  • 英国人在任何动乱的年代都要重温战时期的日子,那时人们都友好互助。
    In any troubled times, the British tend to hark back to wartime days, when people helped each other in a friendly spirit.
  • 他们的主要目标不在化解端、达成协议,而在于使人际关系复归和谐。
    Their primary goal is not a solution or an agreement to the dispute, but the restoration of a harmonious relationship.
  • 从前线撤回的军人喜欢看这部影片,毕竟讥讽嘲笑战的荒诞是他们一直采用的现实可行的自我保护法。《从军记》发行两天后查理与米尔德里德·哈利斯结婚。
    Being able to laugh at the insanity of war had been their only real defence. Two days after its release, Charlie married Mildred Harris, pretty in the same way as his first love Hetty Kelly.
  • 他当过一段时间的兵,本来有机会晋升,因与上尉发生执给泡汤了。
    He spent some time in the army but made a hash of his chances of becoming an officer by arguing with the captain.
  • 债务缠身;加入论中
    Got into debt; get into a hassle.
  • 这是activex最有力的强项之一:已有的大量已预制好activex控件能帮助开发人员以最短的时间和最少的论编制软件。
    This is one of ActiveX's biggest strengths: the existing pool of premade ActiveX controls that could help developers build programs with a minimum of time and hassle.
  • 他们的斗结下了私仇。
    Their fighting ended in personal hatred.
  • 年代的往事仍常浮现在我的脑海。
    The years of the war still haunt me.
  • 人人经常害怕战争。
    Everyone was haunted by the fear of war.
  • 站在钢萨雷斯一旁的卡斯特罗向聚集在哈瓦那卡尔.马克思剧院内5000名民众发表了他自上周结束的艾连之的艰苦而极富政治意义的历时7个月的战斗后首次公开讲话。
    Castro, who stood beside Gonzalez as he spoke to a 5,000- strong gathering at Havana's Karl Marx theater, was giving his first public speech since last week's end of the bitter and highly-politicized, 7-month battle over Elian.
  • 工会要求增加工资的斗是一场穷人与富人之间的斗
    The struggle of the trade unions for more pay was a struggle between the haves and the have-nots.
  • 我们的学校制度要求学生取一连串的a,因为我们的文化价值观强调卓越的经济成长,金钱和地位是每一个人追求的目标。
    The school system of reaching for As underlies the country's culture, which emphasises the chase for economic excellence where wealth and status are must-haves.
  • 他曾由于严重破坏联邦调查局有议的高科技电脑监视系统而入狱服刑。此后,警方禁止他进入离他最近的电子商店方圆50码之内的区域。
    One of the two best hackers on the planet,Stanley has been forbidden to get within 50 yards of the nearest electronics store after doing time for wreaking havoc on the FBI's controversial high tech cyber surveillance operations.
  • 彼得里后来被取消了冠军资格;海斯被宣布为获胜者。但这之前,英美两国官员为名次已经吵了一个小时,观众台上还爆发了冲突。
    Pietri was later disqualified in favor of Hayes,but only after British and U.S.officials argued for an hour and fights had broken out in the stands.
  • 列宁领导了反对机会主义的斗
    Lenin headed the struggle against opportunism.
  • 生态灭绝对自然环境的无意或有意的毁灭,如污染或战引起的破坏
    Heedless or deliberate destruction of the natural environment, as by pollutants or an act of war.
  • 取和平就必须反对霸权主义,反对强权政治。
    To work for peace one must oppose hegemony and power politics.
  • 这是一个美国与日本夺远东霸权的会议。
    It was a struggle between the United States and Japan for hegemony in the Far East.
  • 谁搞和平,我们就拥护;谁搞战和霸权,我们就反对。
    We support those who help maintain peace and oppose those who make war and who seek hegemony.
  • 政府看来希望用最经济的办法来维持美国的霸权。在它的梦想世界里,外交政策都会像海湾战一样——别人出钱,美国为所欲为。
    The Administration's apparent aspiration is to retain American hegemony on the cheap. In its dream world foreign policy would all be like the gulf war-everyone else would pay and America would have its way.
