| - 国家将进一步扩大以工代赈规模,根据贫困地区财政困难的实际情况,加大财政转移支付力度,并对财政扶贫资金实行专户管理。
The state will further increase the scale of work-relief projects and, in line with the practical financial difficulties of the poor areas, strengthen financial transfer payments and implement the control of budgetary poverty relief funds with the household as the basic unit. - 可在柠檬汁中浸泡指甲,去除斑点脏物;然后用指甲磨光轮将指甲磨亮,无需再擦光打磨!
Soak nails in lemon juice to nix stains, then use a nail buffer to make tips shiny. No polish required! - 从现在起,将长江、黄河中上游生态环境地位重要地区划为由禁伐区和缓冲区组成的生态保护区,森工企业转向营林管护。
From now on, regions with ecological importance on the upper-middle reaches of Yangtze and Yellow rivers shall be demarcated into ecological nature reserves composed of exclusively protected zones and buffer zones. and forest industries shall be shifted to forest management and tending. - 将所有输入输出缓冲器的内容写入一个文件中的一种记录操作。
A record operation that writes all I/O buffers to a file if they haven't already been written. - 如果下雨,自助餐将在室内举行。
If it rains the buffet will be served under cover. - 圣诞节将临,大家都想尽快赶回家去。
As Christmas is drawing near, everybody intends to bug for home as fast as he can. - 那里停着基米的马、车和车夫。车夫将赶车把他送到火车站。
There stood Jimmy’s horse and buggy and the coachman who was going to drive him the railroad station. - 归队信号用来将部队召回其职位的信号,如号角声
A signal, such as a bugle call, used to summon troops back to their posts. - 新的威胁将来自在电脑空间拉帮结伙的*团体,他们运用新型战争武器--病毒、干扰、蠕虫和逻辑炸弹等进行攻击。
the new threat will be groups who will bond in cyber-space and attack using the new weapons of war:viruses,bugs,worms and logic bombs. - 在变量存在时间上纠缠不清会造成大量的程序错误。在下面的小节里,将阐示java如何帮助我们完成所有清除工作,从而极大了简化了这个问题。
Confusion over variable lifetimes can lead to a lot of bugs, and this section shows how Java greatly simplifies the issue by doing all the cleanup work for you. - 他将盖房子。
He'll build a house. - 鸟将筑巢。
The bird will build the nest. - 将一项额外条款列入合同中
Build an extra clause into the contract - 根据一家叫做careerbuilder的职业咨询公司所做的一份非正式调查显示,尽管只有22%的员工表示公司希望他们休假期间与办公室保持联系,实际上有将近40%的人是这么做的。
An informal survey by job counseling firm Career Builder found that even though only 22 percent of workers say they're expected to keep in touch with the office while on vacation, nearly 40 percent actually do it. - 拉扎雷夫说,在长达22小时的险象环生分离手术后,玛利亚·特蕾沙由于脑部积血而被推回了手术室,手术又继续了将近5小时之久。
After the 22-hour risky separation surgery, Maria Teresa was wheeled back into the operating room for nearly five more hours because of a buildup of blood on her brain, Lazareff said. - 他结实健壮,看上去是那种户外运动健将。
He was strong and solidly built. - 约翰将大部分财产遗留给他的弟弟。
John left the bulk of his property to his brother. - 她用手指卷着头发;大面积的用弯曲的缝线将边缘缝起来。
hair twined around her fingers; bulky with twisted stitches around the edges. - 研究人员相信,批量制造、成组运行的微型卫星将最终淘汰如今庞大而昂贵的卫星。
Researchers are convinced that mass-produced microsatellites, working in groups, will eventually make today’s bulky and more costly devices obsolete. - 天文台将网络所录得资料,每天发布给传媒知道,并刊载于月报内。
Data are disseminated to the media daily and published in a bulletin every month. - 《世界气象组织简报》将结合2003年国际年出版一期特刊。
A special issue of the WMO Bulletin will be issued in conjunction with the Year during 2003. - 城镇里到外张贴着将要进行斗牛比赛的广告。
There were posters advertising the bullfight pasted up all over town. - 斗牛士经过最后几轮闪避后将牛杀死的斗牛士
A bullfighter who performs the final passes and kills the bull. - 我对市场非常乐观,预计到2000年,股市将达到10000点。
I am bullish and see the market at 10,000 in the year 2000. - 我们将做好准备开始曲棍球比赛。
We will get ready to bully off. - 房间一片漆黑,他将头撞到了架子上
The room was dark and he bumped his head against the shelf - 他们将他谋杀了,因为他对他们的非法活动知道得太多了。
They bumped him off because he knew too much about their illegal activities. - 卡车司机:将会有可供电脑驾驶的机动车一辆接一辆高速行驶的“智能”车道出现。
Truckers: There will be “smart” lanes that enable computer-driven vehicles to travel bumper to bumper at high speeds. - 农民们肯定那年他们将有一个大丰收。
The peasants were sure that they would have another bumper harvest that year. - 系紧你的安全带,这将是一个颠簸的夜晚。(《彗星美人》1950)
Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night. - 我的邻居又孕了,那将是她第5个孩子。
My neighbour's got a bun ion the oven again; that will make her fifth child. - 你能替我将这些单子捆起来吗?
Can you bundle up the sheets for me?