  • 中华电力有限公司(中电)供电给九龙和新界,包括大屿山和多个离岛。
    China Light and Power Company Limited (CLP) supplies Kowloon and the New Territories, including Lantau and several outlying islands.
  • 在人生中,好比在文法里,有例外多于规这么一回事。
    It happens in life, as in grammar, that the exceptions outnumber the rules.
  • 在人生中,好比在文法里,有例外多于规这么一回事。
    It happens to be life, as in grammar, that the exception outnumbers the rules.
  • 后二项中又以敌军俘虏为多,设无此项补充,兵员大成问题。
    Furthermore, in the latter the peasants are outnumbered by the captured soldiers;without replacement from this source, there would be a serious manpower problem.
  • 如条件许可,应派队向西发展,截断京杭公路,如敌进攻,求得在野战中逐步地予以歼灭,如力量不足,继续巩固阵地,以待第七、第九兵团赶到时协同歼灭之。
    If conditions permit, troops should be dispatched to march westward and cut off the Nanjing-Hangzhou Highway. If attacked, they should try to wipe out the enemy group by group through field operations. If outnumbered, they should continue strengthening their positions until the Seventh and Ninth Armies arrive and join them to wipe out the enemy.
  • 他取笑在场和他看法不同的人,违犯了一个好主人的准
    He outraged all rules of a good host by making fun of those present who did not agree with him.
  • 成功被信奉为“幸运的报偿”,失败是“厄运”的结果。
    Suceess was believed to be the reward of the" lucky" and failure the result of" outrageous fortune".
  • 留意网络合同期:用户与网络营运商签订的使用其网络的合同中的附属细很难逐字逐句的读完,所以你应该直接询问合同的有效期。
    Check contract length. The contract's fine print can be too much to read every word, so you should ask outright how long the contract will be.
  • 男性单身族在研究的开始就处于压抑状态,如果他们继续过单身生活会更加压抑。
    Single men as a group were depressed at outset of the study and became more de. Pressed if they stayed single.
  • 撒切尔首相在第三任期即将结束挂冠而去才算聪明,否,她将冒不再受欢迎之险。如此,她将给她那连政敌都承认出色的政绩染上污点。
    Prime Minister Thatcher would be wise to call it a day toward the end of her third term. If not, she runs the risk of outstaying her welcome, and, by so doing, tarnishes a political career that even her enemies must admit go being remarkale.
  • 第三,它的各种组织形式,表面上不能不是伪组织的一套,但其实质必须是抗日的。
    Third, outwardly, village organizations should take on the form of puppet organizations, but in essence they must resist Japan.
  • 坐下来,否你会使船失去平衡。
    Sit down, or you'll overbalance the boat.
  • 可聪明人宁愿吃点亏而给嫉妒者一点实惠,有时故意在某些与己关系不大的事情上让对手占占上风。
    Whereas wise men will rather do sacrifice to envy, in suffering themselves sometimes of purpose to be crossed, and overborne in things that do not much concern them.
  • 他似乎放弃了他所有的原
    He seems to have thrown all his principles overboard.
  • 谁也不知道怎样继续讨论下去——议事规似乎都已抛到脑后了。
    Nobody knows how to proceed in those discussions--the book of rules seems to have been thrown overboard.
  • 除非你将悬在上空的树枝剪掉,否,这里不会成为一决理解的草坪。
    You won't be able to make a good lawn here unless you cut away most of these overhanging branches.
  • 因此,当局决定先推行临时措施,以缩短现时制备法定规划图的程序──这项建议在咨询期间得到市民的广泛支持,其他修订和与全面修订法例有关的各个问题待进一步研究。立法机关其后于一九九八年三月通过《1998年城市规划(修订)条例》,将考虑对法定规划图的反对意见的期限,定为九个月。修订条例于同年四月实施。
    The administration therefore decided to introduce interim measures, pending further study on the various issues relating to the comprehensive overhaul of the Ordinance, to shorten the existing statutory plan-making process. This proposed change received widespread support during the consultation. The Town Planning (Amendment) Ordinance 1998 which imposed a statutory nine-month period within which objections to the statutory plans should be considered was subsequently introduced into the legislature in March 1998 and came into operation in April 1998. The administration is continuing to review the rest of the Ordinance and aims at introducing a comprehensive bill.
  • 设七月无去湘南一举,不但可免边界的八月失败,且可乘国民党第六军和王均战于江西樟树之际,击破永新敌军,席卷吉安、安福,前锋可达萍乡,而与北段之红第五军取得联络。
    If we had not advanced on southern Hunan in July, we would not only have averted the August defeat in the border area, but we could also have exploited the hghting between the Kuomintang's Sixth Army and Wang Chun's Kuomintang forces in Changshu, Kiangsi Province, to crush the enemy forces in Yunghsin, overrun Kian and Anfu, and make it possible for our advanced guard to reach Pinghsiang and establish contact with the Fifth Red Army in the northern section of the Lohsiao mountain range.
  • 有规则地叠盖
    To overlap in a regular pattern.
  • 鳞状叠覆的具有规安排的叠盖边缘的,如瓦片或鱼鳞
    Having the edges overlapping in a regular arrangement, as roof tiles or the scales of a fish.
  • 成鳞状安排成带有规叠盖的边缘
    To be arranged with regular overlapping edges.
  • 至于小旅行袋,请放在座位底下。
    And the overnight bag under your seat, please.
  • 新规使以前的所有规失效。
    The new rule overrides all the previous ones.
  • 当然,银行贷款要严格遵循贷款原,不支持积压产品生产和重复建设,避免产生新一轮的通货膨胀。
    While issuing loans, the banks will follow the set principles and will not support the production of overstocked goods and duplicated construction, so as to prevent a new round of inflation.
  • 1991年,中国向联合国裁军审议委员会提交了“关于军事情况的客观情报问题基本立场”的工作文件,全面阐述了军备透明问题的立场:军备透明的目的应是增进各国、各地区及世界的和平、安全和稳定,应遵循各国安全不受减损的基本原
    In 1991, China submitted a working paper to the Disarmament Commission of the United Nations entitled "Basic Positions on Objective Information on Military Matters," presenting an overview of China's position: Transparency in armaments is aimed at advancing peace, security and stability for every country and region and the entire world;
  • 首3个铁路系统由政府全资拥有的公共公司经营,其余两个为私营机构所拥有。
    The first three rail systems are operated by public corporations, wholly-owned by the government. Private operators own the others.
  • 在旧中国,占农村人口70%的贫雇农只占有10%的土地,而妇女根本没有土地所有权。
    In old China, poor farmers and farm laborers, who accounted for 70 percent of the rural population, owned only 10 percent of the land. Women had no right to own any land.
  • 绥靖,姑息做出退让以使(敌人)安宁或企图使敌人如此,常以丧失原为代价
    To pacify or attempt to pacify(an enemy) by granting concessions, often at the expense of principle.
  • 词组中充斥着火药。
    Phrases are packed with TNT.
  • 里根总统……将会坚持该条约必须在“全部接受,否不签”的基础上予以考虑。
    President Reagan?? will insist that the pact be considered on an"all or nothing" basis.
  • 里根总统……将会坚持该条约必须在“全部接受,否不签”的基础上予以考虑。
    President Reagan … will insist that the pact be considered on an "all or nothing” basis.
  • "做报告的人插进了几幽默笑话,就把他的讲话拉长了。"
    The reporter made his speech longer by padding it out with a few humorous jokes. (喻)