  • 中国在毛泽东主席和周恩来总理领导的时候,就强调反对超级大国的霸权主义,并认为霸权主义是战的根源。因为我们讲的战不是小打小闹,是世界战
    In the days when Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou were leading the country, China was already strongly opposed to superpower hegemony, regarding it as the source of war, by which we meant not local war but potential world war.
  • 在那种异常紧张的战环境中,内部发现坏人,提高警惕是必要的。
    In the exceptionally tense wartime conditions that then prevailed, when bad elements were discovered within our ranks, it was necessary to heighten our vigilance.
  • 更要激励民族气节,反对动摇变节,提高对敌斗的勇气,树立必胜信念。
    It is even more important to arouse people's national integrity, oppose vacillation and treason, heighten their courage to fight the enemy and foster their confidence in victory.
  • 这种小资产阶级的个人主义者,当然不愿意歌颂革命人民的功德,鼓舞革命人民的斗勇气和胜利信心。
    Of course, such petty-bourgeois individualists are unwilling to eulogize the deeds and virtues of the revolutionary people or heighten their courage in struggle and their confidence in victory.
  • 号召群众购买公债,发展合作社,调剂粮食,巩固金融,发展贸易,号召他们为着这些口号而斗,把群众的热情提高起来。
    We should appeal to the people to subscribe to bonds, develop co-operatives, regulate food supplies, consolidate finances and promote trade; We should call upon them to fight for these slogans and should heighten their enthusiasm.
  • 在我党我军内部,只有坚持对顽固派的斗,才能振奋精神,发扬勇气,团结干部,扩大力量,巩固军队和巩固党。
    Within our own Party and army, persistence in the struggle against the die-hards is the only way to heighten our fighting spirit, give full play to our courage, unite our cadres, increase our strength and consolidate our army and Party.
  • 领导农民的土地斗,分土地给农民;提高农民的劳动热情,增加农业生产;保障工人的利益;建立合作社;发展对外贸易;解决群众的穿衣问题,吃饭问题,住房问题,柴米油盐问题,疾病卫生问题,婚姻问题。
    We must lead the peasants' struggle for land and distribute the land to them, heighten their labour enthusiasm and increase agricultural production, safeguard the interests of the workers, establish co-operatives, develop trade with outside areas, and solve the problems facing the masses -- food, shelter and clothing, fuel, rice, cooking oil and salt, sickness and hygiene, and marriage.
  • 现在工农兵面前的问题,是他们正在和敌人作残酷的流血斗,而他们由于长时期的封建阶级和资产阶级的统治,不识字,无文化,所以他们迫切要求一个普遍的启蒙运动,迫切要求得到他们所急需的和容易接受的文化知识和文艺作品,去提高他们的斗热情和胜利信心,加强他们的团结,便于他们同心同德地去和敌人作斗
    The problem facing the workers, peasants and soldiers is this: they are now engaged in a bitter and bloody struggle with the enemy but are illiterate and uneducated as a result of long years of rule by the feudal and bourgeois classes, and therefore they are eagerly demanding enlightenment, education and works of literature and art which meet their urgent needs and which are easy to absorb, in order to heighten their enthusiasm in struggle and confidence in victory, strengthen their unity and fight the enemy with one heart and one mind.
  • 你又一直在与海伦吵吗?
    Have you been sparring with Helen again?
  • 是战使亨利和海伦见面的。
    Henry and Helen were chucked together by the war.
  • 一开始,地狱便打开。
    When war begins, then hell openeth.
  • 敌之财政和经济已开始表现其竭蹶状态,人民和士兵的厌战情绪已开始发生,战指导集团的内部已开始表现其“战的烦闷”,生长着对于战前途的悲观。
    Signs of exhaustion are beginning to appear in his finances and economy war-weariness is beginning to set in among his people and troops and within the clique at the helm of the war, "war frustrations" are beginning to manifest themselves and pessimism about the prospects of the war is growing.