  • 有一個圓錐孔和一個雙簧吹的細的木管樂器。
    a slender woodwind with a conical bore and a double-reed mouthpiece.
  • 角笛一種由動物角製成的樂器,有振動片、指孔、喇叭和吹
    An instrument with a single reed, finger holes, and a bell and mouthpiece made of horn.
  • 雙簧管帶有一個圓錐形孔和雙簧管吹的細小的木管樂器,具有三個八度音域和穿透力強而尖利的聲音
    A slender woodwind instrument with a conical bore and a double reed mouthpiece, having a range of three octaves and a penetrating, poignant sound.
  • 裏散發出威士忌酒的氣味。
    His breath reeked of whisky.
  • 我拖着兩個輪子左右搖擺的紅色手提箱,被那些汗流滿面的旅客擠來擠去,遊客身上散發出難聞的煙味,不同的腔氣味,以及不足以衝掉汗臭的除臭劑的味道。
    Pulling my red suitcase on wobbly wheels behind me, I was shoved and pushed by perspiring travelers reeking of cigarette smoke, different diets and not nearly enough deodorant.
  • 氣背出一首詩、說出許多名字、發出一係列指令
    Reel off a poem, list of names, set of instructions
  • 他能一氣說出歐洲各國首都的名字。
    He can reel off the name of all the capital of europe.
  • 他一氣把《古水手吟》從頭到尾都背誦出來了。
    He recited the whole of The Ancient Mariner to us off the reel.
  • 經過差不多一年的討論,到一九七八年底我們召開了十一屆三中全會,批評了“兩個凡是”,提出了“解放思想,開動腦筋”的號,提倡理論聯繫實際,一切從實際出發,肯定了實踐是檢驗真理的唯一標準,重新確立了實事求是的思想路綫。
    After about one year of debate, at the end of 1978 we convened the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee. At that session we criticized the idea of the "two whatevers" and put forward instead the slogan "We must emancipate our minds and use our heads." We declared that we had to integrate theory with practice and proceed from reality in everything we did, affirmed that practice was the sole criterion for judging truth and reestablished the ideological line of seeking truth from facts.
  • 退款錢款收取以後歸還,如再出的進産品退稅
    A refund or remittance, such as a discount on duties or taxes for goods destined for reexport.
  •  然而,當說一個人是東方人恐怕不再是個好主意時,該詞在指物的很多短語中仍然是標準用法,比如,東方地毯通常是指從土耳其或中亞進的地毯,它們的價格極貴(通常是數千美元),受到極高的贊譽。
    Nevertheless, while it may no longer be a good idea to refer to a person as an Oriental, it is still the standard usage in many phrases referring to things. For example, the term "Oriental carpet" refers to a type of carpet typically imported from Turkey or Central Asia. These carpets are extremely expensive (often costing thousands of dollars) and are highly prized.
  • 使某人失去好感、興趣、胃
    Kill sb's affection, interest, appetite
  • 堅决反對以公民投票方式改變臺灣是中國一部分的地位臺灣分裂勢力以“主權在民”為藉,企圖以公民投票方式改變臺灣是中國一部分的地位,這是徒勞的。
    We firmly oppose changing Taiwan's status as a part of China by referendum. The Taiwan separatists' attempt to change Taiwan's status as a part of China by referendum on the pretext that " sovereignty belongs to the people" is futile.
  • 他以贊揚的吻提到你的工作。
    He referred to your work in terms of praise.
  • 煉油廠的廠址總在遠離人集中的地方。
    The siting of refineries is at a distance from population centres.
  • 石油工業的特徵是它有一點點危險性,所以煉油廠的廠址總在遠離人集中的地方。
    the oil industry is marked by an element of danger, hence the siting of refineries at a distance from population centres.
  • 石油工業的特徵是有一點危險性,所以煉油廠的廠址在遠離人集中的地方。
    The oil industry is marked by an element of danger , hence the siting of refineries is at a distance from population centers.
