  • 他是最早写自由诗的诗人之一。他的林肯传记包两部分。
    He was among the first to use free verse--verse without a definite rhyme or metrical pattern.
  • 诗中包两行连续诗句的小节;通常是押韵的。
    a stanza consisting of two successive lines of verse; usually rhymed.
  • 双句包两个相连的诗行的一种诗的单位,通常压韵并具有同样的格律,经常组成一个完整的意思和句法单位
    A unit of verse consisting of two successive lines, usually rhyming and having the same meter and often forming a complete thought or syntactic unit.
  • 一种包有节奏拍打脚步的舞蹈。
    a dance involving a rhythmical stamping step.
  • 一部分肋骨的小肉块。
    a small cut of meat including part of a rib.
  • 我们有红烧虾,那是大虾浸面浆后炸成的,还提供饭和色拉;我们还有上好的排骨,1份是8美元,包色拉、马铃薯和饭任选1种再加1个小面包圈。
    We have red shrimp, which is jumbo shrimp dipped in a batter,fried and serviced with rice and a side salad. We also have rib for only $8 a person which includes salad, choice of potato or rice and a roll.
  • 我们最好把人类看做是一种绝妙的社会动物。它有需求(比如需求食物,健康和性),有能力(思想和爱及其它能力),有责任(包与其他人共同努力确保每个人的需要都得到充分满足〕。
    It's better to see humans as wonderful social animals having needs (for food, health and sex, for example), capabilities (for thought and love, among others) and responsibilities (including that to work with other human beings to see that everyone's needs are adequately met).
  • 黄素在动植物组织中以黄素蛋白的辅酶形式存在的几种水溶性颜料中的一种,包核黄素
    Any of various water-soluble yellow pigments, including riboflavin, found in plant and animal tissue as coenzymes of flavoprotein.
  • 戊糖分子中含有五个炭原子的一种单糖,包核糖及其它几种单糖
    Any of a class of monosaccharides having five carbon atoms per molecule and including ribose and several other sugars.
  • 一条或多条肋骨的肉块。
    cut of meat including one or more ribs.
  • 三磷酸腺苷:一种由腺苷衍生的核苷酸c10h16n5o13p3,通过它的水解作用到二磷酸腺苷可为细胞进行各类生化过程提供大量能量,包肌肉收缩及糖份新陈代谢。
    Adenosine triphosphate:an adenosine-derived nucleotide, C10H16N5O13P3, that supplies large amounts of energy to cells for various biochemical processes, including muscle contraction and sugar metabolism, through its hydrolysis to ADP.
  • 嘌呤衍生物从嘌呤衍生出来或在结构上与嘌呤有关的一组有机化合物的任一种,包尿酸、咖啡因及核酸的组成成分腺嘌呤以及乌嘌呤等
    Any of a group of organic compounds derived from or structurally related to purine, including uric acid, caffeine, and the nucleic acid constituents adenine and guanine.
  • 此外,香港特区继续遵行各条主要国际人权公约,包《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》、《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》、《儿童权利公约》和《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》。
    Additionally, the HKSAR continues to abide by the major international conventions on human rights. These include the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT), the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).
  • 果实包种籽且形态多样丰满的植物子房或结籽的植物的子房,常带有附属部分
    The ripened ovary or ovaries of a seed-bearing plant, together with accessory parts, containing the seeds and occurring in a wide variety of forms.
  • 这次被收录的新词还包"cheesy"二流的、低级的;"six-pack",意思是腹部打褶的肌肉;"bollywood",指位于印度孟买的印度电影业中心。
    Other newcomers to the dictionary include cheesy, which means second-rate or inferior; six-pack, meaning rippling abdominal muscles, and Bollywood, which refers to the Hindi film industry based in Bombay, India.
  • 一切险也包战争险吗?
    Does All Risks include War Risk?
  • 因此,低风险的资产组合不必仅仅包具有很小风险的独立的资产,有时一个人可以在一项资产组合中通过增加某些能抵消别的资产风险的高风险资产来减小整个投资组合的风险。
    Hence a low-risk portfolio need not contain only assets that individually have little risk; sometimes one reduces the risking of a portfolio by adding some high-risk assets that offset the risks of other assets in it.
  • 这种特别险就必须加付保险费。这种保险费一般比通常的海洋运输货物险的基本险要高。
    The inclusion of this special risk will be subject to an additional premium which will normally be higher than the basic insurance for the ordinary marine risks.
  • 无论水渍险还是平安险都不注明包哪些险别或不包哪些险别。
    Neither the wpa nor the fpa mention the risk covered or the risk exclude.
