  • 他继续留在伦敦。
    He continued in London.
  • 作为《1972年防止倾倒废物及其他物质污染海洋的公约》(伦倾废公约)的缔约国,中国重视执行该公约的规定,并不断加强对海洋倾废的管理。
    As one of the contracting parties to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matters signed in 1972 in London, China attaches great importance to the fulfillment of the provisions under the convention and is steadily improving its control of the dumping of wastes into the sea.
  • 伦敦海峡公约
    Straits Convention of London
  • 教育部提学司黄庆新8月29日在南洋理工大学毕业典礼上,强调我国教师所扮演的关键性角色,并促他们寻求新方式,通过提供高素质的教育,协助学生作好准备赶上新时代。
    At the Nanyang Technological University Convocation on August 29, Mr Wee Heng Tin, Director-General of Education emphasised the pivotal roles play by teachers in Singapore and urged them to help students be well prepared for the future through seeking new ways to deliver quality education.
  • 库珀斯美国纽约州中东部的一个住宅区村庄,位于斯克内克塔迪西南偏西方。1787年由威廉·库珀创建,其子詹姆斯·菲尼莫尔·库珀以这个地区作为他的皮袜子故事集一书的背景。全国棒球荣誉博物馆就位于这里。人口2,342
    A residential village of east-central New York west-southwest of Schenectady. It was founded in1787 by William Cooper, the father of James Fenimore Cooper, who used the region as the setting for his Leatherstocking Tales. The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum is here. Population,2, 342.
  • 完全是个国际大城市。
    London is a very cosmopolitan city.
  • 在过去的25年里,休斯德克萨斯大学的杰克·弗莱彻和他的同事访问过哥斯达黎加,测试超大剂量吸食者的智力。
    Over the past 25 years, Jack Fletcher at the University of Texas in Houston and his colleagues have been visiting Costa Rica to test the mental skills of very heavy users.
  • 他们在苏格兰有一村舍, 在伦有一所房子, 在巴黎还有一套备用公寓.
    They own a cottage in Scotland and a house in London as well as a pied-a-terre in Paris.
  • 他在伦有一所房子, 在海边还有一个小屋.
    He has a house in London and a cottage near the sea.
  • 我想要一幢靠近伦的小屋。
    I want a cottage within reach of London.
  • 人们拥往伦,希望找到像工匠、职员和用上其他本领的工作。
    People flock to London in hopes of obtaining work as craftsmen, clerks, or in any other capacity.
  • 近来,一家叫做schooldisco.com的夜总会在伦非常红火,每天晚上有近3500人来这儿,就为了听一听他们初吻年代的老歌。
    The latest craze to hit the capital is schooldisco.com - a London clubnight attracting as many 3,500 dancers desperate to hear the songs they had their first kiss to.
  • 时装商店的最新款式服装
    The latest creations from London's fashion houses
  • 原来唐代以降,煌的后来者便不再十分尊重和欣赏前人的创造。随着鹊巢鸠占之风盛行,许多洞窟中新画代替了旧作。
    It was later found out that, beginning from the Tang Dynasty, those who came to Dunhuang no longer had much respect for or appreciation of the creations of their predecessors, resulting in the prevalence of seizing others' places.
  • 大板球场是板球运动员常常出没的地方。
    Lord's is the cricketer's mecca.
  • 她的手变得圆的,长出了钩状的利爪,只配用来做脚掌了;
    Her hands grew rounded, became armed with crooked claws, and served for feet;
  • 从这里到伦,直线距离至多30英里。
    It is not more than thirty miles from London as he crow flies.
  • 我不愿意在伦拥挤的街道上穿行。
    I don't like having to navigate London's crowded streets.
  • 2002年世界小姐竞赛的获胜者是土耳其小姐,加冕仪式在伦举行,充满争议的本界世界小姐竞赛终于结束了。
    And the winner is,Miss Turkey.The controversy-plagued Miss World 2002 competition is finally over with the crowning in London of this year's pageant victor.
  • 公元前121年,汉军大败驻牧在河西走廊一带的匈奴军队,汉朝在此先后置武威、张掖、酒泉、煌四郡。
    In 121 B.C., a Han army inflicted a crushing defeat on the Xiongnu troops stationed along the Gansu Corridor. After that, the Han Dynasty set up the four prefectures of Wuwei, Zhangye, Jiuquan and Dunhuang in the region.
  • 后来`水晶宫'搬到了伦南郊。
    "Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to South London."
  • 其他的庆祝活动,包括一连3天在伦举行的"香港周",期间除了举行一连串文化及贸易活动外,还在六月三十日现场直播在香港举行的交接仪式,成为整项活动的高潮。
    Other celebration events included a three-day 'Hong Kong Weekend' in London which featured a series of cultural and trade events, culminating in the live broadcast of the Handover Ceremony in Hong Kong on June 30.
  • 该公司已经为伦证券交易所开发了一个通过发现投资者的超常规交易,限制内部交易的系统。
    It has developed systems for the London Stock Exchange to curb insider dealing by detecting out of the? ordinary transactions by investors.
  • 本公司的董事,现在伦
    Our director, who is currently in London
  • 格林菲尔德美国马萨诸塞州西北的一个城镇,位于北安普的北部。19世纪早期,美国的第一家刀剪业工厂建立于这里。人口18,666
    A town of northwest Massachusetts north of Northampton. The first cutlery factory in America was established here in the early1800's. Population,18, 666.
  • 驻伦办事处推广香港在英国、瑞士、挪威、中欧与东欧国家、马耳他和塞浦路斯的经贸利益,又代表香港参与国际海事组织。
    The London Office promotes Hong Kong's economic and trade interests in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, Central and Eastern European countries, Malta and Cyprus. It also accommodates Hong Kong's representative to the International Maritime Organisation.
  • 现已年迈的前歌剧大师鲁道夫·宾爵士和他太太,为他们旷日费时的婚姻官司,昨天自伦飞抵此间出庭。
    Aging ex-opera czar Sir Rudolf Bing and his wife flew here from London yesterday to face the music in a long-running legal battle over their marriage.
  • 煌壁画中的舞蹈形象
    dancing figures in Dunhuang frescos
  • 为了这个目的,各国共产党人集会于伦,拟定了如下的宣言,用英文、法文、德文、意大利文、弗拉芒文和丹麦文公布于世。
    To this end, Communists of various nationalities have assembled in London, and sketched the following Manifesto, to be published in the English, French, German, Italian, Flemish and Danish languages.
  • 每个周末他都赶往伦
    He dashed off to London each week-end.
  • 这信是10月3日自伦发出的。
    The letter is dated from London Oct. 3rd.
  • 此信系5月24日寄自伦
    The letter is dated from London , 2 4 May.