  • 你们软饮料吗?
    Do you serve soft drinks?
  • 软盘和硬盘
    Floppy and Hard Disks
  • 吸管双壳体动物的吸管,如蛤
    The siphon of a bivalve mollusk, such as a clam.
  • 的货币、经济、市场
    A weak currency, economy, market
  • 上等腰肉牛排从腰肉的厚端切下的牛排,内含一块t形骨头及一块相当大的腰部
    A cut of beef taken from the thick end of the short loin, having a T-bone and a sizable piece of tenderloin.
  • 中等的那把又太了。
    And the middle-sized chair was very soft.
  • 花园里的泥土松肥沃。
    The earth in the garden is good, soft soil.
  • 件产品评价技术中,产品或服务满足规定需求或隐含需求的特征和特性的总和。注:在有合同的环境中,需求是在合同中规定的;而在其它环境中,则应对隐含需求进行验证和定义。
    In software product evaluation, the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. Note: In a contractual environment, needs are specified, whereas in other environments, implied needs should be identified and defined.
  • 天生骨治病;骨转变成骨导致侏儒。
    an inherited skeletal disorder beginning before birth; cartilage is converted to bone resulting in dwarfism.
  • 肌肉组织脊椎动物身体主要由骨骼肌和脂肪构成的组织,覆在骨骼上
    The soft tissue of the body of a vertebrate, covering the bones and consisting mainly of skeletal muscle and fat.
  • 主要由骨组织构成的骨架的
    Having a skeleton consisting mainly of cartilage.
  • 其骨骼由骨和骨组成的一个鱼纲。
    a class of fish having a skeleton composed of bone in addition to cartilage.
  • 骨鱼有一套骨架的骨鱼纲中的一种,包括鲨鱼、魟鱼和鳐鱼
    Any of the class Chondrichthyes, having a cartilaginous skeleton and including the sharks, rays, and skates.
  • sun公司宣布基于java的网络计算机(nc)和微公司急忙拼凑起来公布面向windows的装置,把客户分裂成三个阵营:基于javanc的拥护者、微的追随者和对两者极度的怀疑者。
    The announcement by Sun Microsystems. Inc. of a Java-based Network Computer (NC) and Microsoft Corp.'s quickly assembled disclosure of a Windows-oriented device divided customers into three camps -- believers in Java-based NCs, Microsoft's followers and those deeply skeptical of both.
  • 在与工作相关的场合中,最好不要穿开领很低或质地柔包身的裙子。
    For work- related events,it's better to skip the low-cut or slinky dress.
  • 婴儿的脑壳有些部分是骨。
    Babies have gristle in some parts of the skull.
  • 苹果饼和冻的味道好极了。
    The apple pie and custard are delicious.
  • ”因此,在削减成本以及保证研究开发资金用于的确可能产生效益的项目上的同时,gerstner已经开始逐步减少ibm对大型主机及pc机的收入依赖,作为替代,第强调了件和服务,这比那些五颜六色的机子能够产生高额利润。
    " So in addition to slashing costs and making sure that research-and-development money gets spent on something that might actually produce a profit, Gerstner has been gradually reducing IBM's dependence on both mainframes and PCs for revenue. In their place, he's emphasizing the development of software and services that can generate a higher return on capital than putty-colored boxes.
  • 用来在石板上书写的岩(或皂石)铅笔。
    a pencil of soft slate (or soapstone) used for writing on a slate.
  • 列车员:您现在坐的是卧车厢。
    Now you are in a soft-berth sleeper.
  • 列车员:不,它们称作硬座、座、硬卧和卧车厢。
    No. They are called hard-seat car, soft-seat car, hard-berth sleeper and soft-berth sleeper.
  • 外宾:硬卧车厢同卧车厢有什么区别?
    What's the difference between a hard berth sleeper and a soft-berth one?
  • 它控制着网上用户如何共享数据和数据库,以及用户如何存取中央硬盘上的数据和应用件的主拷备。
    It controls how data and database are shared among users on the network and how users access master copies of data and application software on the centralized hard disk.
  • 软泥或粘泥
    Soft mud or slime.
  • 由于细菌所导致的又又腐烂的一种疾病。
    mushy or slimy decay of plants caused by bacteria or fungi.
  • 软组织肿瘤
    tumors of soft tissue
  • 周皮木质根或干的外层组织,包括木形成层和形成层的产物,如
    The outer layers of tissue of woody roots and stems, consisting of the cork cambium and the tissues produced by it, such as cork.
  • 、肥胖的身体部位
    Soft, fatty body tissue.
  • 把(组织)变成骨结构
    To change(a tissue) into cartilage.
  • 类似印第安皮鞋的鞋
    Footwear resembling such a slipper.
  • 爱斯基摩式靴类似这种靴子的一种有后跟的拖鞋
    A slipper with a soft sole resembling this boot.
  • 印第安皮鞋一种传统上由美洲土著穿的皮便鞋
    A soft leather slipper traditionally worn by Native Americans.