  • 这原是帝国主义为了瓜分中国玩弄过的阴谋,当然受到中政府的拒绝。
    The central government naturally rejected the proposal, because it was a conspiracy the imperialists once hatched in order to carve up China.
  • 自回归以来,特区政府致力与中人民政府和其他内地政府部门建立和维持友好、积极的工作关系。
    Since reunification, the HKSAR has developed and maintained a cordial and constructive working relationship with the CPG and other Mainland authorities.
  • 自回归以来,特区政府致力与中人民政府和其他内地部门建立和维持友好、积极的工作关系,并取得重大进展。
    Since reunification, the HKSAR has made significant progress in developing and maintaining a cordial and constructive working relationship with the CPG and other Mainland authorities.
  •  第一百五十七条外国在香港特别行政区设立领事机构或其他官方、关官方机构,须经中人民政府批准。
    Article 157 The establishment of foreign consular and other official or semi-official missions in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall require the approval of the Central People's Government.
  • 该委员会是在国务院、中军事委员会领导下,主管全国国防动员工作的议事协调机构。
    The Commission is a consultant and coordinating body in charge of nationwide defense mobilization under the leadership of the State Council and the CMC.
  • 目前,在中层面设有四个公务员评议会,即高级公务员评议会、第一标准薪级公务员评议会、纪律部队评议会和警察评议会;
    There are four consultative councils at the central level: the Senior Civil Service Council, the Model Scale 1 Staff Consultative Council, the Disciplined Services Consultative Council and the Police Force Council.
  • 目前,在中层面设有四个公务员评议会,即高级公务员评议会、第一标准薪级公务员评议会、纪律部队评议会和警察评议会,在部门层面则设有八十多个部门协商委员会。
    There are four consultative councils at the central level: the Senior Civil Service Council, the Model Scale 1 Staff Consultative Council, the Disciplined Services Consultative Council and the Police Force Council. More than 80 consultative committees operate at the departmental level.
  • 新中国第一届中民政府就是由第一届全国政治协调会议选举产生的。
    New China's first Central People's Government was elected by the First Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.
  • 首先,要坚决地执行由我党提出的为人民政协所通过的共同纲领,和中人民政府发布的每一项法令、文告。
    First, they should firmly carry out the Common Programme, proposed by our Party and adopted at the People's Political Consultative Conference, as well as every decree and proclamation issued by the People's Government.
  • 1949年召开的中国人民政治协商会议,通过了具有临时宪法性质的《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》,选举产生了中人民政府,宣告了中华人民共和国的诞生。
    The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which was inaugurated in 1949, adopted the Common Program of the CPPCC, which served as the country's provisional constitution, elected the Central People's Government, and declared the birth of the PRC.
  • 制定货币政策时,或者例如在提供真实的可用的中银行储备,外币借贷,税收和支出决定时,采用明晰,透明的步骤将可以巩固宏观经济,为市场提供资源不断的信息,抵御歧视性贸易政策。
    The adoption of clear, transparent procedures in making monetary policy decisions and in, for example, presenting a full factual picture of usable central bank reserves, foreign currency borrowing, tax revenues and spending decisions, would improve macro economic stability, provide a flow of information to markets, and deter indiscriminate contagion.
  • 1954年,中人民政府决定在新疆组建生产建设兵团,则是这一历史经验在新的历史条件下的继承和发展。
    The decision of the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China in 1954 to establish the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps represented a continuation and development of this historical experience in the new historical conditions.
  • 二是从组织上解决政策连续性问题,即从中开始逐步实现领导班子的年轻化,这次首先解决的是中和国家领导机关。
    Second, we made organizational changes to ensure the continuity of policy; that is, the average age of leading cadres began to be lowered, starting with the Central Committee and the central government organs.
  • 他们的新套房有中暖气、洗衣机和设备齐全的厨房——实际上,一切现代化的设备都有。
    Their new flat has central heating, a washing machine, fitted kitchen-in fact, all the modern conveniences.
  • 道路汇聚在中央广场
    The avenues converge at a central square.
  • 答:中银行从来没有制定到本世纪末实现人民币可自由兑换的时间表。
    A: The central bank has never made a timetable for the free convertibility of the Renminbi by the turn of this century.
  • 我们应把他增选进中委员会。
    We should coopt him onto the Central Committee.
  • 我代表中政府和全国各族人民,向香港各界人士致以亲切的问候!
    Let me extend, on behalf of the Central Government and the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country, our most cordial greetings to the people of various circles in Hong Kong.
  • 我代表中政府和全国各族人民,向香港各界人士致以亲切的问候!向新就任的香港特别行政区第二任行政长官董建华先生和第二届政府主要官员、行政会议成员,表示衷心的祝贺!
    Let me extend, on behalf of the Central Government and the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country, our most cordial greetings to the people of various circles in Hong Kong and our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Tung Chee Hwa, the newly-appointed second Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR, the principal officials of his second term and members of the Executive Council.
