  • 貴公司所提案不充分,未被采納,但主要原因是投資規模過於龐大,儘管該案對這點有所說明。
    Your proposal reject as inadequate but true reason lie in sizable investment involve which though explained.
  • 鑒於可能有很大誤差,我在安大略湖上劃出32平英裏的區域,我認為兩艘沉船肯定在這個區域內。
    Allowing a sizable margin for error, I marked off a32-square-mile section lf Lake Ontario where I thought the two ships must lie.
  • ”《亞特蘭大憲法報》在邁耶身上發現了明星的所有資質:“以出色的吉他彈奏為主的、嫻熟平易的大衆搖滾音樂,非常上鏡頭,在很多南酒吧有廣大聽衆。”
    The Atlanta Journal Constitution saw all the makings of a star as they described Mayer's qualities: " sophisticated, accessible folk rock sound dominated by striking guitar playing, video-ready looks and a sizable grass? roots following born in clubs across the South."
  • 今年,中央財政繼續較多地增加水利建設和天然林保護的投資,地財政也要增加投入。
    Allocations for investment this year in water conservancy projects and projects to protect natural forests in the central budget will again be increased by a sizable amount; the allocations in the local budgets for this type of investment should also be increased.
  • 在規模面便於管理的企業
    A business of manageable size
  • 另一面,多年以來,內地同樣有大量投資資金流入香港。
    In the opposite direction, there has likewise been a sizeable flow of investment capital from the Mainland to Hong Kong over the past years.
  • 第四條 國傢實行嚴格控製大城市規模、合理發展中等城市和小城市的針,促進生産力和人口的合理佈局。
    Article 4 The state shall guide itself by the principle of strictly controlling the size of large cities and developing medium-sized and small cities to an appropriate extent in the interest of a rational distribution of productive forces and of the population.
  • 品質:我樣品265號,黑色,配合尺寸
    Quality: Our Sample No.265, black, assorted sizes
  • 靈活,是聰明的指揮員,基於客觀情況,“審時度勢”(這個勢,包括敵勢、我勢、地勢等項)而采取及時的和恰當的處置法的一種才能,即是所謂“運用之妙”。
    Flexibility consists in the intelligent commander's ability to take timely and appropriate measures on the basis of objective conditions after "judging the hour and sizing up the situation" (the "situation" includes the enemy's situation, our situation and the terrain), and this flexibility is "in genuity in varying tactics".
  • 冰刀尖花樣溜冰鞋刀刃前的尖的突出部分
    A pointed projection on the front of the blade of a figure skate.
  • 滑冰人眼花繚亂的跳躍動作;這些偉大的、在最佳狀態畫出來的油畫看起來仍舊令人驚異,仍舊像畫出來的時候……他光彩奪目的聲望全盛的時候……一樣動人的新——珍妮特·福蘭勒;按栩栩如生、像閃電般的式講述的冒險故事——埃德沃爾·瓊斯。
    the skater's dazzling virtuosic leaps; these great best canvases still look as astonishing and as invitingly new as they did...when...his fulgurant popularity was in full growth- Janet Flanner; adventures related...in a style both vivid and fulgurous- Idwal Jones.
  • 人類文化通過社會傳導的行為式、藝術、信仰、風俗以及人類工作和思想的所有其它産物的整體
    The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought.
  • 附着處骨骼肌肉與骨或它所帶動的身體其他部分的連接點或連接
    The point or mode of attachment of a skeletal muscle to the bone or other body part that it moves.
  • 揭示奇跡本質的質疑法。
    a skeptical approach to the nature of miracles.
  • 大多數警察對陪審團參與的審判持有一種天然的懷疑態度。他們更喜歡地法院所作出的即刻的判决,因為在地法院定罪率可達90%。
    Most policemen have a natural skepticism about jury trial. They prefer the rough justice of the magistrates' court where there is a 90pecent conviction rate.
  • 略圖的素描以此種法畫成的速描圖
    A sketch done in this style.
  • 你可以概略地講一下根據常規哪些地必須花錢的總設想。
    Sketch out a general idea of where, your money must go on a regular basis.
  • 部長對此事的處理法受到新聞界的嚴厲批評。
    The minister was crucified by the press for his handling of the affair.
  • 以一種粗略的、不完全的式。
    in a sketchy incomplete manner.
  • 我們從幾面粗略的說法中設法弄清了真相
    We managed to piece together the truth from several sketchy accounts
  • 倒八字形上坡一種滑過斜坡的滑雪法,即使滑橇的末端嚮外指
    A method of climbing a ski slope with the tips of the skis pointed outward.
  • 作製動轉彎在轉變下滑嚮或停止時的高速滑雪旋轉,通過嚮前轉移重量並平行地旋轉滑雪板來完成
    A usually high-speed ski turn used for changing the direction of descent or stopping, performed by shifting the weight forward and turning with the skis kept parallel.
  • 這位運動員於是像和尚念咒似的一再重複“看着前,看着前”,集中了註意,終於贏得了奬牌。
    Repeating the phrase like a mantra -- “ Look ahead, look ahead, look ahead”-- the skier focused his attention and won a medal.
  • 岸上看熱鬧的人中彌漫着一種焦躁不安的情緒。其中有一位忍耐不住了,他等不及帆船入港就跳進了一隻小艇迎着大船駛去,那衹小艇在大船到裏瑟夫灣對面的地時便靠攏了法老號。
    The vague disquietude which prevailed among the spectators had so much affected one of the crowd that he did not await the arrival of the vessel in harbor, but jumping into a small skiff, desired to be pulled alongside the Pharaon, which he reached as she rounded into La Rèserve basin.
  • 這篇文章在各面都很值得欣賞。
    This essay is admirable in all respects.
  • 這個新法很受歡迎,很多農民都掌握得很好了。
    The new method caught on and many peasants became very skilful at it.
  • 斯諾隊的一個巧妙的球使對隊在前五分鐘就失去了奪魁的希望。
    A skilful ball from Snow put out the opposing team's prize hope in the first five minutes.
  • 不過那些航海行傢們一眼就看出,假如的確發生了什麽意外事情的話,那一定與船的本身無關。因為從各面來看,它並無絲毫失去操縱的跡象。領港員正在駕駛着動作敏捷的法老號通過馬賽港狹窄的甬道進口。在領港員的旁邊,有一青年正在動作敏捷地打着手勢,他那敏銳的眼光註視着船的每一個動作,並重複領港員的每一個命令。
    However, those experienced in navigation saw plainly that if any accident had occurred, it was not to the vessel herself, for she bore down with all the evidence of being skilfully handled, the anchor a-cockbill, the jib-boom guys already eased off, and standing by the side of the pilot, who was steering the Pharaon towards the narrow entrance of the inner port, was a young man, who, with activity and vigilant eye, watched every motion of the ship, and repeated each direction of the pilot.
  • 和聲學家在和聲面熟練的人
    One skilled in harmony.
  • 在書法面有一定造詣的人。
    someone skilled in penmanship.
  • 一個在策略面非常善長的人。
    a person skilled in maneuvering.
  • 她在技術面勝過他。
    She surpassed him in skill.