  • 齿轮的嵌齿一系列齿之一,如在轮或齿轮的边缘上的,其啮合传输续的运动力到相应的轮或齿轮上
    One of a series of teeth, as on the rim of a wheel or gear, whose engagement transmits successive motive force to a corresponding wheel or gear.
  • 从存储器最大可寻址单元返转到第一可寻址单元续进行的一种操作。
    The continuation of an operation from the maximum addressable location in storage to the first addressable location.
  • 此外,由于公对公电子商务爆炸性地发展,业务上的供应商和客户基本上也成了你的合作伙伴,通过电子神经系统与你的公司相
    Additionally, as business-to-business commerce explodes, business suppliers and customers essentially become your partners, connected by an electronic nervous system to your company.
  • 我的歌喉太没味儿,我甚至自己的书房里都不敢引吭高歌。
    My singing voice is so awful that I daren’t even let rip in my study.
  • 渐增的通过续增加而增长或扩大的
    Increasing or enlarging by successive addition.
  • 续增加的方式增多。
    increasing by successive addition.
  • 此举对全国的律师工资产生了锁反应。
    That move, in turn, has had a ripple effect on lawyers' salaries across the country.
  • 如同政府最高情报分析家去年夏天对导弹发展所建议的那样,一个国家导弹防御系统的部署将引起"一系列的不稳定的政治和军事锁反应。
    As the government's top intelligence analyst on missile proliferation suggested last summer,deployment of an NMD system would set off “ an unsettling series of political and military ripple effects.
  • 首先,执政了55年的中国国民党因为党内分裂,宋楚瑜和战鹬蚌相争,最终国民党输掉了大选,民进党候选人陈水扁以略微多数的优势当选,这是公认不争的事实。
    First of all, the Nationalist Party of China which had ruled Taiwan for 55 years, was defeated in the election at last. It is now indisputable that the in-fighting between James Soong and Lien Chan within KMT made it possible for Chen Shui-bian, presidential candidate of the ro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), to come to power with a narrow margin of majority votes.
  • 像用绳子一样接起来。
    add as if on a string.
  • 红磡绕道及公主道接路已在一九九六年三月开始施工,将红磡接至尖沙咀东,并有一组高架道路系统接公主道及漆咸道。
    The construction of the Hung Hom Bypass and Princess Margaret Road Link started in March 1996. This will connect Hung Hom and Tsim Sha Tsui East with a system of elevated roads linking with Princess Margaret Road and Chatham Road.
  • 基础建设工程现正进行,包括兴建两条主干路(红磡绕道及公主道接路),工程将于一九九九年年中完成。
    Engineering infrastructure, including two trunk roads (the Hung Hom Bypass and Princess Margaret Road Link), is being built for completion in mid-1999.
  • 两条道路在此连接。
    Two roads connect here.
  • 但是,即使他的眼睛在雾和雨、在闪动的灯光、路旁晃动着退走的树篱前睁了开来,车外夜里的黑影也会跟车内的一串黑影会合在一起。
    Yet even when his eyes were opened on the mist and rain, on the moving patch of light from the lamps, and the hedge at the roadside retreating by jerks, the night shadow's outside the coach would fall into the train of the night shadows within.
  • 斜面,斜坡倾斜的表面或道路,接着不同的高度
    An inclined surface or roadway connecting different levels.
  • 同时由于接是无线的、信道频率是固定的,所以用户可以在覆盖区域内漫游,但仍保持着与局域网的接。
    And because the connectivity is wireless and channel frequencies are fixed, users can roam within the coverage area and still remain the connectivity.
  • 如果你看故事片,那么你就得戴上特制的眼镜才能看到立体影像——在这种情况下,戴的是液晶眼镜。这种液晶眼镜由一个接口与盒式录像机或30—cam接。
    If you see feature films, you must wear special glasses to see the 3-D images - in this case, liquid- crystal. This glasses are connected by an adapter to the VCR or the 3D-CAM.....
  • 将包含在winaip工具箱中的flex,8-portnode,iflexrfaip电缆适配器(p/n173891-01)接到rf模块上标有transpondertelemetryinterface的14-针插头式接器上。
    Connect the FLEX, 8-PORT NODE, IFLEX RF AIP Cable Adapter (P/N 173891-01) included in your WinAIP kit to the 14-pin male connector labeled transponder telemetry interface on the RF module.
