Chinese English Sentence:
  • 保险司雇用的计算保险费的人
    Person employed by an in assurance company to calculate premium
  • 我们衷心感谢贵司的协助,同时保证一定严守秘密。
    We assure you of our sincere thanks and absolute confidence.
  • 司向您保证,对您的订单我们当非常谨慎的处理。
    We assure you that any order shall receive our careful attention.
  • 如果授权给共服务是使国家在瞬息万变的世界里继续进步的必要步骤,我们是否同时能保有廉政呢?
    If empowerment is what the Civil Service needs for the country to do well in a fast changing world, can it be done while assuring integrity?
  • 这些司所面临的主要问题是如何保障无线保真热区的网络安全,如何收取服务费,以及如何确保使用者缴费。
    The main hurdles for companies are assuring the security of Wi-Fi hotspots,how to charge for such a service and how to make sure people don't use it without paying.
  • 米堤亚亚洲西南部的一个古国,位于今天伊朗的西北处。该国居民为一印欧部落。该国于元前550年被居鲁士大帝征服,从而被其并入波斯帝国之中
    An ancient country of southwest Asia in present-day northwest Iran. Settled by an Indo-European people, it became part of the Assyrian Empire and was conquered c.550 b.c. by Cyrus the Great, who added it to the Persian Empire.
  • 伊卡鲁斯一个具有离心轨道的小行星,它在离太阳三千万里(一千九百万英里)的范围内接近太阳
    An asteroid with an eccentric orbit approaching within30 million kilometers(19 million miles) of the sun.
  • 如果我们爬到共汽车顶上,我们的行为将被认为是荒谬的。
    If we go on to the top of the bus, our conduct will astonish the Browns.
  • 当罗尔斯·罗伊斯计算出他们的债务是几亿英镑时,众都十分吃惊。
    The public was astonished when Rolls Royce computed their debts at several hundred million pounds.
  • 阿蒙特·巴桥内以惊人的10分钟优势技压群雄获得自行车路赛冠军,这是最令法国人骄傲的时刻,这种绝对优势在奥运史上是前无古人、后无来者。
    France proudest moment came in the cycling competition when Armand Balnchonnet won the road race by an astonishing 10 minutes-the most lopsided breakaway in Olympic history, before or after.
  • 在讨论信心的那一章里,你会读到美国钢铁司令人惊讶的建构史。原因在于,一手孕育缔造这则传奇故事的人,便是卡内基先生亲自调教出来的诸多年轻人中的一员,借着这些年轻人的成绩,卡内基先生证明了这则窍门“对那些已准备就绪的人来说”都会有效。
    In the chapter on Faith, you will read the astounding story of the organization of the giant United States Steel Corporation, as it was conceived and carried out by one of the young men through whom Mr. Carnegie proved that his formula will work for all who are ready for it.
  • 部分货物已遗失,请贵司方面也检查一下。
    Goods partly go astray please investigate also your side
  • 壮丽的官邸;宏伟的馆;雄伟的树;表情严肃的警察跨着骏马;宏伟的圆柱。
    a baronial mansion; an imposing residence; a noble tree; severe-looking policemen sat astride noble horses; stately columns.
  • 保险金额是天文数字,但从此不再需要共交通工具,这可以为母亲们每天节省几小时。
    The insurance payments are astro-nomical, but since there's little public transportation it saves hours every day for mothers.
  • (约元前270年)最早提出太阳中心说的古希腊天文学家之一。
    an ancient Greek astronomer who was one of the first to propose a heliocentric theory of the universe (ca. 270 BC).
  • 元前276-194年)预测地球圆周和地球到月亮和太阳的距离的希腊数学家和天文学家。
    Greek mathematician and astronomer who estimated the circumference of the earth and the distances to the moon and sun (276-194 BC).
  • 测量恒星距离的天文学长度单位;一秒差距等于三十万亿里。
    a unit of astronomical length based on the distance from Earth at which stellar parallax is 1 second of arc; equivalent to 3.262 light years.
  • 他在办室高谈阔论有关原子弹的事情。
    He shot off in the office about atomic bombs.
  • 迪拉克,保罗・阿德利安・莫里斯1902-1984英国数学和物理学家。1933年因新原子理论式与人分享诺贝尔奖
    British mathematician and physicist. He shared a1933 Nobel Prize for new formulations of the atomic theory.
  • 红军革命军事委员会特慎重地向南京政府诸进言,在亡国灭种紧急关头,理应翻然改悔,以‘兄弟阋于墙外御其侮’的精神,在全国范围、首先在陕甘晋停止内战,双方互派代表磋商抗日救亡的具体办法。
    The Revolutionary Military Commission of the Red Army hereby solemnly advises the gentlemen of the Nanking government at this critical juncture, when our country and people are threatened with imminent destruction, to make a determined effort to atone for past misdeeds and end the civil war in the whole country, to join forces against attacks from without in the spirit of brothers quarrelling at home, and first of all end the civil war in Shensi, Kansu and Shansi, whereupon both sides should appoint delegates to discuss specific measures for resisting Japan and saving the nation.
  • 他匆忙去了车站,忘记带走报纸和文包。
    He went off to the station in a hurry and left behind his newspaper and attache case.
  • 我拿起我的公文包。
    I pick up my attached case.
  • 谨附上说明书一份,贵司自可了解价格以及其他详细情况。
    We attaching a specification sheet give complete price information and all other details.
  • 谨附上说明书一份,贵司自可了解价格以及其他详细情况。
    We are attaching a specification sheet giving complete price information and all other details.
  • 谨附上说明书一份,贵司自可了解价格以及其他详细情况。
    We is attaching a specification sheet give complete price information and all other details.
  • 中国高度重视通过完善立法、正司法和严格执法来保护人权,人权司法保障工作取得了长足的进展。
    Attaching great importance to safeguarding human rights through perfecting legislation, ensuring an impartial judicature and strictly enforcing the law, China has made considerable progress in building a judicial guarantee for human rights.
  • 他公然予以攻击。
    He made an undisguised attack.
  • 李.雅科卡终于当上了福特汽车司的总裁。
    Leo Ioacoco attained the position of President of the Ford Motors.
  • 政府、艺术赞助人和众,对艺术活动的支持与日俱增。看来,新加坡成为一个文艺复兴城市的目标,并非遥不可及。
    The Republic's cherished goal to be arenaissance city now seems attainable, with growing support from government, arts patrons and public.
  • adsl的离散多音行编码让电话司在任何给出的噪声环境中以32k位/秒速率向客户提供最大的数据吞吐量。
    ADSL's Discrete Mulitone line code lets telephone companies provide customers with the maximum data throughput attainable to within 32K bit/sec in any given noise environment.
  • 宣判剥夺…的财产和民权利
    To pass a sentence of attainder against.
  • 3.不得通过任何褫夺权的法案或者追溯既往的法律。
    Clause 3:No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.