  •  (一)续签或修改原有的民用空运输协定和协议;
    renew or amend air service agreements and arrangements previously in force;
  • 布莱,威廉1754-1817英国海军军官,任皇家海军舰艇邦梯号船长,在一次驶向塔希提岛(1789年)的行中被哗变船员放逐至海上漂流
    British naval officer who as captain of the H.M.S. Bounty was set adrift by his mutinous crew during a voyage to Tahiti(1789).
  • 这艘船上次行以后,有3个军官私自出走。
    Tree of the ship's officers went adrift after the last voyage.
  • (美国)国家空和宇宙行局报导了一次无故障的发射。
    NASA reported a trouble-free launch.
  • 例如,据报道,美国的一家大公司波音已订购了1000台nc,美国空公司的子公司美洲鹰公司也已下了3000台nc的订单。
    Boeing, a big company in the US, for instance, reportedly ordered 1,000 units of NCs and so did American Eagle (a subsidiary of American Airlines), which reportedly placed order for 3,000 units of NCs.
  • ”因此许多空安全报告系统曾经报告:飞行员在提出更高或更低高度的请求后会执行并不是给予他们的指令,这就没什么好惊讶的。
    It is not surprising that there have been many Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) reports of pilots accepting clearances not intended for them after requesting higher or lower altitudes.
  • 洲际班的登机时间为起飞前两个小时。
    Reporting time for intercontinental flight is 2 hour before departure.
  • 其中377人选择为船只补给后继续程。
    Of these, 377 elected to have their vessels repositioned and continued their journey.
  • 运界提供海服务,在七月一日回归前原本是英国海军的职责。回归后,这项工作已由海道测量部接手负责。
    The Hydrographic Office has taken over provision to the shipping community of nautical services which were provided by the British Admiralty before the reversion of sovereignty on July 1, 1997.
  • 尼米兹,切斯特·威廉1885-1966二次世界大战期间美国太平洋海军元帅,阻止了日军的扩张并最终以大规模使用空母舰的战术摧毁了日本海军
    American admiral of the Pacific fleet during World War II who halted Japanese expansion and ultimately destroyed the Japanese fleet with a strategy based largely on the use of aircraft carriers.
  • 另一件给我留下深刻印象的事是中国海军将领郑和在世纪就远洋行,那时我的国家还未被欧洲人发现。
    Well,the other thing that is always striking me about China is the Chinese admiral Zhenhe who sailed in the 1400s before my country was discovered by the Europeans.
  • 舰队司令下令舰队开
    The Admiral issued a command for the fleet to set sail.
  • 我的目光也要敬重地停留在那些我读过的阳文书籍上,但应更热切地对那些能看见的人所能读的出版物感兴趣,因为在我生命的漫漫长夜里,我读过的书和别人对我读过的书已筑成一座巨大的闪光的灯塔,对我显示了人类生活和人类精神的最深的道。
    My eyes would rest respectfully on the books in raised type which I have read, but they would be more eagerly interested in the printed books which seeing people can read, for during the long night of my life the books I have read and those which have been.
  • 美国联邦航空局
    Federal Aviation Administration, FAA
  • 佩佛同样也收购了一些小型因特网公司,例如网上零售商shopping.com和城市导开发产品zip2。
    Pfeiffer has also been buying small Internet companies, such as online retailer Shopping.com and city-guide developer Zip2.
  • 5月底,微软将其最受欢迎的办公商务软件的经典改进版officexp投放市场。这只是头一炮,标志着即将闪电式推出一系列技术产品,盖次深信,这些产品将巩固其公司作为计算机行业不可动摇的“空母舰”地位。
    The launch of Office XP, a sophisticated rethink of Microsoft's most popular business tool at the end of last May, marks merely the opening shot in a forthcoming technological blitz that Gates is serenely his company's status as the unshakeable colossus of computing.
  • 调整向在狭窄的水道中操纵船,通过调整风帆以便使风帆间进出的风向有所改变
    To maneuver a vessel in a narrow channel by adjusting the sails so as to let the wind in and out of them in alteration.
  • 员在飞行中必须适应失重状态。
    Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness.
