  • 鈣土含豐富腐殖質的一種很的地表土,産於俄羅斯歐洲部分的草原地區等幹旱溫涼地帶
    A very black topsoil, rich in humus, typical of cool to temperate semiarid regions, such as the grasslands of European Russia.
  • 人住宅區南非政府指定的十個由人居住的半自治領地
    Any of the ten regions designated by South Africa as semiautonomous territorial states for the Black population.
  • 本屆奧運會半决賽上巴西隊淘汰了兩屆奧運會冠軍美國隊,决賽中他們擊敗馬荷蘭隊,從而成為第一支獲重大比賽冠軍的南美球隊。
    This time they ousted twice Olympic champion the U. S. in the semifinal, and went on to beat darkhorse the Netherlands in the final, thus to become the first South American team to win a major world tournament.
  • 夜小禮服、晚餐服男式的禮服外套,通常是色,有亞麻的或粗絲綢的翻領,在正式或半正式場合穿着
    A man's dress jacket, usually black with satin or grosgrain lapels, worn for formal or semiformal occasions.
  • 你看人傢的媒體,為了競爭和生存,出盡法寶,花招百出,動不動就給你“顔色”——紅的、黃的、灰的和的都有,相比之下,我們的確是遜“色”多了。
    Just look at their counterparts in other countries, they would say. For survival and success, the media out there would balk at nothing and resort to everything, with products representing a wide spectrum of contents and styles, ranging from the radical red through the sensational yellow and undefinable grey down to the dubious black. Our domestic media, they lament, just pale by comparison.
  • 以足以使人暈倒的一擊使這個可憐的傢夥失去了知覺;巨大的冒着煙的爆炸。
    laid the poor fellow senseless with one stunning blow; a stunning detonation with volumes of black smoke.
  • 然而不管這個工作多麽艱苦,不管謝遼日卡的命令多麽混亂,可是到下午三點鐘,貝斯特良卡河上已經有個滿是水的大圓圈了。
    But, hard as the work is and senseless as Seryozhka’s commands are, by three o’clock there is a large circle of dark water in the Bystryanka.
  • 鉑????印像法以前用來製作攝影照片的方法,它使用精的微細沉澱的鉑????和一種鐵????感光液中製成鉑的照片
    A process formerly used for making photographic prints, using a finely precipitated platinum salt and an iron salt in the sensitizing solution to produce prints in platinum black.
  • 她的頭髮更顯出她皮膚的白皙。
    Her black hair accentuated the whiteness of her skin.
  • 她那烏的頭髮更襯托出她潔嫩的皮膚。
    Her black hair accentuated the delicateness of her skin.
  • 在這片地勢起伏的森林中,高大的冷杉和美國鬆隨處可見,但與巨大的紅杉相比,它們看起來都如小枝小條一般。
    The rugged forest is crowded with large fir trees and tall lodgepole pines,but they all look like puny twigs compared to the giant sequoia.
  • 基督時期統治羅馬的提比略年輕而又沉靜。他的雕像被海藻産生的硫磺嚴重地腐蝕了。
    What may be the portrait of a young and still serene Tiberius, who reigned during the time of Christ, has been badly blackened by sulfur produced by algae.
  • 素由鬆果體産生且來自血清素的一種激素,能刺激兩棲動物和爬行動物表皮顔色的變化,但這種激素的作用對哺乳動物不明顯
    A hormone derived from serotonin and produced by the pineal gland that stimulates color change in the epidermis of amphibians and reptiles but whose function in mammals is not clear.
  • 僕人給他的靴子擦鞋油。
    The servant blacked his boots.
  • 斯陀夫人小說中人奴隸人物。
    a servile black character in a novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe.
  • 一個用於那些對白種人卑躬屈節的人的輕衊的稱呼。
    contemptuous name for a Black man who is abjectly servile and deferential to Whites.
  • 美國中部的一種延齡草,花無柄、紫色。
    trillium of central United States having dark purple sessile flowers.
  • 被新教牧師廣泛穿着的一種色學袍。
    black academic gown widely used by Protestant clergymen.
  •  (二)運動員自備護齒、護襠及兩套比賽服裝(紅色和色各一套)。
    8.2 Competitors must prepare and bring gum-shield and jockstrap and two sets of costumes on their own: one set of black and one set of red costumes.
  • 一種高大的澳洲金合歡屬植物,出産價值昂貴的色木材。
    tall Australian acacia yielding highly valued black timber.
  • 當我們尋找這種洞候選體時,所有這些都必須考慮進去。
    When looking for black hole candidates, all these things are taken into ac count.
  • 太初,上帝始創天地時,大地混沌一片,是個無邊無際的暗深淵,強風於水面颳掠。
    In the beginning of creation, when God made heaven and earth, the earth was without form and void, with darkness over the face of the abyss, and a mighty wind that swept over the surface of the waters.
  • 大約在他去世一年零五個月以前.在一個紀念為人的自由而奮戰獻身的人們而建造的公墓落成典禮上。
    About seventeen months before his death, at the opening of a memorial to the many men who lost their lives fighting for the
  • 大約在他去世一年零五個月以前,在一個紀念為人的自由而奮戰獻身的人們而建造的公墓落成典禮上
    About seventeen months before his death, at the opening of a memorial to the many men who lost their lives fighting for the black
  • 在英國,17到18世紀期間,化妝成了慣例。所有上流社會的婦女臉部都化了妝,眉毛畫
    In England it was the custom, during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, for all ladies of fashion to paint their faces and to bracken their eyebrows.
  • 儘管對科幻小說的作者和嗜讀這類小說的人來說,已是陳腔老調,大衆對這個問題的興趣驟增。五月份生活雜志有一篇長文專門討論開闢另外星球的想法。封面是一幅巨形火星照片,火星周圍漆一片。照片上邊寫着耀眼的幾個字:“人類下一個居所”。電臺脫口秀也不停地討論這個問題。
    Popular interest in the topic has soared, even though it is old stuff to science fiction authors and fans. Life magazine in May devoted a long article to the terraforming idea. Its cover carried a large photo of Mars surrounded by inky blackness, "Our Next Home" emblazoned above the photo. Radio talk shows are abuzz with the topic.
  • 沒有或者部分沒有燈光或者光亮;被遮住的、色的或者顔色陰暗的。
    devoid or partially devoid of light or brightness; shadowed or black or somber-colored.
  • 我和你在暗中漫步.身雖近但心已遠.陰影在笑着而秘密還沒揭露.我須知你的心路.-------《thecolourofthenight》
    You and I moving in the dark. Bodies close but souls apart. Shadowed smiles and secrets unrevealed. I need to know the way you feel
  • 街道成蔭的一側;池塘的表面暗、緑樹成蔭;我們坐在緑樹成蔭的峽𠔌裏的岩石上;涼爽、緑樹成蔭的林地。
    the shady side of the street; the surface of the pond is dark and shadowed; we sat on rocks in a shadowy cove; cool umbrageous woodlands.
  • 第三章夜間黑影英文
    CHAPTER III The Night Shadows
  • 暗中蝙蝠飛翔的鬼影
    Ghostly shadows of bats flitting about in the dark
  • 沒有被陰影變得暗或者朦朧。
    not darkened or obscured by shadow.