  • 可以按面值换回现金。
    Stamps can be redeemed at face value.
  • 现代编故事的人已经把这些形象编在了他们推销的从跑车到园中穿的木底鞋等每一样商品中,而且他们并不需要拼命推销。1991年的一份调查发现,只有16%的美国女孩天生是金头发,而80%的美国男孩喜欢她们甚过那些浅黑色或红头发的女孩。
    Modern storytellers have tapped into those images to sell everything from sports cars to gardening clogs.They don't need to push too hard:A 1991 study found that while only 16 percent of American girls are born blond,80 percent of American boys prefer them to brunets or redheads.
  • 钱请人重做了头发。
    She go to the expense of have her hair redone.
  • 线轴装上线和纱线以供抽丝、缝纫、编织或编制边的线轴或卷轴
    A spool or reel that holds thread or yarn for spinning, weaving, knitting, sewing, or making lace.
  • 你知道有人可以不假思索地告诉你答案,那么你为什么还要几小时的去查找《圣经》呢?
    Why spend hours searching for a Biblical reference when you know somebody that can probably give you the answer right off the reel?
  • 还有那斋堂,建筑师把它造得非同凡响,其气派、美观、瓣格子窗的壮丽,都像是主教堂似的;
    that refectory, upon which the architect had bestowed the air, the beauty, and the rose window of a cathedral;
  • 者有老眼症状的人
    A person affected with presbyopia.
  • 作为家在地中海地区广泛栽培的植物,叶墨绿色有银色斑点,下垂、白色或粉红色,有反折的瓣。
    Mediterranean plant widely cultivated as a houseplant for its showy dark green leaves splotched with silver and nodding white or pink to reddish flowers with reflexed petals.
  • 仙客来一种仙客来属的植物,特别是地中海沿岸的品种(仙客来仙客来属),作为室内盆栽植物被广泛种植,长有装饰性的叶子,并开有艳丽的、有反折瓣的各色
    Any of various plants of the genus Cyclamen, especially a Mediterranean species(C. persicum) widely cultivated as a houseplant, having decorative leaves and showy, variously colored flowers with reflexed petals.
  • 生感兴趣11月装运请报价。
    Interested peanut nov shipment pls quote.
  • 这座园使莫奈远离了人生的种种焦虑,得以自由地呼吸:人们在欣赏这些画的时候也会不由自主的进入一种安详的状态。
    The garden offered Monet the kind of refuge from the stress of daily life that many people share when looking at his paintings.
  • 五张数字连贯的扑克牌(不考虑色)。
    a poker hand with 5 consecutive cards (regardless of suit).
  • 对结果不重视;谚语中的蚱蜢——毫不顾及将来;脚步粗心的踩碎了朵。
    careless of the consequences; the proverbial grasshopper--thoughtless of tomorrow; crushing the blooms with regardless tread.
  • 正式的表册;登记表;(尤指)名单,名册
    Official list or register, esp of names
  • 调解、控制费和个人行为。
    regulating or controlling expenditure or personal behavior.
  • 空中的小生物如蝴蝶;蜂雀在丛中翩翩起舞;空气中的小微粒。
    small aerial creatures such as butterflies; the hummingbird's aerial dance among the flowers; aerial particles.
  • 今天,吴朱红的新译作《屋外有园》正在进行第一次联排,吴朱红特意赶到青年艺术剧院,观看排练。
    Today, Wu Zhuhong's latest work of translation,"Everything in the garden", is on a general dress rehearsal for the first time. Wu hurried up to the rehearsal site in the Youth Art Theatre to watching it.
  • 今天,吴朱红的新译作《屋外有园》正在进行第一次联排,吴朱红特意赶到青年艺术剧院,观看排练。
    Today, Wu Zhuhong's latest work of translation, "Everything in the garden", is on a general dress rehearsal for the first time. Wu hurried up to the rehearsal site in the Youth Art Theatre to watching it.
  • "没什么不同,"安德森说,"唯一的不同是汤姆和我必须多时间演练,找到一个我和其他演员已经有的共同语言。
    "Not at all," Anderson says. "The only difference was Tom and I had to spend more time rehearsing to find a vocabulary, which I already had with other actors.
  • 你的费将得到偿还。
    You will be reimburse for your expenses or your expenses will be reimburse.
  • 你偿还他为你的钱了吗?
    Did you reimburse him for expenses made for you?
  • 我们将把你费的钱付还你。
    We will reimburse you for the money you spent.
  • 你的费将得到补偿。
    You will be reimbursed for your expenses.
  • 工作销的费用,通常由雇主偿付。
    money spent to perform work and usually reimbursed by an employer.
  • 如果你提出合理的要求,你的旅途销会得到报销的。
    The costs of your journey will be reimbursed to you, when you send in the proper claim.
  • 由于出差的费,他可以得到公司的补偿。
    he received reimbursement for his travel expenses.
  • 一种纤细的内陆肾兰,与沿海肾兰相似,但呈浅黄绿色。
    slender inland rein orchid similar to coastal rein orchid but with pale greenish-yellow flowers.
  • 和海岸肾兰相似,但略小;产地从阿拉斯加到加利福尼亚,东到达科他洲和科罗拉多洲。
    similar to coastal rein orchid but with smaller flowers; Alaska to Baja California and east to the Dakotas and Colorado.
  • 当他用自己的零钱来学琴时,父亲就不再给他钱了,但当他发现儿子靠为舞蹈伴奏而挣钱时,就又恢复了补给。
    When he used his allowance to pay for lessons his father stopped doling it out- but reinstated it after discovering his son was playing in a dance and to earn money.
  • 他用零用钱上学弹琴,于是父亲不再给钱——但在发现儿子到一个为跳舞伴奏的乐队去自己挣钱以后,又重新给零钱了。
    When he used his allowance to pay for lessons, his father stopped doling it out but reinstated it after discovering his son was playing in a dance band to earn money.
  • 她对mtv说她敬佩麦当娜重塑其公众形象的能力。这话如属实,那么就不要认为布里特尼是另一个昙一现的人物。
    And if it's true, as she told MTV, that she admires Madonna's ability to reinvent her public persona, then don't look for Britney to be another one-hit wonder.
  • 早安美国投资公司顾问美勒迪-霍伯森说许多年龄在18-35岁之间的女性过着"今朝有酒今朝醉'的生活,美勒迪-霍伯森认为这些人应该减少在诸如dkny这些世界名牌服饰上的销,而把一部分的收入投向共同基金。
    Good Morning America's investment advisor Mellody Hobson says too many women between 18 and 35 live in the here and the now. She says they need to start spending less on DKNY and more on an IRA.