  • 我给你随便两个吧!
    I will tell you two randomly.
  • 不幸,蓝迪[我的女婿]40岁时有了外遇,令我们的女儿受尽折磨。最后他同意两人一起去找婚姻顾问,现在他们他们的婚姻已重新纳入正轨。
    Unfortunately, when Randy [my daughter's husband] turned 40, he had an affair and put our daughter through hell. Finally, he agreed to go for joint counseling, and now they say their marriage is back on track.
  • 我第一次遇上我未来的女婿兰迪是在男式晚礼服出租店,当时我正在挑我的晚礼服与婚礼上穿的鞋子,仍然想不出来为什么我妻子要花800美元来买一套衣服,而我则被迫试穿很多人都已穿过的晚礼服和鞋子。这时有3个年轻人走进来与柜台后面的店员话,他们他们要挑一些"男式晚礼服"来出席教堂婚礼。
    I first met Randy, my son-in-law to be, at the tuxedo rental shop. I was picking up my tux and shoes for the wedding, still unable to figure out why my wife spent over eight hundred dollars on her dress when I'd be forced to wear a tux and shoes that numerous bodies had been inside, when three young men came in and spoke to the clerk behind the counter. They stated they were there to pick up their " monkey suits" for the Webster wedding.
  • 你外出时,有一位青年男子打电话找你。他过一会儿再打来。
    While you were out, a young man rang up inquiring for you. He said he would ring again later.
  • 他的教听起来很空洞。
    His preachings rang hollow.
  • 那位演者的话听上去不诚恳。
    The orator's words rang hollow.
  • 完这句话,她就把电话放下了。
    After she said this, she rang off.
  • 他名字也未就挂断了电话。
    He rang off without giving his name.
  • 她还介绍:"来参加孩子们的派对的还有一位护林员。他把许多野生的动物带到了垃圾场。
    "In addition to that we had a ranger bring live animals native to the landfill.
  • 有人,小布什的政治基础是建立在两个跳板上的:他的"骑警队"的名气和他于1980年、1984年、1988年和1992年在得州为他父亲所做的大量竞选工作。
    Someone said that Bush's political base was built on twin platforms: his Rangers celebrity and the prodigious campaigning he had done for his father throughout Texas in 1980,1984,1988 and 1992.
  • 她的读物范围很广,从诗歌到通俗小都读。
    Her reading is eclectic, ranging from poetry to hip slicks.
  • 他曾对政府官员咆哮,指责他们迫害他。
    There were tales of him ranging at the govermment officials he blamed for persecuting him.
  • 他还,这些软件从1.5万至10万美元的价格也可能是个障碍。
    Prices ranging from $15,000 to $100,000 can also be a barrier, he adds.
  •  常常受到批评的比尔盖茨有一次对媒体:“你们只指我赚钱的时候非常凶悍,为什么不讲我捐款的时候又是那么地慷慨?”
    For example, Bill Gates once told the media, "You criticise me for making profits aggressively, but why don't you present my generosity in giving donations?"
  • 不是你不要尽力竞争了,而是要按照游戏规则竞争。
    Not that you shouldn't compete as aggressively as possible, but you need to play by the rules.
  • 气势凌人而又持续的具有服力。
    aggressively and persistently persuasive.
  • “他们本来非常爱寻衅闹事,”她
    "They tended to be very aggressive," she says.
  • 这时一位巡官带着一名警察到了,她向他们诉她发现住房被窃的过程。
    Then a police inspector arrived with a constable and she told them of her discovery of the ransacked flat.
  • 警方昨天,小偷把九十一岁内科医生的诊所洗劫一空。在罪犯横行的哈莱姆区,诊所已所剩无几。
    Burglars ransacked the office of a 91-year-old physician who is one of the last private doctors left in crime-ravaged Harlem, police said yesterday.
  • 记得在波斯湾战争期间,一度有谣言伊拉克的胡先将对我国发射导弹,本地家庭主妇便纷纷囤积大米等基本必需品,将杂货店抢购一空。
    At one point during the Gulf War, many housewives here ransacked store shelves to stock up basic necessities like rice after hearing rumours that Saddam Hussein might fire missles at us.
  • 写信者,拉斯特斯很安全,如果拉姆奇夫人付给一千英镑的赎金,这只猫将被立即送回。
    The writer stated that Rastus was in safe hands and would be returned immediately if Mrs Ramsay paid a ransom of $1000.
  • 于塞她收到了"绑匪"索要"赎金"的匿名信,里面有详细指示和被绑架的"圣诞老人"的照片。
    Hussey said she took down the ransom note for the four-foot tall Santa and the notes contain instructions and include photographs of the missing Santa.
  • 据主人伊夫琳·于塞:"我的驯鹿还在那儿,可圣诞老人却不见了。"这伙小偷让她家为当地的食物储藏室募集罐头食品,作为圣诞节之前归还这个胶合板圣诞老人的条件。
    The group -- who have struck at the same family home before and demanded a similar ransom -- want the owners to collect canned goods for a food bank in return for getting their plywood Santa back before Christmas Day, Evelyn Hussey said.
  • 据主人伊夫琳·于塞:"我的驯鹿还在那儿,可圣诞老人却不见了。"这伙小偷让她家为当地的食物储藏室募集罐头食品,作为圣诞节之前归还这个胶合板圣诞老人的条件。这帮家伙以前也袭击过她家,索要的赎金跟这次差不多。
    The group -- who have struck at the same family home before and demanded a similar ransom -- want the owners to collect canned goods for a food bank in return for getting their plywood Santa back before Christmas Day, Evelyn Hussey said. "My reindeers are still there but Santa Claus is gone," Hussey said.
  • 老人怒气冲冲地叫嚷没人听他的意见。
    The old man rant that nobody pay any attention to his opinion.
  • 现实就是那些希望著作权保护期不再延长的人们不能仅仅进行反著作权的演,并期望事情有所转机。
    The reality is that those who want copyright term increases halted cannot simply spout anti-copyright rant and expect things to change.
  • [参议院]外交委员会听证会一开始,海尔姆斯参议员就大声疾呼俄国人可能欺骗——“实际上,他们目前正在欺骗。”
    As soon as the Foreign Relations Committee opened its hearings, Senator Jesse Helms began to rant and rave about the possibility that the Russians would cheat— "In fact, they are cheating right now."
  • 吹牛的夸夸其谈的或大话的
    Given to ranting or bombast.
  • 聒噪的精力旺盛的或者激昂演的人。
    a noisy and vigorous or ranting public speaker.
  • 激昂咆哮话的人;用激烈或很大声话的人。
    someone who rants and raves; speaks in a violent or loud manner.
  • 你不该吵吵嚷嚷地了这么多,詹金斯会认为你在指桑骂槐地数落他。
    You shouldn't have ranted on so much. Jenkins might have thought you were getting at him.
  • 唱艺人进行唱表演的人
    One who performs rap.