  • 姆一生喜爱汽车,17岁就染上此嗜好。
    Tom was a lifetime car fanatic, caught the bug at 17.
  • 米的大哥出现时,恶汉拔腿就溜。
    When little Tommy's brother showed up, the bully turned on his heel.
  • 母亲刚刚死去,姆就开始过流浪生活。
    No sooner had his mother died that Tom began to be on the bum.
  • 假期对姆来说真是难熬,因为他的朋友都野营去了。
    The vacation time bung heavy on Tom's hands because all his friends were away at camp.
  • 姆在伦敦有一栋房子,在纽约有一层楼房,在华盛顿还有一栋带游廊的。
    Tom has a house in London, a flat in New York and a bungalow in Washington.
  • 汤姆躺在下铺。
    Tom was lying on the lower bunk.
  • 姆说:“不结婚就和人同床共枕是非法的。”
    "It's unlawful to bunk up with a person without marriage," said Tom.
  • 普森先生是个内向人,其实他很聪明。
    Mr Thompson is a man who hides his light under a bushel. In fact, he is very clever.
  • 姆那样做只不过是为了好玩。
    Tom did it just for a bushy park.
  • 旅游公司的失误使我的假日泡了。
    The travel company's failure bust up my holiday.
  • 姆.斯维夫特好奇地看着和自己同船的人。
    Tom Swift looked at his cabin mates inquiringly.
  • 可怜的普森大叔从前常常从我这里讨些钱买香烟抽。
    Poor old uncle Tompson used to cadge some money for cigarettes from me.
  • 姆:对,在自助餐厅中食物较便宜,因为你要为自己服务。
    Yes, food is less expensive in a cafeteria, because you serve yourself.
  • 就叫我汤姆吧。
    Just call me Tom.
  • 我打电话给姆.约翰逊。
    I'm calling Tom Johnson.
  • 詹姆斯:还有守门员姆.堪贝尔,今年的选秀状元,他的表现上佳。
    James:And the goalie Tom Campbell also, the top pick in this year's draft, he's played so well.
  • 姆主动带外籍教师参观校园。
    Tom offered to take the foreign teachers about seeing the campus.
  • 溃疡感染的具有溃疡特征的或感染上溃的;溃烂的
    Marked by or infected with canker; ulcerous.
  • 在厨房员工罢工时,饭店只能供应罐装的
    When the kitchen staff bend on strike the hotel can only offer canned soup.
  • 姆被他自己所做的事吓坏了,开始都说不出话来。
    The thing that Tom is done by himself is frightened, and all cans not say the words at beginning.
  • 沃赫尔,安迪1930?-1987美国艺术家。流行艺术运动领导者之一,他创作了描述普通形象的绘画和绢印版画,如描绘罐与名人照片的形象的作品
    American artist. A leader of the pop art movement, he produced paintings and silk-screen prints of commonplace images, such as soup cans and photographs of celebrities.
  • 在供应广东菜的餐馆里,我们一顿饭通常从喝开始。
    At a restaurant that serves Cantonese dishes, we usually start off with soup.
  • 在供应广东菜的餐馆里,我们一顿饭通常从喝开始。
    At a restaurant that serves Cantonese (Guangzhou) dishes, we usually start off with soup.
  • 你可把这只鸡炖烂,做成料。
    You can render down the chicken carcase to make stock for soup.
  • 你可把这只鸡炖烂,做成料。
    You can render the chicken carcase down to make stock for soup.
  • 威廉在姆和乔治中间。
    William is between Tom and George.
  • 玛丽抱怨姆参加她的生日晚会穿着太随便。
    Mary landed on Tom for dressing so carelessly for her birthday party.
  • 我是卡尔·汤姆森。
    This is Carl Thompson.
  • 您点的是胭脂香鹅,芹菜加大蒜,连锅,对吗?
    So a carmine goose, a celery with garlic, a Lian Guo soup. Am I correct?
  • 姆穿着脏鞋走进屋里,卡罗尔骂了他一顿。
    Carol gave Tom a piece of her mind for coming into the house with dirty shoes.
  • 汤姆是个木匠。
    Tom is a carpenter.
  • 我可不可以建议您点鲫鱼
    May I suggest a gold carp soup?