  • 各种各样的语言珠炮似的在我耳边响起,根本听不懂他们在说些什么。
    The roar of many languages bombarding me seemed unintelligible -- just babble.
  • 将包含在winaip工具箱中的flex,8-portnode,iflexrfaip电缆适配器(p/n173891-01)接到rf模块上标有nmtinterface的14-针插头式接器上
    Connect the FLEX, 8-PORT NODE, IFLEX RF AIP Cable Adapter (P/N 173891-01) included in your WinAIP kit to the 14-pin male connector labeled NMT interface on the RF module.
  • 将包含在winaip工具箱中的flex,8-portnode,iflexrfaip电缆适配器(p/n173891-01)接到rf模块上标有transpondertelemetryinterface的14-针插头式接器上。
    Connect the FLEX, 8-PORT NODE, IFLEX RF AIP Cable Adapter (P/N 173891-01) included in your WinAIP kit to the14-pin male connector labeled transponder telemetry interface on the RF module.
  • 将flex,8-portnode,iflexrfaip电缆适配器的另一端直接接到、或是用接口电缆接到winaipinterfacebox的aip接器。
    Connect the other end of the FLEX, 8-PORT NODE, IFLEX RF AIP Cable Adapter directly to the AIP connector on the WinAIP Interface Box, or to the AIP connector using the Interface Cable.
  • 将navicornodeaip电缆适配器的另一端直接接到、或是用接口电缆接到winaipinterfacebox的aip接器上。
    Connect the other end of the NAVICOR NODE AIP Cable Adapter directly to the AIP connector on the WinAIP Interface Box, or to the AIP connector using the optional Interface Cable.
  • 将iflexpowersupplyaip电缆适配器的另一端直接接到、或是用接口电缆接到winaipinterfacebox的aip接器上。
    Connect the other end of the iflex power supply AIP Cable Adapter directly to the AIP connector on the WinAIP Interface Box, or to the AIP connector using the Interface Cable.
  • 将navicornodeaip电缆适配器的另一端直接接到、或是用接口电缆接到winaipinterfacebox的aip接器上。
    Connect the other end of the NAVICOR NODE AIP Cable Adapter directly to the AIP connector on the WinAIP Interface Box, or to the AIP connector using the Interface Cable.
  • 将iflexnodeaip电缆适配器的另一端直接接到、或是用接口电缆接到winaipinterfacebox的aip接器上。
    Connect the other end of the iFLEX Node AIP Cable Adapter directly to the AIP connector on the WinAIP Interface Box, or to the AIP connector using the Interface Cable.
  • 将xpndraip电缆适配器的另一端直接接到、或是用接口电缆接到winaipinterfacebox的aip接器。
    Connect the other end of the XPNDR AIP Cable Adapter directly to the AIP connector on the WinAIP Interface Box, or to the AIP connector using the Interface Cable.
  • 将包含在winaip工具箱中的navicornodeaip电缆适配器(p/n173986-01)接到gps接口板上标有cnmagent的22-针内孔式d接器。
    Connect the NAVICOR NODE AIP Cable Adapter (P/N 173986-01) included in your WinAIP kit to the 22-pin female D connector labeled CNM agent on the GPS interface board.
  • 将包含在winaip工具箱中的iflexpowersupplyaip电缆适配器(p/n173903-01)接到电源上标有nmtinterface的10-针内孔式d接器。
    Connect the iflex power supply AIP Cable Adapter (P/N 173903-01) included in your WinAIP kit to the 10-pin female D connector labeled nmt interface on the power supply.
  • 将包含在winaip工具箱中的navicornodeaip电缆适配器(p/n173986-01)接到接口板上标有cnmtransponder的22-针内孔式d接器上。
    Connect the NAVICOR NODE AIP Cable Adapter (P/N 173986-01) included in your WinAIP kit to the 22-pin female D connector labeled CNM TRANSPONDER on the interface board.
  • 将包含在winaip工具箱中的iflexnodeaip电缆适配器(p/n173898-01)接到光模块上标有nmtinterface的20-针内孔式d接器上。
    Connect the IFLEX Node AIP Cable Adapter (P/N 173898-01) included in your WinAIP kit to the 20-pin female D connector labeled nmt interface on the optic module.
  • 将包含在winaip工具箱中的xpndraip电缆适配器(p/n173976-01)接到应答器底部的22针插头式d接器。
    Connect the XPNDR AIP Cable Adapter (P/N 173976-01) included in your WinAIP kit to the 22pin male D connector on the bottom of the transponder.