  • 不管是否喝酒,仅有一不吸烟的肺癌患者有p53基因突变。
    Only one of the nonsmokers with lung cancer had p53 mutations, regardless of alcohol use.
  • 错误之处大到对中国航天技术的误述,小到一些日期和计算机硬件称的错误。
    Mistakes range from substantial misrepresentation of Chinese aerospace technology to minor errors in dates and hardware designations.
  • 血腥的声、政权、暴君
    A blood-stained reputation, regime, tyrant
  • 除了用拳击袋及有一教练陪练外,她的训练方法还包括了重量训练。
    In addition to working with a trainer and punching bags, her regimen also includes weight training.
  • 正好在飞机起飞之前,我自己也往那个著的邮袋里投了一封寄给我在伦敦的妻子的信,信平安到达。
    I myself put one letter in that famous bag just before the aeroplane went up, and that letter, which was addressed to my wife in London, reached her safely.
  • 该团在反侵略的战斗中赫赫有
    The regiment covered itself with glory in the invasion battle.
  • 机师本地化计划继续顺利推行。该部队现有11合资格的行动直升机本地机师及6本地定翼机机师。
    The pilot localisation scheme continues to progress well and the department now has 11 qualified local operational helicopter and six local aeroplane Captains.
  • 请在登记册上签名。
    Please sign the register.
  • 功能界别选举候选人,除要符合适用于地方选区选举有关年龄和居港年期的规定外,还须是列正式选民登记册的登记选民,并已登记为有关功能界别的选民或与该界别有密切联系。
    To become a candidate in the functional constituencies, one must satisfy the same age and residential requirements as in a geographical constituency election, be a registered elector on the Final Register, and also a registered elector of or have a substantial connection with the relevant functional constituency.
  • 我对他的字简直一点印象也没有。
    His name simply didn't register with me.
  • 我对这个字简直一点印象都没有。
    The name simply didn't register with me.
  • 他的字没有出现在记录上。
    His name doesn't appear on the register.
  • 正式的表册;登记表;(尤指)单,花
    Official list or register, esp of names
  • 请先在登记册上签,好吗?
    Will you sign the register first, please?
  • 那个字我实在记不住。
    The name simply did not register with me.
  • 香港特别行政区永久性居民中的中国公民,只要年满21岁,在外国无居留权,过去三年通常在香港居住,并且是列正式选民登记册的登记选民,便可在任何一个地方选区参选。
    Any permanent resident of the HKSAR who is a Chinese citizen with no right of abode in any foreign country may stand for election in any geographical constituency, provided that he or she is a registered elector on the Final Register, has attained the age of 21, and has ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for the preceding three years.
  • (2)自行改变注册商标的注册人义、地址或者其他注册事项的;
    where the name, address or other registered matters concerning the registrant of a registered trademark are changed unilaterally (that is, without the required application);
  • 第十五条注册商标需要变更注册人的义、地址或者其他注册事项的,应当提出变更申请。
    Article 15.Where, after the registration of a trademark, the name, address or other registered matters concerning the registrant change, an application regarding the change shall be filed.
  • 注册协议是指注册机构和域持有方之间的协议。
    Registration Agreement means the agreement between a Registrar and a domain-name holder.
  • 注册方是指被申诉方注册成为争议主题的域的机构实体。
    Registrar means the entity with which the Respondent has registered a domain name that is the subject of a complaint.
  • (vii)确定在申诉提交时负责注册域的注册机构;
    (vii) Identify the Registrar(s) with whom the domain name(s) is/are registered at the time the complaint is filed;
  • 向被申诉方寄发所用的所有通信地址和传真地址来自(a)注册方的whois数据库中出现的关于注册域持有者、技术联络人和管理联络人的域注册数据,以及(b)注册方向服务提供方提交的注册计费联络人信息。以及
    sending the complaint to all postal-mail and facsimile addresses (A) shown in the domain name's registration data in Registrar's Whois database for the registered domain-name holder, the technical contact, and the administrative contact and (B) supplied by Registrar to the Provider for the registration's billing contact;
  • 共有的管辖是指下述任何一个位置的法庭管辖(a)注册方的主要办公地点(假如域持有方已经向该司法管辖部门提交注册协议寻求对有关该域或该域引起的争议的法庭裁决)或(b)向服务提供方提交申诉时,域持有方为注册域在注册方的whois数据库中出现的地址。
    Mutual Jurisdiction means a court jurisdiction at the location of either (a) the principal office of the Registrar (provided the domain-name holder has submitted in its Registration Agreement to that jurisdiction for court adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from the use of the domain name) or (b) the domain-name holder's address as shown for the registration of the domain name in Registrar's Whois database at the time the complaint is submitted to the Provider.
  • 如果该域(或者"www."后接域)对应的是活动网页(而不是服务提供方认为的由注册方或isp维护的放置多重域持有者所注册的域的一般网页),该网页上出现的任何电子邮件地址或者电子邮件链接;
    and(C) if the domain name (or "www." followed by the domain name) resolves to an active web page (other than a generic page the Provider concludes is maintained by a registrar or ISP for parking domain-names registered by multiple domain-name holders), any e-mail address shown or e-mail links on that web page;
  • “申诉方同意关于域、争议或争议解决的索赔和补偿仅对于域的持有方,并且放弃向以下各方要求所有索赔或补偿(a)争议解决方案的提议者和陪审员,除非存在有意的恶意行为,(b)注册方,(c)注册管理员,和(d)“互联网称与号码分配协会”,及其主管、官员、员工和代理。”
    "Complainant agrees that its claims and remedies concerning the registration of the domain name, the dispute, or the dispute's resolution shall be solely against the domain-name holder and waives all such claims and remedies against (a) the dispute-resolution provider and panelists, except in the case of deliberate wrongdoing, (b) the registrar, (c) the registry administrator, and (d) the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, as well as their directors, officers, employees, and agents."
  • 注册字的登入或记录
    An enrollment or a registration of names.
  • 在高位上居留是很不稳的,其退步或是复亡,或者至少是声暗晦,——那是一件很可悲的事。
    The standing is slippery, and the regress is either a downfall, or at least an eclipse, which is a melancholy thing.
  • 前著影星、反越战斗士、有氧运动表率简·方达最近为她的热情和金钱找到了一个新的用武之地——打破人们对不同性别孩子的成见。
    Jane Fonda, former film star, anti war militant and aerobics guru, has found a new outlet for her passions and her cash breaking down the stereotypes that divide boys and girls.
  • 1997年,英国米德尔塞克斯大学的研究人员对63志愿者进行实验,分别在他们完成增氧运动后和坐着不动看完录像后测试了他们的创造性思维。
    In 1997, researchers at England's Middlesex University tested creative thinking in a group of 63 volunteers after they'd finished an aerobic workout and then after they'd sat around watching a video.
  • 很可惜,有些演员、有些解放军的文艺战士,也被卷到里边去了。
    Most regrettably, certain famous actors and actresses, including some from the PLA troupes, have been swept up in this trend.
  • 今天,我们看到各角落的提款机上储蓄银行的标志已大幅度缩小,甚至称也不在提款荧光屏上出现了。
    Regrettably, today we find the key logo above the ATMs much dwindled in size, and even the name is missing from the ATM's screen.
  •  今天,我们看到各角落的提款机上储蓄银行的标志已大幅度缩小,甚至称也不在提款荧光屏上出现了。
    Regrettably, today we find the key logo above the DBS-POSBank ATMs much dwindled in size, and even the name of POSBank is missing from the ATM's screen.