  • 貝敦美國得剋薩斯州東南一城市,位於休斯頓船道上的加爾維斯頓灣上方。是一個煉油和工業中心。人63,850
    A city of southeast Texas at the head of Galveston Bay on the Houston Ship Channel. It is an oil-refining and industrial center. Population,63, 850.
  • 蘭州中國中部黃河沿岸一城市,位於成都以北。是重要的油料加工中心和甘肅省的首府。人1,060,000
    A city of central China on the Huang He(Yellow River) north of Chengdu. A major oil-refining center, it is the capital of Gansu province. Population,1, 060, 000.
  • 同時,綜合運用經濟、法律和必要的行政手段,以紡織行業為突破,逐步擴大到煤炭、冶金、建材、石化、製糖等行業,關閉了一大批産品質量低劣、浪費資源、污染嚴重和不具備安全生産條件的企業,淘汰了一大批落後設備、技術和工藝,壓縮了部分過剩生産能力。
    At the same time, starting with the textile industry and gradually moving to the coal, metallurgical, building material, petrochemical, sugar refining and other industries, we used economic, legal and necessary administrative measures to close a large number of enterprises that produced shoddy goods, wasted resources, seriously polluted the environment or were unsafe for production. This eliminated large quantities of old equipment and many obsolete technologies and production processes, and reduced the excessive production capacity.
  • 市場疲軟,反映出目前出裝船之景象已告一段落。
    Market easier reflect now satiate export shipment.
  • 氣從胃躥到再伴隨聲音發出來的生理行為。
    a reflex that expels wind noisily from the stomach through the mouth.
  • 在新生哺乳動物中存在的一種反射;包括找到乳頭並將其放入中吸吮、吞咽乳汁。
    reflex behavior in newborn mammals; includes finding and grasping the nipple in the mouth and sucking on it and swallowing the milk.
  • 靠這種剩餘財富,建造起了巴臺農神殿和希臘雅典衛城的入,購買了菲迪亞斯的雕刻作品,舉辦了慶祝盛典,埃斯庫羅斯·素福剋勒斯、歐裏庇得斯和阿裏斯托芬的戲劇,就是為這些盛典創作的。
    From such a surplus the Parthenon and the Propylaea were built, the sculptures of Pheidias paid for, and the festivals celebrated, for which AEschylus, Sophocles, Euripides,and Aristophanes composed their dramas.
  • 鄧迪蘇格蘭中東部縣區,位於泰河彎北岸,在蘇格蘭改革時期的宗教戰爭中是神聖盟約派的據點,人184,616
    A burgh of east-central Scotland on the northern bank of the Firth of Tay. It was a stronghold of the Covenanters in the religious wars of the Scottish Reformation. Population,185, 616.
  • 連貫性,是沒有想象力的人的最後的籍
    Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
  • 得到時學問是裝飾,窘睏時是避難所,老邁時是糧。
    Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age.
  • 聖巴巴拉美國加利福尼亞南部一城市,位於洛杉磯西北偏西方的聖巴巴拉海峽。它是西班牙早期的要塞和傳道區之一,現為居住及療養區,有航天和電子研究與發展業。人85,571
    A city of southern California on the Santa Barbara Channel west-northwest of Los Angeles. Site of an early Spanish presidio and mission, it is a residential and resort community with aerospace and electronics research and development industries. Population,85, 571.
  • 大草原城美國德剋薩斯州東北部城市,位於達拉斯和沃思堡中間。座落在一個高度城市化的地區,該城有航天工業並為一個大型遊樂園的所在地。人99,616
    A city of northeast Texas halfway between Dallas and Fort Worth. Located in a highly urbanized area, the city has an aerospace industry and is the site of an enormous amusement park. Population,99, 616.
  • 肯特市美國華盛頓州中西部城市,位於西雅圖南部。是一個位於原農業區的新近城市化了的社區,同時又是一個航天工業的食品加工中心。人37,960
    A city of west-central Washington south of Seattle. A newly urbanized community in a former farming region, it is a food-processing center with an aerospace industry. Population,37, 960.
  • 我把寫給攝政王的信裝入開信封。
    I enclose the letter which I have written to the Prince Regent under a flying seal.
  • 河口水文
    hydrological regime in estuaries