  • 艾利斯愿意假期长
    Alice is in favour of longer holidays!
  • 在那人当中哪一位是爱丽斯小姐?
    Which one of those women is Miss Alice?
  • 我们纠缠在一与我们论题无关的问题上了。
    We are entangling ourselves in matters alien from our subjeet.
  • 通过努力她对这个陌生且迷惑的世界有了一知识。
    By her own efforts she had managed to make some sense of an alien and confusing world.
  • 日常接触,要是气冲冲的或是使人反感的,那便会减少我们生活的乐趣,要是它们令人愉快,那便会使我们精神振奋。
    These daily encounters, when they are angry or alien, diminish our lives. When they are pleasant, we feel buoyed.
  • 但是有种子的果树很难控制,因为花粉传播的太远了,一其它种类的树木就会不可避免地弄乱此基因库。
    But seed orchards are difficult to control, because tree pollen spreads so far that alien, non-elite trees almost inevitably muddy the gene pool.
  • 他不但相貌有险恶,而且时时表现十足恶棍,最后简直竟与整个世界为敌。
    He [Saddam Hussein] not only looked a bit sinister, but at every turn acted the pure villain and finally managed to alienate virtually the entire world.
  • 他那反对校长的讲话更使他与一同事疏远了。
    His speech against the president alienated him still further from some of his colleagues.
  • 他对社会道德、习俗及宗教生活产生了强烈的想法并且态度坚定地疏远那与他交往的人。
    He developed strong opinions on social morality,customs and church life and alienated those he mixed with by an uncompromising attitude.
  • 现在出现的一问题,反映我们较长时间以来相当地脱离群众。
    The problems that are arising now show that we have been quite alienated from the people for a considerable time.
  • 他对社会道德、习俗及宗教生活产生了强烈的想法并且态度坚定地疏远那与他交往的人。
    He developed strong opinions on social morality, customs and church life and alienated those he mixed with by an uncompromising attitude.
  • 例如,有精神分裂症患者受到大麻的吸引,因为大麻可以缓解他们的隔绝感。
    Some schizophrenics, for example, are drawn to the drug because it eases their sense of alienation.
  • 现在有同志却超出资本主义的范围,甚至也不只是针对资本主义劳动异化的残余及其后果,而是说社会主义存在异化,经济领域、政治领域、思想领域都存在异化,认为社会主义在自己的发展中,由于社会主体自身的活动,不断产生异己的力量。
    Yet in discussing alienation some of our comrades go beyond capitalism; some even ignore the remaining alienation of labour under capitalism and its consequences. Rather, they allege that alienation exists under socialism and can be found in the economic, political and ideological realms, that in the course of its development socialism constantly gives rise to a force of alienation, as a result of the activities of the main body of the society.
  • 有一同志热衷于谈论人的价值、人道主义和所谓异化,他们的兴趣不在批评资本主义而在批评社会主义。
    They have only been interested in discussing humanism, the value of the human being, and alienation and in criticizing socialism, not capitalism.
  • 具有讽刺意味的是,这现代通讯工具也成为了让人感到彼此疏远的工具,它们让我们觉得远离了真实接触,让我们觉得更加需要真正的,人与人之间的接触。
    Ironically, these modern tools of communication can also be tools of alienation, making us feel so out of touch, so much more in need of real human contact.
  • 人大肆鼓吹西方的所谓“现代派”思潮,公开宣扬文学艺术的最高目的就是“表现自我”,或者宣传抽象的人性论、人道主义,认为所谓社会主义条件下人的异化应当成为创作的主题,个别的作品还宣传色情。
    Others loudly praise the "modern" schools of thought of the West, declaring that the supreme goal of literature and art is "self-expression", propagating the notions of abstract human nature and humanism and maintaining that man's alienation under socialist conditions should be the theme of creative works. A few produce pornography.
  • 小鸟每天晚上从觅食之地回来,停歇在岩石上过夜。
    Every day the small birds return form their feedinggrounds, alight on the rocks and settle down for the night.
  • 你能把这张桌子同那桌子排成一行吗?
    Could you align this table with those?
  • 请将这书放在书架上,和那上面的书对齐。
    Please align these books with those books on the shelf.
  • 小猫看上去一模一样--你怎麽能分出哪个是哪个?
    These kittens look exactly alike how can you tell which is which?
  • 在大家作同一想法的地方,等于一个也没多想一
    Where all think alike, no one think very much.
  • 使变质改变(蛋白质的)结构,例如通过加热、加碱、加酸等等,以减少或消除(蛋白质)原有的某特性,尤指其生物特性
    To alter the structure of(a protein), as with heat, alkali, or acid, so that some of its original properties, especially its biological activity, are diminished or eliminated.
  • 白毛茛碱一种有毒的白色的碱,c21h21no6,提炼自白毛茛的根,以前在某地区用于治疗粘膜炎
    A poisonous white alkaloid, C21H21NO6, obtained from the root of the goldenseal and formerly used locally to treat inflammation of mucous membranes.
  • 小孩对人都很有礼貌。
    e children are all things to all men.
  • 然而,世上总有某人视而不见中国的发展变化,不顾基本的事实,对中国知识产权保护现状妄加评论,说什么中国没有建立“充分、有效的知识产权制度”、缺乏承担国际义务的能力”。
    However, there remain some naysayers in the world seemingly willfully blind to China's development and transformation who incognizant of present realities pass improper judgements on the nation's current situation regarding intellectual property protection. They allege that China has not yet established a "full and effective intellectual property system," and that China "lacks the ability to undertake international obligations."
  • 据一有损他人格的言论声称他是叛徒。
    It is alleged against his character that he was a traitor.
  • 被告人辩解说从他的财物中找出来的那珠宝是别人栽赃陷害他的东西。
    The accused person alleged that the jewels that were found in his possession haft been planted on him by someone.
  • 再者,这律师说:如果政府可以冻结所谓的不义之财,则宪法所保障每名刑事被告都有使用律师的权利就会受到威胁。这种说理的方式乃是混淆视听。付律师费不必使用非分之财。
    Moreover, these lawyers say that the constitutional right of every criminal defendant to a lawyer is jeopardized if the Government can freeze allegedly tainted assets. This line of reasoning is a red herring. It is not necessary to use ill-got-ten gains to pay lawyers.
  • (我不把佛教的观念包括进去,因为这种观念太悲观了)这观念,由它们较深的讽喻的意义上说来,终究没有多少分别,尤其是在具有更精深的生物学和人类学的知识的现代人,给与它们以一种广义的解释的今日。
    (I do not include the Buddhist view because it is too sad. ) Deeper down in their allegorical sense, these views after all do not differ so much from one another, especially when the modern man with better biological and anthropological knowledge gives them a broader interpretation.
  • 把这部分演奏得再快一
    play this more allegretto.
  • 很抱歉,我对这东西过敏。
    I'm allergic to these things, sorry.
  • 不过有人对味精过敏。
    But some people are allergic to it.