  • 手艺多了不养人。
    He that sips many arts drinks none.
  • 这种智能酒杯的工作原理是给酒杯涂上一层光洁的传导材料,这样无论顾客是小啜还是狂饮,这套系统都可以测量出酒杯中还剩下少酒。
    The iGlassware system works by coating each glass with a clear, conducting material, enabling it to measure exactly how much liquid has been sipped or guzzled.
  • “嗯,别提了,”卡德鲁斯说,他给弗尔南倒了一杯酒,也给自己倒了一杯,这已是他喝的也不知是第八杯还是第九杯了,而腾格拉尔始终只是抿一下酒杯而已。
    "Well, never mind," answered Caderousse, pouring out a glass of wine for Fernand, and filling his own for the eighth or ninth time, while Danglars had merely sipped his.
  • 要买多少本,先生?
    How many copies, sir?
  • 他妹妹多大岁数?
    How old is his younger sister?
  • 在议会厅通道下面就坐的(如离议长较远的)议员。他们与离议长近的议员相比有较的独立性,考虑党的利益较少
    Members sitting below the gangway ( i. e. further away from the speaker ) are more independent and less party - minded than those who sit near the speaker
  • 由于每一装机场点要与如此的其它装机场点进行通信,在每一线路的两端都装一专有加密装置是不现实的。
    Since each site communicates with so many other sites, it is not practical to install a dedicated encryption device at both ends of every circuit.
  • 人都想要贝蒂替他们照顾孩子。
    Betty is very much in demand as a bady-sitter.
  • 数国家使用十进制货币。
    Most countries have a decimal currency.
  • 他还描述了列奥纳是怎样雇请乐师和小丑来逗乐坐着被画像的人,这样她就会微笑而没有肖像画常有的那种严肃的神情。
    He also describes how Leonardo hired musicians and Jesters to play to amuse the sitter so that she would smile, and not have the solemn expression that portraits often have.
  • 有那么专家告诉我们,好母亲不会把孩子留给保姆。
    Too many experts tell us that good mothers do not abandon their children to baby sitters.
  • 你有多少零钱?
    How much have you got in change?
  • 谨慎驾驶员!交通事故发地段!
    Drive with Care! Accident Black Spot!
  • 起初伯德和他的助手们能够拍下许横亘于下的群山的照片。
    At first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below.
  • 这个航班要飞多久?
    How long does the flight take?
  • 你如果不锻炼就会发胖。
    If you don't take / get more exercise you'll get fat.
  • 传统意义上,管制工作压力是由当时管制状况决定的,如航空器的数量、航班密集度、陆空通话和管制协调的数量、天气情况等等,上述种种因素主要描述了管制状况的样性,但是工作压力是从人为角度来考虑的。
    ATC workload is traditionally defined in terms of the ATC situation: number of aircraft, complexity of aircraft mix, amount of communication and coordination needed, weather, and so forth. These situational variables describe essentially the demands of the situation, but workload is another matter from a human factors perspective.
  • 如果我是只猫多好。
    I wish I were a cat.
  • 要是我们有一辆车好啊。
    I wish we had a car.
  • 他想要是他没这样做该好。
    He wished he hadn't done it.
  • 数情况下记者们对新闻有第六感觉。
    Journalists have a sixth sense of news in most cases.
  • 政府采取的步骤将说服委员会相当数的成员批准这项提议。
    The government's moves would bring a sizable majority of the committee round to endorsing the proposition.
  • 开车比修车容易了。
    It is infinitely easier to drive a car than to repair it.
  • 对于我们,走路的时间通常于作战的时间,平均每月打得一个大仗就算是好的。
    We generally spend more time in moving than in fighting and would be doing well if we fought an average of one sizable battle a month.
  • 这比他上一部电影不知胜过少倍。
    That was infinitely better than his last film.
  • 不说了,每个月打得一个较大的胜仗,如像平型关台儿庄一类的,就能大大地沮丧敌人的精神,振起我军的士气,号召世界的声援。
    If each month we could win one sizable victory like that at Pinghsingkuan or Taierhchuang, not to speak of more, it would greatly demoralize the enemy, stimulate the morale of our own forces and evoke international support.
  • ”《亚特兰大宪法报》在迈耶身上发现了明星的所有资质:“以出色的吉他弹奏为主的、娴熟平易的大众摇滚音乐,非常上镜头,在很南方酒吧有广大听众。”
    The Atlanta Journal Constitution saw all the makings of a star as they described Mayer's qualities: " sophisticated, accessible folk rock sound dominated by striking guitar playing, video-ready looks and a sizable grass? roots following born in clubs across the South."
  • 今年,中央财政继续较地增加水利建设和天然林保护的投资,地方财政也要增加投入。
    Allocations for investment this year in water conservancy projects and projects to protect natural forests in the central budget will again be increased by a sizable amount; the allocations in the local budgets for this type of investment should also be increased.
  • 孔掺水的物质或粘性的物质覆盖或变硬。
    cover or stiffen or glaze a porous material with size or sizing (a glutinous substance).
  • 不同的数据在不同的机器上可能有不同的大小,所以在进行一些对大小敏感的运算时,程序员必须对那些类型有大做到心中有数。
    Different data types might be different sizes on different machines, so the programmer must find out how big those types are when performing operations that are sensitive to size.
  • 这是多大尺码的?
    What size is it?
  • 尺寸多少?
    What size is this?