  • 列宁写道:“推专制制度只是革命的第一阶段。”
    Lenin wrote that the overthrow of the autocracy is only the first stage of the revolution.
  • 孙中山先生领导的辛亥革命,推了统治中国几千年的君主专制制度,对中国社会进步具有重大意义,但也未能改变中国半殖民地半封建的社会性质和人民的悲惨命运。
    The 1911 Revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, which overthrew the autocratic monarchy that had ruled China for several thousand years, was of great significance in promoting China's social progress. Yes, it did not succeed in altering the semi-colonial and semi-feudal social nature of China and the miserable destiny of the Chinese people , either.
  • 我输完那封信后,我可以在电讯公告板上输出讯息,找一位精于自动研究译的译者吗?
    After I upload the letter. Shall I put a message on the telecommunications bulletin board (BBS) requesting a translator experienced in automotive research translation?
  • 在计算机制图技术中,显示图象的全部或一部分对显示面所在平面中某个轴线转180度的处理方法。
    In computer graphics, turning all or part of a display image180 degrees about an axis in the plane of the display surface.
  • 沃克,亨利·克莱1832-1884美国歌曲作家,以其在美国内战中的创作的联邦军歌曲而著名,包括《巴比伦被推》(1863年)
    American songwriter noted for his Union compositions during the Civil War, including"Babylon Is Fallen"(1863).
  • 整花园的地是件累人的活。
    Digging the garden is a backbreaking job.
  • 斤斗向后的筋斗或后手
    A backward somersault or handspring.
  • 那人来覆去地讲他冒险故事。
    The man went backward and forward in his adventure story.
  • 她正经历着从极端落后的中世纪状况逐步走向现代化的天地覆的变化。
    She is now experiencing earth-shaking changes in a shift from Medieval extreme backwardness to modernization.
  • 领上的是什麽徽章?
    What is that badge on your lapel?
  • 原来在好莱坞花大价钱制作、旨在以挫败非法录影片的软件密码中被欧洲的黑客们发现了一个漏洞。
    European hackers discovered a hole in the costly software code that Hollywood banked on to thwart movie pirates.
  • 巴尼从眼角斜瞥见到那麽多的面孔朝他转过来。
    From the corner of his eye barney see the sea of face upturned toward him.
  • 巴尼从眼角斜瞥见到那麽多的面孔朝他转过来
    From the corner of his eye Barney sees the sea of face upturned toward him
  • 小女孩凝视着在篮子里互相来滚去的小猫。
    The little girl stared at the little cats tumbling over each other in their basket.
  • 这对于交互式或成批译都是有效的。
    This is valid for interactive as well as batch translation.
  • 她对他了脸,就像把床罩过来一样。
    She truned him down like a bedspread.
  • 弄翻的;倾覆的
    Having been overturned; capsized.
  • 遍自己的东西寻找那丢失的表。
    She raked through her belongings for the lost watch.
  • 她发狂似地着自己的东西找寻失掉的表。
    She frantically raked through her belongings for the lost watch.
  • 狗把凳子弄翻了。
    The dog makes the bench crossed.
  • 偏下性植物叶子或其他部位向上,这种现象是软低部分生长的结果
    An upward bending of leaves or other plant parts, resulting from growth of the lower side.
  • 这衣领的后款式是最新潮的。
    The collar bends back in the latest fashion.
  • 盒子盖折过来以更好露出商品。
    The top of the box bends back to show the goods.
  • 克隆动物曾遇到过一些问题,有的克隆动物患有严重残疾,不过科学家们称这些问题能够解决,并表示他们将克隆出“正常而独特的儿童”,而不仅仅是他们父母的版。
    Animal cloning has been beset by problems, including the creation of hideously deformed animals, but scientists said these could be overcome. They claimed they would create" ordinary, unique children" who were not mere" photocopies" of their parent.
  • 对《圣经》进行文字上的译者
    One who interprets the Bible literally.
  • 如果天上有可爱的白云,那么,让他们读白云而忘掉书本吧,或同时读书本和白云吧。在休憩的时候,吸一筒烟或喝一杯好茶则更妙不过。或许在一个雪夜,坐在炉前,炉上的水壶铿铿作响,身边放一盒淡巴菰,一个人拿了十数本哲学,经济学,诗歌,传记的书,堆在长椅上,然后闲逸地拿起几本来,找到一本爱读的书时,便轻轻点起烟来吸着。金圣叹认为雪夜闭户读禁书,是人生最大的乐趣。陈继儒(眉公)描写读书的情调,最为美妙:“古人称书画为丛笺软卷,故读书开卷以闲适为尚。”在这种心境中,一个人对什么东西都能够容忍了。此位作家又曰:“真学士不以鲁鱼亥豕为意,好旅客登山不以路恶难行为意,看雪景者不以桥不固为意,卜居乡间者不以俗人为意,爱看花者不以酒劣为意。”
    If there are good clouds over one's head, let them read the clouds and forget the books, or read (he books and the clouds at the same time. Between times, a good pipe or a good cup of tea makes it still more perfect. Or perhaps on a snowy night, when one is sitting before the fireside, and there is a kettle singing on the hearth and a good pouch of tobacco at the side, one gathers ten or a dozen books on philosophy, economics, poetry, biography and piles them up on the couch, and then leisurely turns over a few of them and gently lights on the one which strikes his fancy at the moment. Chin Shengt'an regards reading a banned book behind closed doors on a snowy night as one of the greatest pleasures of life. The mood for reading is perfectly described by Ch'en Chiju (Meikung): "The ancient people called books and paintings 'limp volumes' and ' soft volumes'; therefore the best style of reading a book or opening an album is the leisurely style. " In this mood, one develops patience for everything. As the same author says, "The real master tolerates misprints when reading history, as a good traveller tolerates bad roads when climbing a mountain, one going to watch a snow scene tolerates a flimsy bridge, one choosing to live in the country tolerates vulgar people, and one bent on looking at flowers tolerates bad wine."
  • 虽然在1994年和1998年之间黑人和操西班牙语移民的计算机拥有量了一,但在家庭上网的白人与黑人之间的差距,以及白与操西班牙语的移民之间的差距仍以50%的速度增加。
    Even though computer penetration for blacks and Hispanics more than doubled between 1994 and 1998, the gap in household access to the Internet blacks and whites and His panics and whites grew by more than 50 percent.
  • 那匹惊马一个劲儿乱跑,把街旁一排小贩的货摊撞了。
    The startled horse charged about blindly, upsetting a row of pedlers' stalls at the side of the street.
  • 我的雨伞给吹得过去了。
    My umbrella has blown insideout.
  • 他把档案了一遍,最后才找到图纸。
    He hunted through the files till he found the blueprint.
  • 沸牛奶冒泡翻滚。
    The boiling milk bubbled over.
  • 河水波涛汹涌地滚着。
    the river rolls turbulently boiling.