  • 处于力下的人容易实现自己的个人价值,而这正是人生的目的。
    People under stress tend to actualize their own personal worth- the very aim of a human life.
  • 处于力下的人容易实现自己的个人价值,而这正是人生的目的。
    People under stress tend to actualize their own personal worth - the very aim of a human life.
  • 通过压条法而生根
    To take root as a result of layering.
  • 我压根儿讨厌开车。
    I have a rooted objection to driving.
  • 我们党领导的新民主主义革命,目的是取消帝国主义在中国的特权,消灭地主阶级和官僚资产阶级的剥削和迫,改变买办的封建的生产关系,以及改变建立在这种经济基础之上的腐朽的政治上层建筑,确立人民民主专政为核心的新的政治上层建筑,从根本上解放被束缚的生产力。
    The purpose of the new democratic revolution led by our Party was to abrogate the privileges of imperialism in China, eliminate exploitation and oppression by the landlord class and the bureaucrat-capitalist class , change the comprador feudal production relations and the rotten political superstructure rooted in such economic base , establish a new political superstructure with the people's democratic dictatorship as the core and release from the roots the fettered productive forces.
  • 条将枝条埋在土中使其生根,而同时又是存活的母体植物的一部分
    A stem that is covered with soil for rooting while still part of the living plant.
  • 条使仍和母体植物相连接的树枝、嫩条或茎生根的过程,如通过把经过特殊处理的部分放入湿润的土壤中的方法
    The process of rooting branches, twigs, or stems that are still attached to a parent plant, as by placing a specially treated part in moist soil.
  • 油地毡,漆布一种耐久、可洗材料,在粗麻布或帆布底衬上,通过在褥单上把加热的亚麻籽油、松香、软木粉和颜料的混合物制粗麻布或帆布底衬上而制成,通常用于铺地面
    A durable, washable material made in sheets by pressing a mixture of heated linseed oil, rosin, powdered cork, and pigments onto a burlap or canvas backing. Linoleum is used as a covering especially for floors.
  • 喷气式飞机的缩机的转动体的叶片。
    the blade of a rotor (as in the compressor of a jet engine).
  • 旋转螺旋桨的集合;直升飞机上是水平旋转物,喷气式飞机上是缩旋转物。
    an assembly of rotating airfoils; horizontal rotors on a helicopter or compressor rotors of a jet engine.
  • 他恣意制所有与他相左的意见。
    He rode roughshod over all opposition to his ideas.
  • 他把钱在(轮盘赌等的)一局上。
    He gambled his money on one spin of the wheel, eg at a game of roulette.
  • 卡普多普瑞尔一种用于治疗高血的药物,该药通过抑制激活高血素的酶起作用
    A drug used in the treatment of hypertension that functions by inhibiting the enzymes that activate angiotensin.
  • 在日常的工作中给管制员施加一些时间力。
    Given that controllers routinely work under some level of time pressure, the lower estimate is more reasonable than the higher estimate.
  • 一种允许数据绕过数据缩器的辅助通道。
    A secondary channel that permits routing of data around the data compressor.
  • 他的声音被一伙流氓的吵闹声给倒了。
    His voice was drowned out by the noise made by a gang of rowdies.
  • 一种把数据入堆栈的过程,即数据缓冲的过程。lastin/firstout的缩写。
    Refers to push-down stack procedures and is the acronym for last in/first out, a buffer procedure.
  • (特别是指军队或者山脉的排、列)挤在一起。
    (especially of rows as of troops or mountains) pressed together.
  • 他对他们的许多残暴欺行为狠狠地加以报复。
    He served them out royally for their many acts of cruelty and oppression.
  • 对他们的残酷欺行为,我们狠狠地进行了报复。
    We served them out royally for their many acts of cruelty and oppression.
  • 好的统治者不会迫贫民。
    A good ruler will not oppress the poor.
  • 声波是一维的声学(气)波,当声波进入人的耳朵时,耳膜振动,引起耳朵内部的一些小骨头振动,并向大脑发出神经脉冲,这些脉冲被听者作为声音听到了。声波可以通过adc(模拟数字转换器)转换到数字形式,adc采用电作为输入并产生二进制数作为输出。当然,音乐是声波的一种特殊情况,但却是重要的一种。这些音频信号的表达、处理、存储和转换是多媒体系统研究的主要部分。
    An audio(sound) wave is a one-dimensional acoustic(pressure) wave. When an acoustic wave enters the ear, the eardrum vibrates, causing the tiny bones of the inner ear to vibrate along with it, and sending nerve pulses to the brain. These pluses are perceived as sound by the listener. Audio waves can be converted to digital form by an ADC (Analog Digital Converter). An ADC takes an electrical voltage as input and generates a binary number as output. Music, of course,is just a special case of general audio,but an important one. The representation, processing,storage, and transmission of such audio signals are a major part of the study of multimedia systems.
  • 声波是一维的声学(气)波。
    An audio(sound) wave is a one-dimensional acoustic(pressure) wave.
  • 挤在一起或出皱纹;弄皱
    To crush together or press into wrinkles; rumple.
  • 王平:还有一个“飞毛腿”就是马来西亚的皮特,在百米决赛中,技群雄,跑出了10秒68的成绩,震动了亚洲田坛,还被称为“神秘人物”。
    Wang Ping: Malaysian Peter was another "fleet-footed runner".In the final competition of the 100 meters, he exceeded the rest of the runners, and won the title by 10.68 seconds, which shook the Asian track and field circle.
  • 王平:还有一个“飞毛腿”就是马来西亚的皮特,在百米决赛中,技群雄,跑出了10秒68的成绩,震动了亚洲田坛,还被称为“神秘人物”。
    Wang Ping: Malaysian Peter was another "fleet-footed runner". In the final competition of the 100 meters, he exceeded the rest of the runners, and won the title by 10.68 seconds, which shook the Asian track and field circle.
  • 地上的车辙给车轮平了。
    The ruts flattened out under the pressure of wheels.
  • 一种中和或制胃酸的物质(特别是用于胃部)。
    an agent that counteracts or neutralizes acidity (especially in the stomach).
  • 但是,他们的要求遭到三大领主的残酷镇
    However, they were subjected to ruthless suppression by the three big estate-holders.
  • 地主阶级对于农民的残酷的经济剥削和政治迫,迫使农民多次地举行起义,以反抗地主阶级的统治。
    The ruthless economic exploitation and political oppression of the Chinese peasants forced them into numerous uprisings against landlord rule.
  • 地主阶级这样残酷的剥削和迫所造成的农民的极端的穷苦和落后,就是中国社会几千年在经济上和社会生活上停滞不前的基本原因。
    The extreme poverty and backwardness of the peasants resulting from ruthless landlord exploitation and oppression is the basic reason why Chinese society remained at the same stage of socio-economic development for several thousand years.
  • 占领国残酷地迫农民。
    The peasants were kept down ruthlessly by the occupying power.