| - 从一开始,这些欧洲学校就强调国际化的综合管理。
From the outset these European schools focused on international general management. - 第二条 防洪工作实行全面规划、统筹兼顾、预防为主、综合治理、局部利益服从全局利益的原则。
Article 2 The work for flood control shall observe the principles of unified planning, overall consideration, focusing on prevention, integrated measures for treatment and subordinating local interests to general interests. - 中国历来重视综合开发利用山地、水面、草原等国土资源,增加各类食品产量。
China has always attached great importance to comprehensive development and utilization of mountain areas, water surfaces, grasslands and other resources to increase the output of various foodstuffs. - 前臂神经嵌压综合征
neural entrapment syndrome of forearm - 第四是酒店里推介的各种各样的旅游项目中,没有包办一天或二天的套餐式综合项目,都是一个一个小的专项游览;
Fourthly, there are no one-day or two-day tour packages among the various tour itineraries offered by the hotels. Only individual and specialized tour destinations are offered. - 四是是继续加强预防保健工作,建立综合性疾病预防、保健体系,指导开展公共卫生、疾病控制和预防保健工作,提供技术咨询并调查处理卫生突发事件。
Fourthly, the prevention and health care should be further strengthened. A comprehensive system for disease prevention and health care is to be established, in order to give guidance for public health, disease control and preventive care, as well as to provide technical advice and to investigate and deal with unexpected health incidents. - 一九九六年三月,第七届也是最后一届的国际印支难民督导委员会在日内瓦举行会议,与会国同意综合行动计划在一九九六年六月三十日结束。
In March 1996, the Seventh and last Steering Committee of the International Conference on Indo-Chinese Refugees met in Geneva. It was agreed that the CPA should end on June 30, 1996. - 当局的越南船民政策是以综合行动计划为依据,该计划于一九八九年六月在日内瓦会议上获各与会国通过。
The policy towards Vietnamese migrants is based on the Comprehensive Plan of Action (CPA), which was endorsed by the international community at the Geneva Conference held in June 1989. - 世界多极化和经济全球化的趋势在曲折中发展,科技进步日新月异,综合国力竞争日趋激烈。
World multi-polarization and economic globalization are developing amid twists and turns. Science and technology are advancing with each passing day. Competition in the overall national strength has become increasingly fierce. - 摩尼教波斯预言家摩尼所宣扬的一种调和信仰的,二元论的宗教哲学,它综合了拜火教、基督教和诺斯替教的成份,反对罗马帝国政权、新柏拉图哲学家和传统基督教
The syncretic, dualistic religious philosophy taught by the Persian prophet Manes, combining elements of Zoroastrian, Christian, and Gnostic thought and opposed by the imperial Roman government, Neo-Platonist philosophers, and orthodox Christians. - 防御体系军事、政府和工业部门的综合型系统,尤指当该企业有权进行武器生产时
The military, governmental, and industrial complex, especially as it authorizes and manages weaponry production. - 新加坡的洁而美,无疑体现了它的综合国力、国民素质和社会文明程度。
The tidiness and beauty of Singapore are undoubtedly manifestations of its overall national strength, the quality of its people and the graciousness of its society. - 复杂的事物一个错综复杂或纠缠不清的事物,如一个长长的语法结构
Something, such as a long grammatical construction, that is intricate or complex. - 健全基层社区医疗保健和技术服务机构,形成适应市场经济的综合服务模式。
Grassroots medical services and technical service institutions will be improved so that a comprehensive market-oriented service format is formed. - 推行行政执法责任制,提高国家工作人员素质,建立综合治理人口与计划生育的基层管理制度。
push forward the execution and law-enforcing responsibility system, improve the quality of the public servants, establish a sound management system for implementing population and family planning at the grassroots level. - 加强基层基础工作,积极创造条件,把人口与计划生育工作纳入社区基层组织管理体制和综合服务体系。
The grassroots work should be intensified and favorable conditions actively created so that the population and family planning program can be integrated with the community management system and the comprehensive service network. - 近年来,中国积极开展海岸带综合管理试验,并取得了一些可喜成绩。
