Chinese English Sentence:
  • 硬脂和棕榈的不溶的钙盐,在肥皂与含有钙离子的水混合时形成,是硬水地区产生的浮渣。
    an insoluble calcium salt of stearic acid and palmitic acid; it is formed when soap is mixed with water that contains calcium ions and is the scum produced in regions of hard water.
  • 生长于非洲西部和热带美洲的沿海的微咸水域;因其是丹宁的来源,在当地占有重要地位。
    shrub to moderately large tree that grows in brackish water along the seacoasts of western Africa and tropical America; locally important as a source of tannin.
  • 柠檬的结晶体,用作调味品。
    crystals of citric acid used as seasoning.
  • 铜绿在长期放置于空气或海水中的铜、黄铜和青铜上形成的绿锈或硫铜、氯化铜的沉淀物
    A green patina or crust of copper sulfate or copper chloride formed on copper, brass, and bronze exposed to air or seawater for long periods of time.
  • 我们有辣汤和紫菜汤。
    We've got hot and sour soup and seaweed soup.
  • 混有橙和柠檬汁的龙舌兰酒和具有甜味的香槟酒。
    tequila and triple sec with lime and lemon juice.
  • 在马萨诸塞州北安普顿市的一家出售二手服装的店里,我和我14岁的儿子约翰同时盯上了那件大衣。它就挂在衣架上,夹在劣质的军用风雨衣和各式各样寒的羊毛大衣当中,然而它却像荆棘丛中的一朵玫瑰。
    My l4-year-old son, John, and I spotted the coat simultaneously. It was hanging on a rack at a secondhand clothing store in Northampton Mass, crammed in with shoddy trench coats and an assortment of sad, woolen overcoats -- a rose among thorns.
  • 一个基因是dna(脱氧核糖核)上面的一个小段。
    A gene is a short segment of DNA.
  • 茅草枯一种有机,c3h4cl2o2,用作一种除草剂,有选择地除去草和别的单子叶植物
    An organic acid, C3H4Cl2O2, used as a herbicide that selectively kills grasses and other monocotyledons.
  • 药物洗发精会有些帮助,如含有锌的硫化铁矿物质或含有硒的硫化物,甚至含有焦油和水杨的强力洗发精。
    Medicated shampoos will help, including zine pyrithione or selenium sulphide, and even stronger shampoos containing tar or salicylic acid.
  • 他不小心将液溅了一脸,他的一只眼也许要瞎了。
    He accidentally splashed acid in his face and he may lose his sight in one eye.
  • 钙层土半干燥和干燥地区含丰富碳钙和氧化钙的土壤
    A soil of semiarid and arid regions that is rich in calcium carbonate and lime.
  • 干旱或半干旱地区的底土因碳钙作用而形成的硬层。
    crust or layer of hard subsoil encrusted with calcium-carbonate occurring in arid or semiarid regions.
  • 正如1897年电子的发现是20世纪里的惊人的事件一样,1953年詹姆斯·沃森突发奇想,对弗朗西斯·克里克说出了四种核如何能配对形成dna(脱氧核糖核)分子能自复制的密码--这一事件为21世纪播撒下了种子。
    Just as the discovery of the electron in 1897 was a seminal event for the 20th century,the seeds for the 21st century were spawned in 1953,when James Watson blurted out to Francis Crick how four nucleic acids could pair to form the self? copying code of a DNA molecule.
  • 脂肪,油脂柔软的、固态的或半固态的有机成分,包括甘油酯、脂肪以及它们的衍生有机成分
    Any of various soft, solid, or semisolid organic compounds constituting the esters of glycerol and fatty acids and their associated organic groups.
  • 激酶能催化施体,例如,adp或atp中的磷酯转化给接受体的各种酶
    Any of various enzymes that catalyze the transfer of a phosphate group from a donor, such as ADP or ATP, to an acceptor.
  • 一种炸药,含有硝盐,用被木质纸浆吸收的硝化甘油引爆。
    an explosive containing nitrate sensitized with nitroglycerin absorbed on wood pulp.
  • 核酸的顺序分析
    DNA and RNA sequencing
  • 但是,成年人一般每天食用几份以下4类主要食品便可达到饮食均衡。它们是:奶制食品2份或更多(牛奶、奶酪、奶以及其他奶制食品);
    But adults can generally get a balanced diet by including several servings daily from the four main food groups: two or more from the milk group (milk,cheese,yogurt,and other dairy foods);
  • 维兰德,亨利希1877-1957德国化学家,因研究胆汁获1927年诺贝尔奖
    German writer and translator whose works include ornate poetry, novels, such as the satire Republic of Fools(1774), and translations of many Shakespearian plays.
  • 在提炼油页岩的过程中回收的硫氨液比过去多了。
    More ammonium sulphate solution is being recovered in the process of dis- tiUing shale oil.
  • 像荷兰辣酱一样的沙司,用白葡萄酒、龙蒿和青葱代替柠檬汁做成。
    hollandaise-like sauce made with white wine and tarragon and shallots instead of lemon juice.
  • 黄色炸药任一种强有力的炸药,由硝化甘油或硝氨与可爆剂量的易吸收的媒体如木浆及抗剂,如碳钙混合而成。用于爆炸和采矿中
    Any of a class of powerful explosives composed of nitroglycerin or ammonium nitrate dispersed in an absorbent medium with a combustible dope, such as wood pulp, and an antacid, such as calcium carbonate, used in blasting and mining.
  • 膨润土,斑脱土由火山灰形成的一种具有吸附能力的铝硅盐粘土,用于各种粘合剂、水泥和陶瓷填料
    An absorbent aluminum silicate clay formed from volcanic ash and used in various adhesives, cements, and ceramic fillers.
  • 充满石蕊的吸水纸;遇变红遇碱变蓝。
    absorbent paper full of litmus; it is turned red by acids and blue by alkalis.
  • 由火山灰形成的一种具有吸收能力的铝硅盐粘土。
    an absorbent aluminum silicate clay formed from volcanic ash.
  • 碳链不能再吸收更多氢的脂肪,主要存在于动物脂肪中。
    a fatty acid whose carbon chain cannot absorb any more hydrogen; found chiefly in animal fats.
  • 碳链能再吸收更多氢的脂肪
    a fatty acid whose carbon chain can absorb additional hydrogen.
  • 抗干旱的亚洲象树的灌木,长有性的小的可食用的果实,通常被用在冰冻果子露中。
    drought-resistant Asiatic treelike shrub bearing pleasantly acid small red edible fruits commonly used in sherbets.
  • 疱疹病毒一种含有脱氧核糖核的动物病毒之一,可在寄生细胞的核内形成有特色的内含物实体,从而引起如木痘、传染性单核细胞增多症,单纯性疱疹和带状疱疹
    Any of a group of DNA-containing animal viruses that form characteristic inclusion bodies within the nuclei of host cells and cause diseases such as chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis, herpes simplex, and shingles.
  • 我的母亲停止给我寄钱之后,我的日子过得非常寒
    I've been living on a shoestring since my mother stopped sending me money.
  • 我肩膀酸痛。
    My shoulders are stiff.