  • 像派特和迈克、拉斯特斯和菲斯特斯、醉酒的牧师、波兰新郎和傻金发女子——所有这些都到了禁止,至少是在公共场合。
    Pat and Mike, Rastus and Festus, the drunk priest, the Polish bridegroom, the silly blonde -all are now off-limits, at least in public.
  • 她将首次代表国家参赛, 这是破题儿第一.
    This will be her first match for her country; she hasn't yet been blooded.
  • 当我打电话给他时到他的断然拒绝。
    I suffered a blunt refusal when I called him.
  • 工联大会的训示直截了当地警告说:“在工资要求方面若不遵循工会规章,则有大批人解雇的危险。”
    The TUC message will warn bluntly: "Either toe the line on wage demands or risk massive unemployment."
  • 被记者描述成“由螺钉钉起来的旧桶”——理想x号,遇大西洋强风袭击后,船上的珍贵货物是否能安全抵达呢?
    Would the valuable cargoes themselves arrive undamaged after the Ideal X, described by a reporter as an “old bucket of bolts”, had been buffeted by Atlantic gales?
  • 新闻发布会上那位发言人到了连珠炮般的发问。
    The spokesman was bombarded with questions on the press conference.
  • 他们的阵地受敌人炮火轰击了整整一周,直至他们被迫投降。
    For a whole week, their positions were bombarded with enemy shells until they were forced to yield.
  • 城市到轰炸时,儿童都疏散到乡下去了。
    The children is evacuate to the country when the city is is bombe.
  • 上次大战期间伦敦到猛烈轰炸。
    London was heavily bombed during the last war.
  • 这座村庄因掩护敌人士兵而到报复性轰炸。
    The village was bombed in revenge for protecting enemy soldiers.
  • 城市到轰炸时,儿童都疏散到乡下去了。
    The children evacuated to the country when the city was bombed.
  • 城市到轰炸时,儿童都疏散到乡下去了.
    The children were evacuated to the country when the city was being bombed.
  • 医院到了轰炸,汉斯就步行回到了西德。
    The hospital had been bombed and Hans had made his way back into Western Germany on foot.
  • 南锡法国东北部一城市,位于巴黎东部。公爵领地和洛雷恩地区的首府,该城于1766年移交法国。在二战中受猛烈的轰炸。人口96,317
    A city of northeast France east of Paris. The capital of the duchy and region of Lorraine, the city passed to France in1766. It was heavily bombed in World War II. Population,96, 317.
  • 他们家的房子在轰炸中到了严重损坏。
    Their house was badly cut up in the bombing.
  • 首相的演讲遭喝倒彩.
    The Prime Minister's speech was greeted with boos and jeers.
  • 在经济衰退期,因为许多公司破产倒闭,所以财产管理人的事业心兴旺发达——一家得利而另一家殃。
    Business was booming for the official receiver as many companies went bankrupt during the recession – one man's meat is another man's poison.
  • 实行抵押贷款的主要原因是当借款人在贷款到期日不愿或无力偿还贷款时,可减少银行受损失的风险。
    The main reason for secured loans is to reduce the bank risk of loss if the borrower is unwilling or unable to repay the loan at maturity.
  • 我希望这张支票别退票
    I hope this cheque doesn't bounce.
  • 这类补助看来好象是对英国出口事业的鼓励,而德国工业却到了莫大损害。
    These subsidies acted like a bounty on exportation in favour of the English, and were detrimental to the German manufactories.
  • 她因受挫折而意气消沈。
    She was bowed with frustration.
  • 它们有助于排除肠道内的毒素,制造维生素b,并且能够有效控制酵母菌和不受欢迎的细菌的生长。然而抗生素会使它们到破坏。
    Both help to detoxify the bowel, manufacture B vitamins and keep yeasts and undesirable bacteria in check, but are damaged by antibiotics.
  • 20世纪末,烤炉不仅作为日常用品代替了面包罐,而且还成了一种计量标准,通常是为了达到幽默的效果(“我们到了烤炉般大小的蚊子的袭击”)。
    In the late 20th century the toast. er oven replaced the breadbox both as a domestic appliance and as a standard unit of volume, often for humorous references. ("We were attacked by mosquitoes the size of toaster ovens. ")
  • 该货受严重破损的原因是什么?
    What is the cause of the serious breakage the goods sustain?
  • 部长的演说到了抨击.
    The Minister's speech was greeted with brickbats.
  • 她认为一个人要是做坏事,死后就得受地狱里的磨难。
    She think that one will suffer fire and brimstone after death if he have do wrong.
  • 使遭厄运
    To bring bad luck to.
  • 南希听到好母亲所到的待遇时非常生气。
    Nancy bristled up when she heard how her mother had been treated.
  • 南希听到她母亲所到的待遇时气得毛发倒竖。
    Nancy bristled with anger when she heard how her mother had been treated.
  • 约翰曾到女友的抛弃,后来才认识了南希。
    John's girl friend brushed him off before he met Nancy.
  • 人民多年受野蛮制度压迫。
    The people have been kept down for years by a brutal regime.
  • 人民多年受野蛮制度压迫。
    The people have is keep down for year by a brutal regime.