  • 我代表党中和国务院,向大会表示热烈的祝贺,向全体到会的代表同志们,向战斗在各条战线上的全体职工同志们,致以亲切的慰问。
    On behalf of the Central Committee of the Party and the State Council, I extend warm congratulations to the congress and cordially greet all the delegates and all the comrades working in various fields.
  • 直罗镇一仗,中红军同西北红军兄弟般的团结,粉碎了卖国贼蒋介石向着陕甘边区的“围剿”,给党中把全国革命大本营放在西北的任务,举行了一个奠基礼。
    In the battle of Chihlochen the Central Red Army and the Northwestern Red Army, fighting in fraternal solidarity, shattered the traitor Chiang Kai-shek's campaign of "encirclement and suppression" against the Shensi-Kansu border area and thus laid the cornerstone for the task undertaken by the Central Committee of the Party, the task of setting up the national headquarters of the revolution in northwestern China.
  • 电影事业股份有限公司
    Central Motion Picture Corp., Studio of
  • 这一方面,拿中红色区域来说,曾经作了艰苦的教育工作,才使之逐渐地转变过来。
    In the Central Red Area it was only after much painstaking education that this tendency was gradually corrected.
  • 中国共产党中革命军事委员会发言人对新华社记者的谈话
  • 在回答记者有关如何利用1000亿元国债的问题时,曾培炎说,中增加了1000亿元国债用于基础设施投资,地方政府、企业也相应增加投入,银行也将增加贷款,总量大约为2500亿元。
    As for the question of how the 100 billion yuan worth of government loans will be used, Zeng said following the issuance of the 100 billion yuan worth of government loans, various local governments and enterprises will correspondingly increase input and the banks will also add loans, with the total sum expected to reach 250 billion yuan.
  • 与中宣传部、国家质量技术监督局、国家工商行政管理局一起,深入开展百城万店无假货活动,抓好100个示范店,30条示范街,今年底将推出5家示范专业批发市常
    They should join the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, the State Bureau of Quality Technical Supervision and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce in carrying out in-depth activity to ensure there are no counterfeit goods in tens of thousands of shops in one hundred cities, properly grasp 100 exemplary stores and 30 demonstration streets, five exemplary specialized wholesale markets will be set up by the end of this year.
  • 我们穿着长及臀部的水靴,对于齐踝深的小溪来说似乎有点虚张声势。于是我们走到水里,淌进了小溪中
    Even in hip waders we were overdressed for the ankle deep creek,but we stepped in,waded out to the middle and faced upstream.
  • 1998年,面对复杂严峻的国内外经济环境,全国人民在党中、国务院的正确领导下,认真贯彻落实增加投入、扩大内需为主的一系列方针政策,努力克服亚洲金融危机和特大洪涝灾害造成的重重困难,深化各项改革,促进经济增长,取得了举世瞩目的成绩。
    In 1998, facing the complicated and severe domestic and international economic environment, people of all nationalities, under the correct leadership of the Central Party Committee and the State Council, implemented a series of policies aiming at increasing input and expanding domestic demand. Difficulties brought about by the Asian financial crises and devastating flooding were overcome, various reforms were furthered deepened, and economic growth was promoted, resulting in great achievements attracting worldwide attention.
  • 十字形教堂的左右翼部;以直角穿过中广场。
    transverse part of a cruciform church; crosses the nave at right angles.
  • 武装叛乱分子窜扰昌都、丁青、黑河、山南等地区,杀戮干部,破坏交通,袭击中派驻当地的机关、部队,并到处抢掠财物,残害人民,奸淫妇女。
    The armed rebels harassed Qamdo, Dengqen, Heihe and Shannan. They killed cadres, disrupted communication lines, and attacked institutions and army troops stationed there by the central authorities. They looted, cruelly persecuted people and raped women.
  • 据初步统计,新中国成立50年来,中下拨的特大自然灾害救济补助款300多亿元,为22亿多人次解决了因灾缺粮的困难,帮助8亿多人次重建家园,重建倒塌房屋1亿多间,为2亿多人次提供衣物数十亿件,为10多亿人次治愈了因灾引起的疾玻
    According to preliminary statistics, in the past 50 years since the founding of the PRC, the Central Government has allocated more than 30 billion RMB yuan as relief funds for serious natural disasters, solving the problem of provisions in 2.2 billion cases, helping over 800 million people rebuild their homes, rebuilding more than 100 million collapsed houses, providing billions of items of clothing for 200-odd million people and curing a billion cases of disease or injury resulting from disasters.
  • 债务工具中结算系统于一九九零年设立,由金管局负责管理,为外汇基金票据及债券提供结算和托管服务。
    The Central Moneymarkets Unit (CMU) Service was established in 1990 and operated by the HKMA to provide a clearing and custodian system for Exchange Fund Bills and Notes.