Chinese English Sentence:
  • 红褐色的欧洲蚂蚁,特征为生活在林地带的蚁丘中。
    reddish-brown European ant typically living in anthills in woodlands.
  • 非洲中部大型的林羚羊,红褐色的皮毛上有白色的条纹,角呈螺旋形。
    large forest antelope of central Africa having a reddish-brown coat with white stripes and spiral horns.
  • 邦戈羚羊一种产于非洲中部的栖于林的大型羚羊(邦戈羚羊),长有带白色条纹的红褐色毛皮和螺旋形的角
    A large, forest-dwelling antelope(Boocercus eurycerus) of central Africa, having a reddish-brown coat with white stripes and spirally twisted horns.
  • 布林顿,丹尼尔·加里1837-1899美国人类学家,是第一个试图对美洲土著人的语言进行系统分类的人
    American anthropologist who was the first to attempt a systematic classification of Native American languages.
  • 当斯科特抵达南极的时候,发现阿蒙比他到得更早。
    When scott reach the south pole he find amundsen have anticipate him.
  • 当斯科特抵达南极的时候,发现阿蒙比他到得更早。
    When Scott reached the South Pole he found Amundsen had anticipated him.
  • 1960年5月6日,在汤娶了19岁的比利时女继承人玛丽·雅马涅之后不久,玛格丽特嫁给了上流社会的摄影师安东尼·阿姆斯特朗-琼斯。
    On May 6,1960, soon after Townsend married 19-year-old Belgian heiress Marie Luce Jamagne, Margaret wed society photographer Antony Armstrong-Jones.
  • 最大的类人猿;陆栖、素食;产于西非中部的林中。
    largest anthropoid ape; terrestrial and vegetarian; of forests of central west Africa.
  • 林古猿一种绝种林古猿属猿,发现于中新世和上新世东半球化石中,被认为是类人猿和人类的祖先
    An extinct ape of the genus Dryopithecus, known from Old World fossil remains of the Miocene and Pliocene epochs and believed to be an ancestor of the anthropoid apes and human beings.
  • 其实这个单词早在20世纪50年代就已经形成并被使用,直到辛普把它当成口头禅,才使"doh"变得家喻户晓。
    The Simpsons only popularized the term; it was actually used extensively in the 1950s, the OED found. Although it is often spelled "D'oh," the dictionary chose to omit the apostrophe.
  • 他为深得人心的美国神话增加了一个吸引人的、令人难忘的身影——文特·斯坦瑞特;一种吸引人的幽默感;有足够的钱在50岁就退休的主意是很吸引人的。
    He added an appealing and memorable figure to popular American mythology- Vincent Starrett; an appealing sense of humor; the idea of having enough money to retire at fifty is very appealing.
  • 林学和地理学有关。
    Forestry appertains to geography.
  • 顺着植物的干平贴着的绒毛;火成岩……被这种力量紧紧挤在一起——l·v·皮尔
    adpressed hairs along the plant's stem; igneous rocks...closely appressed by this force-L.V.Pirsson.
  • 妥善安置林业分流转产职工,重点向造林和林管护转移。
    Forest workers should be appropriately diverted and reemployed, with the majority transferred to tree planting and forest management.
  • 依法保护和合理利用土地、矿产、淡水、海洋、林、草原和气候资源,实行严格的耕地、林地管理制度,注重节水节能。
    We will protect and rationally use land, mineral resources, fresh water, marine resources, forests, pastures and climatic resources in accordance with the law, implement a system of rigorous management of arable and forest land and focus on saving water and energy.
  • 改变掠夺性经营开发方式,退耕还湖、还林、还草,大力开展植树植草,治理水土流失,防止沙漠化,建立生态农业,加强耕地、水源、林、草尝物种等自然资源和生物多样性保护。
    Measures should be taken to stop predatory development, and return what have been seized from lakes, forests and grasslands to them, push forward the work of planting trees and grass, treat soil erosion, prevent and control the desertification, establish ecological agriculture, strengthen the protection of natural resources such as arable land, water, forest, grassland and bio-diversity conservation.
  • 哈钦美国堪萨斯州中部偏南城市,临阿肯色河,位于威奇托市西北。为一农业和产油区内的工商业中心。人口39,308
    A city of south-central Kansas on the Arkansas River northwest of Wichita. It is a commercial and industrial center in an agricultural and oil-producing area. Population,39, 308.
  • 正当受通缉的反对派参议员候选人霍纳山和前国家警察首长拉克四处逃窜之际,阿罗约为争取民心,竟然在选举数天前,宣布给予两人通行证,准许他们公开参加竞选活动。
    Suspected coup-plotters Senator Gregorio Honasan and former National Police Chief Panfilo Lacson were forced to go into hiding - but not for long. In a move to win voter support, President Arroyo granted the two fugitives safe-conduct passes to take part in the Senate race just a few days before the election.
  • 纳队在比赛的最后一分钟进了一球。
    Arsenal scored in the final minute of the game.
  • 谁给阿森纳队守球门?
    Who is keeping goal/is in goal (ie is goalkeeper) for Arsenal?
  • 但是阿纳队是一个很难对付的球队。
    But Arsenal is a hard team to beat.
  • 纳队确实是劲敌,不过我们从来没有像我们今天这么好的状态。
    Arsenal is a very strong team, but we've never been better than we are today.
  • 维克过去是阿纳尔队的支持者,但在该队成为竞赛联合会中最差的队后,他转而反对该俱乐部了。
    A former supporter of Arsenal, Vic turned against the club after it came bottom of the league.
  • 我不认为阿纳尔队会赢得这个季度的奖杯,我选择德比队获胜。
    I don't think Arsenal will win the cup this season, for my money Derby has the best chance.
  • 伦敦有十几个职业足球俱乐部,最大的是阿纳、切尔西和托特纳姆热刺。
    London is home to over a dozen professional foot ball clubs, the biggest of which are arsenal, Chelsea and Nottingham.
  • 托坦哈姆队是目前最好的队,可是阿纳尔队设法竭尽全力保住其地位,结果比赛打成了平局。
    Tottenham was by far the best team, but Arsenal managed to hang on by their fingernails and the game ended in draw.
  • 纳普罗一种药物,c14h14o3,用于消除发炎和肿痛,尤指在关节炎的治疗上
    A drug, C14H14O3, used to reduce inflammation and pain, especially in the treatment of arthritis.
  • 充满野心勃勃、阿谀谄媚之人的庞大、腐败的官僚机构,既搞工作也搞麻烦——小亚瑟·m·斯金格。
    a large praetorian bureaucracy filled with ambitious...and often sycophantic people makes work and makes trouble- Arthur M.Schlesinger Jr..
  • 莫里可算得上是一名艺术家。
    Morison is something of an artist.
  • 夏洛特卢堡大公国的女君主,1919年登基王位,在纳粹占领卢堡期间,她曾组织流亡政府并通过定期的电台广播支持国民的斗争。1945年胜利返回祖国,一直统治到1984年
    Grand duchess of Luxembourg. Ascending to the throne in1919, she took her government into exile during the Nazi occupation of Luxembourg and supported her people through regular radio broadcasts. She returned triumphantly in1945 and ruled until1984.
  • 小布什是自艾豪威尔以来在就任总统前没有很长政治生涯的第一人。
    Bush is the first president since Eisenhower who did not have a long life in politics before assuming office.
  • 北美洲东部林地带橄榄色的小霸鹟。
    small olive-colored woodland flycatchers of eastern North America.