Chinese English Sentence:
  • 定的条件下,先前受到抑制的条件反应会重新出现。
    in certain conditions previously inhibited conditioned reactions can reappear.
  • 侍者端著满满盘饭菜回到他的桌边。
    The waiter reappear at his side with a loaded tray.
  • 个小时后,营救队的小船从迷雾中出现,村民们欢呼着跑去迎接他们。
    An hour later, the rescue boat reappeared through the fog and the cheering villagers ran to greet them.
  • 当消防员手里抱着孩子再次出现并准备降到地面时,众人放心地松了口气。
    A sigh of relief arose from the crowd as the fireman reappeared with the child in his arms and prepared to descend.
  • 当这两个人个多月后再度露面时,探险队里每个人都对他们竟然没什么变化而感到惊讶。
    As soon as the two reappeared after being absent for over a month , everyone in the expedition was surprised to find them so little changed.
  • 在《盗甲》剧中以五张桌子高度翻腾而下,令人叫绝,重现《鼓上蚤》时迁的英姿。
    In the Kunju Opera, Shi Qian Stole The Armor, he turned a somersault form the top of five tables in hight and reappeared Shi Qian's heroic bearing.
  • 伴随着个人或种情景的再现的有旋律的片段。
    a melodic phrase that accompanies the reappearance of a person or situation (as in Wagner's operas).
  • 这是美国50年代麦卡锡主义幽灵的重现,是美国些反华政客仇视中国发展和强大的变态心理的表现。
    It marks the reappearance of McCarthyism, active in the United States during the 1950s, and reflects the aberrant personality of some American politicians hostile to China's development and becoming powerful.
  • 人们意外发现了梦露18岁时拍摄的已有50个年头的录像和录音,这让人们进步深入了解了梦露的内心世界:她悄悄地为孤儿捐赠慈善礼物,渴望赢得宗教和社会容忍。
    The unexpected reappearance of a 50?year?old home movie, shot in Monroe's late teens,give a unique insight into her secret charitable gifts to orphans and to a desire to campaign for religious and social tolerance.
  • 我真的很需要张身份卡,我可以再申请张吗?
    I really do need an ID card. May I reapply for a new one?
  • 我们要求三几年内调整、安排好各级领导班子(包括党支部)的、二、三把手。
    We are asking that the replacement or reappointment of the top three comrades in leading groups at all levels (including Party branches) be completed within about three years.
  • 每星期下午两点钟,我和博要去密尔沃基东北方向的银泉康复中心,为住在那里的老年人进行小时宠物治疗。
    On Monday afternoons at two o’clock,Beau and I would arrive at the Silver Spring Convalescent Center on Milwaukee’s northeast side of town for an hour of pet therapy with the seniors who lived there.
  • 十八世纪的场运动,宣扬在对公认观点和社会制度的重新估价中运用理性。
    a movement in the 18th century that advocated the use of reason in the reappraisal of accepted ideas and social institutions.
  • 徐:我们还空了几个下午,以便在洽谈的间隙时间让您到青岛的各处看下。
    And we have left some afternoons free for you to see the sights of Qingdao between talks.
  • 条船的后面那部分。
    the rear part of a ship.
  • 飞机后面的那部分。
    the rear part of an aircraft.
  • 斯努克斯夫人每星期下午在家见客。
    Lady Snooks receives on Monday afternoons.
  • 琼斯夫人星期下午接见客人。
    Lady Jones receives on Monday afternoons.
  • 星期六的下午象闪电样转瞬即逝!
    Saturday afternoons go by like lightning!
  • 我的车被辆卡车追了尾
    My car was rear-ended by a truck.
  •  中国现阶段的孤儿的监护养育办法是:部分由国家和集体举办社会福利事业单位集中监护养育,直至他们长大成人,对监护养育的痴呆和重残孤儿实行终身供养;
    These are the ways that orphans are reared under guardianship in China: social welfare institutions set up by the government or collectives oer guardianship and rearing to some of the orphans till their adult age and give life support to idiotic and seriously disabled orphans under their care;
  • 中国现阶段的孤儿的监护养育办法是:部分由国家和集体举办社会福利事业单位集中监护养育,直至他们长大成人,对监护养育的痴呆和重残孤儿实行终身供养;
    These are the ways that orphans are reared under guardianship in China: social welfare institutions set up by the government or collectives offer guardianship and rearing to some of the orphans till their adult age and give life support to idiotic and seriously disabled orphans under their care;
  • 她在只用种语言的环境中长大。
    she had been reared monolingually.
  • 生产上发生了个新问题。
    A new problem has reared up in production.
  • 星期一下午怎么样?
    What about Monday afternoon?
  • 我们游泳游了个下午。
    We swam all afternoon.
  • 生产中出现了个新问题。
    A new problem has been reared up in production.
  • 他们游泳游了个下午。
    They swam all afternoon.
  • 虚度一个下午
    Idle the afternoon away.
  • 见驰近的火车就用后腿直立起来了。
    The horse reared up at the sight of the coming train.
  • 面抚养孩子面做份全职工作
    Coping with child rearing and a full-time job.
  • 而三月六日蒋介石的反共演说和参政会的反共决议,则是此次反共高潮的退兵时的战。
    the rearguard actions are his anti-Communist speech of March 6 and the anti-Communist resolution of the People's Political Council.