  • 在古希腊或罗马的礼拜日里进行的包唱歌、跳舞、喝酒、性行为的秘密仪式。
    secret rite in the cults of ancient Greek or Roman deities involving singing and dancing and drinking and sexual activity.
  • 第九条 防洪规划是指为防治某一流域、河段或者区域的洪涝灾害而制定的总体部署,包国家确定的重要江河、湖泊的流域防洪规划,其他江河、河段、湖泊的防洪规划以及区域防洪规划。
    Article 9 Flood control planning refers to the overall arrangement for the prevention and control of flood and waterlogging calamities in a certain river basin, river course or region, including river bas in flood control planning for major rivers and lakes designated by the state, flood control planning of other rivers, river courses and lakes as well as regional flood control planning.
  • 基础建设工程现正进行,包兴建两条主干路(红磡绕道及公主道连接路),工程将于一九九九年年中完成。
    Engineering infrastructure, including two trunk roads (the Hung Hom Bypass and Princess Margaret Road Link), is being built for completion in mid-1999.
  • 运输署由运输署署长统领,负责监督《道路交通条例》和公共交通服务法例的执行工作,其职责包筹划运输策略,管理道路交通、政府行车隧道、停车场和设有收费表的泊车位,管理内部道路系统与水上公共交通,签发驾驶执照,并负责车辆登记、发牌和检验等事宜。
    The department is the authority for administering the Road Traffic Ordinance and legislation regulating public transport operations. Responsibilities cover transport planning, road traffic and tunnel management, car-parks and metered parking spaces, regulation of internal roads and waterborne public transport, licensing of drivers and the registration, licensing and inspection of vehicles.
  • 当局计划增设4个空气质素监测站,包多设1个路旁空气质素监测站,而监测荃湾及西区有毒空气污染物含量的工作已在一九九七年展开。
    There are plans to establish four more air quality monitoring stations including one more at the roadside. Monitoring of toxic air pollutants at Tsuen Wan and Western District commenced in 1997.
  • 今天,买家可从大约75家供应商的100多种产品(包网卡、网桥、集线器、路由器和交换器)中进行选择。
    Today buyers can choose among more than 100 products -- adapter cards, bridges, hubs, routers and switches -- from some 75 vendors.
  • 然而,随着广域网技术对其服务质量以改进,它们将提供各种应用程序所需的健壮性,包网络i/o甚至是在公众广域网上的网络i/o。
    However, as WAN technologies improve their quality of service, they will provide the robustness needed for each application, including networked I/O, even over public WANs.
  • 阿斯泰尔,弗雷德1899-1987美国舞蹈家和演员,以其优美的舞蹈风格和与搭档金杰·罗杰斯的数部电影著名,包大礼帽(1935年)
    American dancer and actor noted for his elegant style and his partnership with Ginger Rogers in several motion pictures, including Top Hat(1935).
  • 很好。但如果先发制人被作为纲领通过,那它所包在内的可不止一个流氓国家。
    Fine,but if pre-emption is to be adopted as a doctrine,it has to encompass more than one rogue state.
  • 这些高级行政人员所涉嫌的失误或犯罪行为,包会计欺诈手段、篡改账目记录、销毁足以指控他们的文件和严重违反会计和管理条例。
    These rogue executives' alleged lapses or criminal acts included fraudulent accounting, tampering with financial records, destroying incriminating documents and other serious breaches of sound accounting and regulatory practices.
  • 委员会并制作各类公民教育参考资料,包认识国家唯读光碟、推广公民教育的漫画书、认识基本法小册子、有关人权的各款小册子、以祖国为题的二千年年历等。
    Civic education reference materials produced during the year included a CD-ROM on understanding the motherland, comic booklets on general civic education and booklet on the Basic Law for children, different booklets on human rights and a 2000 calendar on the nation.
  • 各参考图书馆共藏有超过3000只唯读光碟,包很多多媒体及全文数据库。
    The reference libraries have built up more than 3000 CD-ROMs, including many multi-media and full-text databases.
  • 图书馆藏书也继续增加,整个系统现时共有藏书350万册和视听资料247600项,包盒式录音带、唱碟、镭射唱碟、镭射影碟、录影带、唯读光碟、互动光碟及电脑软件。
    The library collection continued to grow and now comprises a total of 3.5million books and 247 600 audio visual items, including audio-cassettes, gramophone records, audio compact discs, video compact discs,video-cassettes, CD-ROMs, Compact Disc-Interactive (CD-I) and computer programmes.