  • 采摘成熟的橄榄,用盐水浸泡,后晒干,或腌渍,或罐装保存,或放在油中保存。
    olives picked ripe and cured in brine then dried or pickled or preserved canned or in oil.
  • 你当可以带你约的异性朋友来参加我们的社交聚会。
    Of course you can bring your date to our party.
  • 使用天肥料比使用化肥使庄稼长得更好。
    The use of natural fertilizer can bring the crops on nicer than the use of chemical fertilizer.
  • 他突然停了下来。
    He was brought up short.
  • 那登山者在悬崖边突站住了。
    The climber made a sudden stand at the brink of the precipice.
  • 日本不能占领全中国,而在它一切力所能及的地区,它将不遗余力地镇压中国的反抗,直至日本的内外条件使日本帝国主义发生了进入坟墓的直接危机之前,它是不会停止这种镇压的。
    Japan cannot occupy the whole of China, but she will spare no effort to suppress China's resistance in all the areas she can reach, and will not stop until internal and external developments push Japanese imperialism to the brink of the grave.
  • 稍具善念者在目睹了鸡鸭牛羊猪被如此不人道对待之后,都会省悟这种自私的行为只是在践踏生命,用自以为聪明的非自手段达到享受的目的,只会一步步将人类引向灭亡的边缘。
    After seeing how inhumanely these chickens, ducks, cows, lambs and pigs are treated, anyone with an ounce of compassion would realise that these selfish actions desecrate life itself. Using these unnatural methods for the purpose of human enjoyment would only push mankind towards the brink of destruction.
  • 稍具善念者在目睹了鸡鸭牛羊猪被如此不人道对待之后,都会省悟这种自私的行为只是在践踏生命,用非自手段达到享受的目的,只会一步步将人类引向灭亡的边缘。
    After seeing how inhumanely these chickens, ducks, cows, lambs and pigs are treated, anyone with an ounce of compassion would realize that these selfish actions desecrate life itself. Using these unnatural methods for the purpose of human enjoyment would only push mankind towards the brink of destruction step by step.
  • 公爵夫人虽是有名的社交界女主人,却明显流露出冷冰冰的表情
    The duchess, though well-known as a society hostess, conveyed an unmistakably brittle air.
  • 一种重而脆的铂属金属元素,用于制合金,与铂或锇形成天合金。
    a heavy brittle metallic element of the platinum group; used in alloys; occurs in natural alloys with platinum or osmium.
  • 当她丢掉真的钻石别针时,茫不知所措。
    She was at a loss when she lost her genuine diamond broach.
  • 试图使船免受突横转
    Tried to keep the boat from broaching to.
  • 他们设法使船在波涛汹涌的海面上不突横转。
    They managed to keep the boat from broaching to in the heavy seas.
  • 一片广袤的、自美未受破坏的郊野
    A broad expanse of unspoilt country
  • 我觉得这有点过分,居连我的信也不回!
    I thought it was a bit off, not even answering my letter!
  • 为了应付课外补习的负担,学生的学校生活素质,必会受到影响。他们无法在下课后或学校假期,享受他们感到有兴趣的事物,开拓他们的视野。
    Consequently, the quality of school life is inevitably affected as numerous students struggle to cope with the burden of additional subject learning outside the class room, instead of enjoying their pet interests after school and during vacation in order to broaden their horizons.
  • 直率地说,詹姆斯做了很多工作,但有人仍得跟在他后面补课。
    Broadly speaking James does adequate work, but somebody else still has to follow behind him to dot the i's and cross the t's.
  • 一直向前走到百老汇大街,后向右拐。
    Keep on till you reach Broadway, then turn right.
  • 表面撒糖的奶油冻,后烤制。
    custard sprinkled with sugar and broiled.
  • 他们突然唱起歌来。
    They broke into song.
  • 这个消息突传开了。
    The news broke unexpectedly.
  • 暴风雨一下子突大作。
    The storm broke soon.
  • 她突发出一声喘息。
    A gasp broke from her.
  • 他突然停止了谈话。
    He broke short the conversation.
  • 她突然笑起来了。
    She broke into a laugh.
  • 她突然破口大骂。
    She broke out in curses.
  • 不知怎么的,他想引起黑发姑娘的注意,想趁这个姑娘要乘的飞往什么地方去的班机还没离开之前,请她喝上一杯。而,尽管他认为她向他这边张望了一小会儿,但他在酒吧的阴暗处,吸引不了她的秋波。
    He wants somehow to attract the brunette’s attention, to invite her to have a drink with him before her own flight leaves for wherever she is traveling, but even though he believes for a moment she is looking his way he cannot catch her eye from out of the shadows of the bar.
  • 经常刷牙对于牙齿健康很重要,但研究人员指出,某些人可能具有发生牙科疾病的遗传倾向。
    While regular brushing and flossing remain essential to good dental health, the research indicates that some people may have a genetic tendency to dental problems.
  • 她是一个很好的监工,3个小时里,我们不停地把罐装食品从架子上拿下来,用羽毛掸弹去每个罐头上的灰尘,后重新把它们码放好。
    She was a task master. We spent three hours taking canned goods off the shelves and, with a feather duster, brushing each can to get the dust off, and then re-stacking them neatly.
  • 冷落;断然拒绝
    A snub; a brushoff.
  • 哈萨姆,(腓特烈)·柴尔德1859-1935美国画家,擅于用明亮的色彩和突兀的笔触描绘城市街道的景色和自景观,作品有波士顿的雨天(1885年)
    American painter who used brilliant colors and bold brushwork to depict city street scenes and natural landscapes in works such as Rainy Day in Boston(1885).
  • 伊拉克政权派出行刑队,杀害那些不愿为一个残酷的政权卖命,毅投身自由的伊拉克人。
    It has sent execution squads to kill Iraqis who choose freedom over fighting for a brutal regime.