In recent years, China has achieved gratifying successes in comprehensive management experiments in the coastal zones. - 两家杂货店,一家综合商店就是当地商业的全部内容了。
Two grocery shops and the general store are the sum total of local commerce. - 测控信综合系统
tracking-identification-command guidance-telemetry unified system, TRICOT - 海湾战争综合症。
The complexities of the Gulf War. - 告诉你吧,这是北体大综合体育馆,是第11后亚运会的拳击比赛地。
Mary, This is the comprehens-ive gym of the Beijing University of Physical Education. It was the place where the llth Asian Games boxing competition took place. - 告诉你吧,这是北体大综合体育馆,是第11届亚运会的拳击比赛地。
Mary, This is the comprehensive gym of the Beijing University of Physical Education. It was the place where the 11th Asian Games boxing competition took place. - (两人边说边走进综合馆,电影即将开始)
(They enter the gymnasium, and the film is going to start.) - 杰夫:综合馆是为1990年在中国举办亚运会而建的拳击比赛场馆。
Jeff: The comprehensive gymnasium was built for the boxing competition in Asian Games in 1990. - 王平:现在还只是一个初步的构思,今后还希望继续得到各位的大力支持。杰夫,你认为最著名的现代综合体育馆是哪个?
Wang Ping: At present, it is only a primary design. I hope to re-ceive continuously your generous support afterwards.jeff: which mode-m comprehensive gymnasium do you think is the most famous? - ——从1991年开始,投资10亿元,在雅鲁藏布江、拉萨河和年楚河中部流域河谷地带进行综合开发工程,把这一地区逐步建成西藏的商品粮基地、副食品基地,轻纺手工业和食品加工基地以及科技示范推广基地。
A project started in 1991 with a total investment of 1 billion yuan for the comprehensive development of the drainage area of the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo, Lhasa and Nyang Qu rivers. The project is designed to turn the area into bases for producing commodity grain, non-staple food, light industrial goods, textiles, handicrafts and processed food as well as for popularizing scientific and technological research achievements. - ——从1991年开始,投资10亿元,在雅鲁藏布江、拉萨河和年楚河中部流域河谷地带进行综合开发工程,把这一地区逐步建成西藏的商品粮基地、副食品基地,轻纺手工业和食品加工基地以及科技示范推广基地。
-- A project started in 1991 with a total investment of 1 billion yuan for the comprehensive development of the river valley area of the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo, Lhasa and Nyang Qu rivers. The project is designed to turn the area into bases for producing commodity grain, non-staple food, light industrial goods, textiles, handicrafts and processed food as well as for popularizing scientific and technological research achievements. - 加强工业、医用和生活垃圾等固体废弃物综合治理技术研究及应用,到2008年,城市垃圾将全部进行无害化处理,垃圾资源化率达到30%。
We shall strengthen the research and application of the technology of comprehensive harnessing of solid wastes from industry, medical use and living refuse, and urban refuse will harmlessly be treated completely, and refuse resources will reach 30 percent total by 2008. - 一份综合险保单保所有的险,是吗?
An All Risks policy covers every sort of hazard, doesn't it? - 他在错综复杂的现代文学冷僻部份无助地徘徊着。
He wandered helplessly through the labyrinthine byways of modern literature. - 要加强首都优势资源的开发,加快发展突出体现首都资源优势和特点的信息服务及中介服务业、旅游及会展业、科技教育业、文化体育业,形成新的经济增长点;大力发展金融业、商贸流通业、房地产业、运输邮政业,完善城市综合服务功能。
The development of information and consultant services, agent services, tourism, convention and exhibition industry, science and technology education, culture and sports will be highlighted. Other elements of the service sector, including financing, commodity circulation, real estate services, transportation, post and telecommunications, will also be fostered so as to further improve the city's overall service capacity. - 贝弗里奇,威廉·亨利1879-1963英国经济学家,为英国全体公民建立了一种综合的社会保险系统(1942年)
American politician and historian. A U.S. senator from Indiana(1899-1911), he is best known for his historical works, most notably The Life of John Marshall(1916-1919).