  • 他们广泛集资料,如近期和终生的饮酒量以及包括膳食习惯在内的生活习惯,然后对他们的身体进行了检查。
    They collected comprehensive information about current and lifetime alcohol consumption and lifestyle habits, including diet, and took body measure- ments.
  • 他在囗袋中寻打火机。
    He fumbled in his pocket for his lighter.
  • 未经许可的查和查封;渴望非法的私人利益;对个人自由无理由的限制。
    unreasonable searches and seizures; desire for undue private profit; unwarranted limitations of personal freedom.
  • 索,探测探测跟踪一卫星、导弹或移动的目标以确定其位置和轨迹
    The process of locating a satellite, guided missile, or moving target so that its track or orbit can be determined.
  • 这伙小偷打算在警察进来查时,把偷来的手表栽到同住的房客身上。
    The thieves had planned to plant the stolen watches on a fellow lodger if the police came to search the house.
  • 当有了不和的预兆之时,律师的生意经就是要扩大其不和,并集其掠夺物。
    When there's a rift in the lute, the business of the lawyer be to widen the rift and gather the loot.
  • 当有了不和的预兆之时,律师的生意经就要扩大其罅隙(不和),并集其掠夺物。
    When there's a rift in the lute, the business of the lawyer is to widen the rift and gather the loot.
  • 当有了不和的预兆之时,律师的生意经就是要扩大其不和,并集其掠夺物。
    When there 's a rift in the lute, the business of the lawyer is to widen the rift and gather the loot.
  • 引发第二次中英战争(一八五六至五八年)的祸端,是中英两国对前订条约的诠释各执一辞,导火线则为中国水师登上英艇"亚罗"号捕海盗,因而发生冲突。
    The Second Anglo-Chinese War (1856-58) arose out of disputes over the interpretation of the earlier treaties and over the boarding of a British lorcha, the Arrow, by Chinese in search of suspected pirates.
  • 他找一些老农集了他预测天气的经验。
    He sought out the old farmers and collected their weather lore.
  • 地方法官认为具备查这所房子的合理根据。
    a magistrate determined that there was probable cause to search the house.
  • 据国际间所协定,南中国海一带45万平方公里水域范围内的一切海上救行动,均由海事处负责协调。
    The responsibility of co-ordinating all maritime search and rescue operations within a sea area of 450 000 square kilometres of the South China Sea, as agreed internationally, is undertaken by the Marine Department, whose Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre is manned 24hours a day by professionally-trained staff.
  • 该中心由专业人员24小时当值,全球海上遇险和安全系统的配套设备一应俱全,并负责召集其他政府部门,征调所需资源,在区内提供有效而又高效率的救服务。
    The centre is manned 24 hours a day by professional staff and is fully equipped to complement the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System. Calling upon resources provided by other government departments, the centre provides an effective and efficient search and rescue service in the region.
  • 海事处海上救援协调中心协调所有在南中国海属于国际水域范围内的海上救行动。
    The Marine Department's Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre co-ordinates all maritime search and rescue operations within the international waters of the South China Sea.
  • web牵引程序索文档到什么程度和信息在索引擎索引中如何编排的,造成内部网索引擎市场上的差别。
    The degree to which Web crawlers search a document, and how the information is catalogued in the search-engine index, makes the difference in the intranet search marketplace.
  • 他秘密地为纽约时报报道集信息,结果事后险些被送上军事法庭,不过却赢得了国家出版人大奖。
    Narrowly avoided court-martial but won a National Publishers award.
  • 例如边界八月失败,土籍豪绅带领反动军队回宁冈,宣传客籍将要杀土籍,土籍农民大部分反水,挂起白带子,带领白军烧屋山。
    Here is an example. After the August defeat in the border area, when the native landlords returned to Ningkang, bringing with them the reactionary troops and spreading the rumour that the settlers were going to massacre the native inhabitants, most of the native peasants defected, put on white ribbons and guided the White troops in burning down houses and searching the hills.
  • 正因为如此,这些索可以在所有提供的分类类别中进行信息匹配(即逻辑与)。
    For this reason, these searches are performed by default matching on ALL of the categories supplied (e.g. logical AND).
  • 他正在为写书集素材。
    He is collecting materials for a book.
  • 她正在集素材在报纸上发表文章。
    She's collecting material for a newspaper article.
  • 由于医生们清醒地意识到哪些是能做的,哪些是不能做的,所以人们很难马上看到制造一场大众恐慌的好处。然而,经验证明集丑闻并使之曝光即使暂时攻击错了对象也无妨。
    Since the medicos are well aware of what can and can't be done, one is slow to see the benefits of starting a public scare. Yet, experience proves that it rarely hurts to rake muck, even if in the short run, you're handing ammunition to the wrong man.
  • 她父亲的船已经出港,去寻一个商船队。
    Her father's ship put out to sea, upon the look for certain merchantmen.
  • 民兵们正在寻凶手。
    The militiamen are looking out for the murderer.
  • 为找一封错放的信而找那些文件
    Raked through the files for the misplaced letter.
  • 记录国家公园里熊的数量;集人们的政治观点
    Monitor the bear population of a national park; monitored the political views of the people.
  • 各级藏医机构积极开展藏医药科学研究,集整理近百部藏医学文献、专著,在继承前辈藏医学家的实践经验和理论精华的基础上,在藏医史、藏医药文献、医药学理论、医德与师承、藏医本草等方面的研究都有新的成果问世。
    Tibetan medical institutions at all levels are actively carrying out scientific research on Tibetan medicine, and have collected and collated nearly 100 related documents and monographs. New achievements have been made in studies relating to the history of Tibetan medicine, medical documents, pharmacological theories, medical ethics, the inheritance of the teachings of the masters, and Tibetan materia medica.
  • 索队在荒草地分散行动。
    The search party spread out over the moor.
  • 包括类别信息的索能够与类别的多维选择一起使用。
    Searches involving category information can be combined to cross multiple dimensions.
  • 警察在市里寻过凶手。
    The police combed the city for murderer.
  • 这些官员说,当局正在寻3种型号的肩扛式防空导弹,其中包括sa-7地对空导弹和“毒刺”式防空导弹。
    Authorities are looking for three types of " manpads," or man-portable air-defense systems, including SA-7s and Stingers, the officials said.
  • 神话作家,集神话者记录、讲述或评论神话的人
    One who records, narrates, or comments on myths.
  • 如果这些代理能胜任工作、并是可信的,那末它们能减轻主人在internet上导航浏览时和与文档处理软件(如索引擎)打交道时碰到的一些工作。
    If such agents are competent and trustworthy, they may free the owner from some of the labor involved in navigating/browsing the Internet and interacting with document-handling software such as search engines.