  • 一些地方政府官员对自己的大妄想,远远超出了他们对社区产生的实际价值。
    Some local government officials have delusions of grandeur far in excess of their actual value to the community.
  • 以讲究修辞的、张的方式。
    in a rhetorically grandiloquent manner.
  • 他总是不断制订出浮而不能实现的计划。
    He's always producing grandiose plans that never work.
  • 浮夸的写作风格)
    A grandiose writing style).
  • 偶尔我也骑上车独自到某地旅行几天,间或几周,除了带一张地图和有一个目的地以外几乎没有什么计划。说目的地其实也是大其词了。
    But every now and then I get on my bicycle and go someplace alone, traveling for days, occasionally weeks at a time, with little planning except for a map and a destination, although destination is generally a grandiose term for what it is.
  • 恐惧夸大危险。
    Fear is often greater than the danger.
  • 问题过于夸大了。
    The problems have been greatly overstated.
  • 你过分地大了一件鸡毛蒜皮的小事
    You have grossly magnified a trivial situation.
  • 模仿一种张或怪诞的模仿,如对一个文学作品的滑稽模仿
    An exaggerated or grotesque imitation, such as a parody of a literary work.
  • 漫画,讽刺文章一种表述,尤指用图画表述或用文字表述,其中主题的显著特征或特质被有意张以产生一种滑稽的或荒诞的效果
    A representation, especially pictorial or literary, in which the subject's distinctive features or peculiarities are deliberately exaggerated to produce a comic or grotesque effect.
  • 我说有些流言是超过了批评与自我批评的限度的,不但从组织方面来说不应该,而且有些变成了无稽之谈或随意大,这种现象是应该值得我们注意的。
    Some of the rumors I mentioned have gone beyond the limits of criticism and self-criticism and violated organizational principles of the Party, and others are completely groundless or wildly exaggerated. These phenomena deserves our close attention.
  • 讲一口腔调浓厚的英语,例如音调抑扬张或喉音过重,都难以把意思向人表达清楚。
    Heavily-accented English which is strangely musical or guttural is unlikely to cut through boundaries so neatly.
  • 大眼女神走到丈夫身边,注目于那头小母牛,奖它的俊美,又问主人是谁,属于哪个牛群。
    The ox-eyed goddess joined her husband, noticed the heifer, praised its beauty, and asked whose it was and of what herd.
  • 根本没有必要这样肆意张.
    There is no need to indulge in such heroics.
  • 客人们奖女主人的烹饪技术。
    The guests complimented the hostess on her cooking.
  • 我说的决不过分(无意张).
    I say this in all humility, ie without wishing to appear boastful.
  • 美国式的幽默主要以张为基础。
    American humor is founded largely on hyperbole.
  • 这个发展趋势是非常非常值得耀的。
    This trend is very, very good.
  • 表达时使用夸张法
    To express with hyperbole.
  • 张法的有张属性的,与张有关的,或用张法的
    Of, relating to, or employing hyperbole.
  • 非常大的不确定的数字(常用于张)。
    a very large indefinite number (usually hyperbole).
  • 比喻,转义语言或措辞的比喻用法:隐喻或
    The figurative use of a word or an expression, as metaphor or hyperbole.
  • 尽管有时将"命运之子"与"顶点"乐队相提并论可以说有些张,但至少前者的兴起和后者同样璀璨夺目。
    Though the occasional comparisons to the Supremes are hyperbolic,to say the least,the rise of Destiny's Child has been similarly meteoric.
  • 克一组假想的电粒子中的任一个,它带有电子的三分之一或三分之二的电荷量,被认为是所有强子的组成要素
    Any of a group of hypothetical elementary particles having electric charges of magnitude one-third or two-thirds that of the electron, regarded as constituents of all hadrons.
  • 大到想象中的完美或理想的。
    exalted to an ideal perfection or excellence.
  • ,吹牛进行无聊、自吹自擂的谈话
    To engage in idle, boastful talk.
  • 我们既不要忽视双方之间的问题,也不要大这些问题。
    We must neither ignore our problems nor overstate them.
  • 除了显赫的祖宗之外更无一物可以自的人,好比土豆儿——他惟一的好处是存于地下。
    The man who has nothing to boast of but his illustrious ancestors is like a potato—the only good belonging to him is under the ground.
  • 大惊小怪者;危言耸听者不必要地进行警告或试图警告别人的人,如对即将来临的危险、灾难加以捏造或传播虚假张的谣言
    A person who needlessly alarms or attempts to alarm others, as by inventing or spreading false or exaggerated rumors of impending danger or catastrophe.
  • 耀过去的成绩就是为了让我们觉得她了不起。
    She played up her past achievementsjust to impress us.
  • 张的或者不合适的漂亮。
    ostentatiously or inappropriately pretty.
  • 罗嗦的(其谈的)演讲人;罗嗦、效率低下的指导方法;这天的报纸上有些废话连篇的社论;行动为唠叨的争论所耽搁。
    long-winded (or windy) speakers; verbose and ineffective instructional methods; newspapers of the day printed long wordy editorials; proceedings were delayed by wordy disputes.