  • 我們於一九九七年九月展開了一項名為「香港二十一世紀可持續發展」的研,為香港度身定做一套策略性的機製。
    In September 1997, we launched a study on the Sustainable Development in Hong Kong for the 21st Century.
  • 餘下其他的全港性問題將在"二十一世紀持續發展顧問研"中探討。
    The other outstanding Hong Kong-wide issues would be taken up by the Study on Sustainable Development for the 21st century.
  • 科學家們運用了高科技的手段對異性吸引力進行了研:他們讓女性嗅沾有男性汗漬的t恤,結果是女性對那些有着和自己父親類似基因的男人穿過的t恤比較青睞。
    The study involved a highly scientific means of assessing attraction: women smelled sweaty T-shirts, and tended to prefer those worn by men with genes similar to those of their fathers.
  • 富爸爸在搖椅裏嚮後一靠,手摸着下巴盯着我,好像在研我。
    Rich dad rocked back in his swivel chair, hands up to his chin, somewhat staring at me. It was like he was studying me.
  • 醫生研病人的癥狀後, 作出診斷。
    The doctor made his diagnosis after studying the patient's symptoms.
  • 美國40多歲的人有3500萬,誰也不知道其中竟有多少人患有斯通綜合癥。但有位醫生宣稱,每年有數千人可能死於該綜合癥。
    Nobody knows how widespread Stone syndrome is among America's 35 million 40-somethings, but one doctor claimed thousands could be dying each year.
  • 情報研究成果
    achievements in information analysis and synthesis
  • 情報研究成果評價
    evaluation of achievements in information analysis and synthesis
  • 費歇爾,漢斯1881-1945德國化學家,因在氯高鐵血紅素的合成研而獲1930年諾貝爾奬
    German chemist. He won a1902 Nobel Prize for his work on the structure and synthesis of sugars and purines.
  • 科學是由於實踐和研的結果而獲得的係統知識。
    Science means systematic knowledge possessed as a result of practice and study.
  • 關於特定研領域中的係統性結構。
    concerned with systematic structure in a particular field of study.
  • 神話學對神話進行係統收集和研的學術領域
    The field of scholarship dealing with the systematic collection and study of myths.
  • 化學研尤其是原子和分子係統物質的組成、結構、屬性及反應的科學
    The science of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter, especially of atomic and molecular systems.
  • 小組對議員們的議程草案進行了準備。
    Research groups prepare the draft bills tabled by parliamentary representatives.
  • 四研新情況,解决新問題
  • 因為他們不走,把機關、學院、科學研機構保護得較好,甚至在渡江以前許多人就為保護機構做了很多事情,使接收工作減少了很多睏難。
    As a result, their offices, colleges and scientific institutions were in fairly good repair, and many of them had done a great deal to protect these institutions even before we crossed the river, making the takeover much easier.
  • 這個傳說當然有它現實的意義,但竟說明了什麽呢?
    The tale still, of course, leaves questions unanswered.
  • 註意研大力發展科技教育和有效使用人才、吸引人才和培養人才的政策措施。
    Policy researches on development of science and technology, effectively employ talented personnel, attract and train talented personnel should be strengthened.
  • 在人類活動的每一個領域,實踐都長期領先於科學。對自然力作用方式的係統研,是長期努力將自然力應用於實際以後的産物。
    In every department of human affairs, Practice long precedes Science systematic enquiry into the modes of action of the powers of nature, is the tardy product of a long course of efforts to use those powers for practical ends.
  • 在核研領域首屈一指;罰球命中率在全隊中最高
    Led the field in nuclear research; led her teammates in free throws.
  • 他仿佛看到他女兒的影子在眼前掠過,便上前拉住了她的手,老淚縱橫地摟着她,甚至也不問問清楚她竟是誰,就懇求她允許他去探望她,允許他像愛自己去世的女兒的替身那樣愛她。
    It seemed as though he was seeing the spirit of his dead child and, going up to her, he took both her hands, embraced her tearfully and, without asking who she was, begged leave to call on her and to love in her person the living image of his dead daughter.
  • 《新英格蘭醫學期刊》的研試圖區分基因和環境對癌癥的影響。
    The NEJM study attempted to tease apart the effects of genes and the environment on the risk of cancer.
  • 中國紡織品研中心的技術人員將在工廠現場檢驗。
    On the spot factory inspection will is do by technician's option textile testing and research center.
  • 中國紡織品研中心的技術人員將在工廠現場檢驗。
    On- the- spot factory inspection will be done by technician's option textile testing and research center.
  • 埃德現仍在研彩色印刷術嗎?他沒有開始寫他醖釀已久的電影發展史?
    Is Ed still with Technicolor? Did he ever get started on that history of the movies he was going to write?
  • 檔案科學技術研究
    scientific and technological research on archives
  • 科學研和技術開發取得新的成果。
    Scientific and technological undertakings made new achievements.
  • 據美國伊利諾伊州諾茨布魯剋一叫做少兒研公司的市場調研組織稱,僅在去年,3160萬孩子花掉了1550億美金。
    Just last year, 31.6 million teens spent $155 billion, according to the Northbrook, Ill.,-based market research group Teenage Research Unlimited.
  • 最好的辦法也許是研那些具有藝術脾性的人物的生活。
    The best approach is probably by studying the lives of such people who have the artistic temperament in them.
  • 低溫學以低溫現象為研對象的學科
    The production of low temperatures or the study of low-temperature phenomena.
  • 鮑伯說他要戒煙,但終還是經不住誘惑,又抽上了。
    Bob said he would give up smoking, but he ended up yielding to temptation and took a cigarette.
  • 我不僅要看她臉部的輪廓,以便我能把它珍藏在我的記憶中,而且我還要研這張臉龐,在那裏找到富有同情心、溫柔和耐心的活證據,她就是以這種溫柔和耐心完成了教育我的艱難的任務。
    I should want not merely to see the outline of her face, so that I could cherish it in my memory, but to study that face and find in it the living evidence of the sympathetic tenderness and patience with which she accomplished the difficult task of my edu