  • 国家天局现在已经拨出48亿美元用于空间发射计划,研制天飞机的替代品,这是另一种两级可再利用发射器,但维护和运行费用要少得多。
    Now,NASA has earmarked$4.8billion for a Space Launch Initiative to develop a replacement for the shuttle that will be an other two-stage reusable launch vehicle but cost much less to maintain and operate.
  • 朱利安-麦克唐纳最近刚被法国纪梵奇时装屋选中成为他们的艺术指导,又受英之托,重新设计这家空公司的制服。
    Designer Julien MacDonald, recently tapped as artistic director for the French fashion house of Givenchy, has been commissioned by the national carrier to revamp its staff uniforms.
  • 运输业工会一发言人称:"我们的成员不能被装扮成展示性感的工具。有些机上女服务人员已经表示,过于暴露的制服是不合适的,会增加骚扰事件的发生,容易造成乘客情绪冲动。"该工会包括民系统的44,000名成员,
    "Our members should not be dressed as sex objects," says a spokesman from the Transport and General Workers' Union, which has 44,000 members in the civil air transport section. "Some female stewards have voiced concern that a too-revealing uniform would be inappropriate and could lead to an increase in cases of harassment and 'air-rage' incidents."
  • 欢迎光临英航。
    Welcome to British Airways.
  • 法国空公司的飞机在飞离巴黎11个小时之后,在里约热内卢减速下降。
    Eleven hours out of Paris, the Air France plane let down into Rio de Janeiro.
  • 哈林根美国得克萨斯州最南端一城市,位于布朗斯韦尔西北。是下里奥大峡谷的加工和运中心。人口43,543
    A city of extreme southern Texas northwest of Brownsville. It is a processing and shipping center for the lower Rio Grande valley. Population,43, 543.
  • 得尔瑞欧美国得克萨斯西南部的一座城市,位于圣安东尼奥西部的格兰德河上,建于1868年,是这一农业区的商业和运业中心。人口30,705
    A city of southwest Texas on the Rio Grande west of San Antonio. Founded in1868, it is a market and shipping center in an agricultural region. Population,30, 705.
  • 胶片上,宇员们将美国国旗插到月球表面的场景中,旗帜随风飘动。
    The film shows astronauts planting the American flag on the Moon. It shows the flag rippling in the wind.
  • 空邮件上涨了15%。
    Air mail charges have rise by 15%.
  • 空邮件的费用上涨了15%。
    Air mat charges have rise by 15%.
  • 航空运输战争险
    Air Transportation Cargo War Risk
  • 从事海洋运的船舶,进入内河和港口的,应当遵守内河的船舶污染物排放标准。
    Ocean-going ships, on entering inland rivers or harbors, shall observe the standards for pollutant discharge by inland river ships.
  • 英国邮船泰坦尼克号正在进行从英格兰的南安普敦到纽约市的处女,在沉没前的两个半小时,它从侧面撞上了一座冰山,铆钉砰砰地断裂,吃水线下面的船身铁板弯曲变形。
    RMS Titanic, on her maiden voyage from Southampton, England, to New York City, had sideswiped an iceberg 2.5 hours earlier, popping rivets and buckling the hull's iron plates deep below the waterline.
  • (1)重大关键技术项目:两系法杂交水稻技术、抗虫棉花等转基因植物、恶性肿瘤等疾病的基因治疗技术、大规模并行计算、光纤放大器及泵源、2.16米高分辨率自适应光学望远镜、2.48gb/ssdh高速光纤传输系统、空遥感实时成像传输处理系统、基于step的cad/capp/cam系统、6000米水下自治机器人、高温气冷堆、双层辉光离子渗金属技术、金钢石膜制备技术;
    Key technologies: two-line hybrid rice, insect pest-resistant transgenic cotton and other transgenic plants, gene therapy for malignant tumors and other diseases, large scale parallel computing, optical fiber amplifier and pump, infra-red adaptive optics observation system for 2.16-meter telescope, 2.48 GB/S SDH high speed optical fiber transmission system, airborne real-time remote sensing imaging transmitting and processing system, STEP-based CAD/CAPP/CAM system, 6,000-meter autonomous underwater vehicle, high-temperature gas-cooled reactor, double-layer glow plasma surface alloying technology, and research of the diamond film;