Council,where only Spain and the UK backed President Bush' s view that diplomatic efforts to disarm Iraq had failed.
  • 非常小的(3寸)扁平海鱼,腹部下面有吸盘能将自己固定于岩石上。
    very small (to 3 inches) flattened marine fish with a sucking disc on the abdomen for clinging to rocks etc..
  • 严格得到了充满敌意的父亲——h·g·韦尔斯;行为严谨的六尺魁梧大汉;严格的训诫者;严格的教养。
    a parent severe to the pitch of hostility- H.G.Wells; a hefty six-footer with a rather severe mien; a strict disciplinarian; a Spartan upbringing.
  • 姑娘们一直相处很好,后来一个俊的小伙子来到她们中间,引起了她们之间的不和。
    The girls had got on well together until the apple of discord in the person of a handsome young man arrived in their midst.
  • 我从未对学习语失去信心。
    I was never discouraged against learning English.
  • 勇不谨慎,难成大事。
    Valour can do little without discretion.
  • 勇善战斗,谨慎会脱逃。
    Valour will fight, but discretion will run away.
  • 这是为有识别力的少数精设计的。
    it was designed for the discriminating few.
  • 从表面上看,这一轰动事件涉及国社会的歧视问题。
    On the surface, the fuss is about discrimination in British society.
  • 你欠我5镑, 快, 吐出来!
    You owe me 5: come on, disgorge!
  • 白金汉王宠臣和政治家。其军事和政治策略导致他和议会之间的长期摩擦,后被一名心情恶劣的海军军官暗杀
    English courtier and statesman whose military and political policies caused continual friction with Parliament. He was assassinated by a disgruntled naval officer.
  • 由于他的不诚实,使我损失了5镑。
    He has done me out of 5 by his dishonesty.'
  • 我生长在一个用华语沟通的家庭,所以,从小学到中学,我的文水平总是差强人意。
    As I grew up in a Mandarin-speaking family, my grades for English were dismal throughout my primary and secondary school years.
  • 当他看着自己丢下的一堆烂摊子时,肯定想知道人在像他这样败得这么惨的情况下,国人通常是怎样设法成功的。
    as he looks at the mess he has left behind he must wonder how the Brits so often managed to succeed in the kind of situation where he has so dismally failed.
  • 依斯勒想要核实一下在距离迪斯尼世界四里远的一片空地通用公司是否有任何动工迹象。
    Eisner wanted to check if there was any sign of construction on the vacant site, just four miles from Disney World.
  • 对外国人(尤其是美国人和国人)称呼(带有蔑视)的拉丁美洲词语。
    a Latin American (disparaging) term for foreigners (especially Americans and Englishmen).
  • 国佬用作对国人的一种蔑称,尤指新近移民的国人
    Used as a disparaging term for a British person, especially a recent immigrant.
  • 对澳大利亚或新西兰的国移民的蔑称。
    (Australian and New Zealand) a disparaging term for English immigrants to Australia or New Zealand.