  • 如果路由標志是dlsrtg,則交替鏈路必須是已知的(字段4)。
    If the routing flag is DLS_RTG, then the alternate linkset must be known (Field 4).
  • 這個號碼表示包含正在為其定義路由的點編碼集的那個網絡。
    This number represents the network containing the cluster of the point code for which routing is being defined.
  • pccm(點編碼集/成員)用於定義本地ss7網絡內的集級路由。
    The pccm form (point code cluster/member) is used to define cluster level routing within the local SS7 network.
  • 這種思想表現在:一,不願意做艱苦工作建立根據地,建立人民衆的政權,並由此去擴大政治影響,而衹想用流動遊擊的方法,去擴大政治影響。
    This ideology manifests itself as follows: (1) Some people want to increase our political influence only by means of roving guerrilla actions, but are unwilling to increase it by undertaking the arduous task of building up base areas and establishing the people's political power.
  • 他們似乎認為在距離革命高潮尚遠的時期做這種建立政權的艱苦工作為徒勞,而希望用比較輕便的流動遊擊方式去擴大政治影響,等到全國各地爭取衆的工作做好了,或做到某個地步了,然後再來一個全國武裝起義,那時把紅軍的力量加上去,就成為全國範圍的大革命。
    They seem to think that, since the revolutionary high tide is still remote, it will be labour lost to attempt to establish political power by hard work. Instead, they want to extend our political influence through the easier method of roving guerrilla actions, and, once the masses throughout the country have been won over, or more or less won over, they want to launch a nation-wide armed insurrection which, with the participation of the Red Army, would become a great nation-wide revolution.
  • 他的目光在一排排的人中掃來掃去。
    His eyes moved up and down the rows of people.
  • 擁擠在王室賓客周圍。
    Crowds pushed round the Royal visitors.
  • (在人中)以摩擦另一人身體的動作獲取性快感。
    masturbation by rubbing against another person (as in a crowd).
  • 牧羊人把羊圍在那塊5英畝的土地上。
    The shepherds has penned up the sheep in the five acre field.
  • 牧羊人把羊圍在那塊四英畝的土地上。
    The shepherd has penned up the sheep in the four acre field.
  • 他的才華使他從普通人中脫穎而出。
    his briliance raised him above the ruck; the children resembled a fairy herd.
  • 鐘共鳴街兩座煙突間可望見其頂端的菜市場恥辱柱;
    the pillory of the Markets, whose top was visible between two chimneys of the Rue de la Cossonnerie;
  • 軍人集團掌握政權後統治國傢的一軍官
    A group of military officers ruling a country after seizing power.
  • 西印度島的一種樹,;是桂油香水的來源。
    West Indian tree; source of bay rum.
  • 比津舞類似倫巴的舞廳舞,源於馬提尼剋島和聖盧西亞的民間舞
    A ballroom dance similar to the rumba, based on a dance of Martinique and St. Lucia.
  • 大傢低沉地這麽嘀咕着,腦子漸漸發熱起來,一場風暴雖還衹是輕輕咆哮,卻在人上面震蕩。
    they murmured sullenly. The temper of the crowd began to rise rapidly. The warning growls of the gathering storm rumbled overhead.
  • 霍伯森說,就資格而言,"新新人類"處於工作金字塔的下方,也就是說,如果遇到公司裁員,這個體是首當其衝的。
    Generation Xers are at the lower rung of the job ladder in terms of seniority, which means they are often the first to lose their jobs during layoffs, said Hobson.
  • 王平:還有一個“飛毛腿”就是馬來西亞的皮特,在百米决賽中,技壓雄,跑出了10秒68的成績,震動了亞洲田壇,還被稱為“神秘人物”。
    Wang Ping: Malaysian Peter was another "fleet-footed runner".In the final competition of the 100 meters, he exceeded the rest of the runners, and won the title by 10.68 seconds, which shook the Asian track and field circle.
  • 王平:還有一個“飛毛腿”就是馬來西亞的皮特,在百米决賽中,技壓雄,跑出了10秒68的成績,震動了亞洲田壇,還被稱為“神秘人物”。
    Wang Ping: Malaysian Peter was another "fleet-footed runner". In the final competition of the 100 meters, he exceeded the rest of the runners, and won the title by 10.68 seconds, which shook the Asian track and field circle.
  • 一種黑穗病菌,引起𠔌類和其他草類的黑穗病,主要對莖和葉造成影響,表現為植物組織內的一連串的孢子囊,隨後裂開,釋放出黑色的孢子塊。
    a smut fungus causing a smut in cereals and other grasses that chiefly affects leaves and stems and is characterized chains of sori within the plant tissue that later rupture releasing black masses of spores.
  • 人行道被涌動的人堵塞了。
    sidewalks jammed with rushing crowds.
  • 的人潮涌嚮那個據說産金的地區。
    Crowds of people were rushing the territory that was reputed to produce gold.
  • 警察很難阻止人衝上足球場。
    The police had difficulty in restraining the crowd from rushing onto the football pitch.
  • 警方難以阻止人涌入球場
    The police have difficulty in restraining the crowd from rushing on to the pitch
  • 他們對人中爆發的熱烈喝采答禮。
    They acknowledged the enthusiastic plaudits of the crowd.
  • 就算你的是“陽春白雪”吧,這暫時既然是少數人享用的東西,衆還是在那裏唱“下裏巴人”,那末,你不去提高它,衹顧駡人,那就怎樣駡也是空的。
    Your work may be as good as "The Spring Snow", but if for the time being it caters only to the few and the masses are still singing the "Song of the Rustic poor",[8] you will get nowhere by simply scolding them instead of trying to raise their level.
  • 主要是補充腸道所需的兩種有益菌:嗜酸乳酸桿菌和兩歧雙歧桿菌。
    The key is to take a supplement of the two main probiotics we need for the intestine, lacto-bacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium bifidum.
  • 無滋養的帶有棕色酸性物質的水域,腐殖物高度集中並有小型植物的。用來描述湖泊或池塘
    Having brownish acidic waters, a high concentration of humic matter, and a small plant population. Used of a lake or pond.
  • 流球島中部的最大一個島嶼。
    the largest island of the central Ryukyu Islands.
  • 一個居住在日本西南琉球島的日本民族成員。
    a member of the Japanese people living on the Ryukyu islands SW of Japan.
  • 那霸日本衝繩島西南部一城市,位於中國海東部的琉球島,是該島的一個港口和商業中心。人口303,680
    A city of southwest Okinawa, Japan, in the Ryukyu Islands on the East China Sea. It is a port and the commercial center of the islands. Population,303, 680.
  • 一種彌漫在人中的悲傷的氣息
    An odor of sadness permeated the gathering.