  • 化学教授埃德·史密斯说:“这是一种非自动化的计算机-一就象算盘那样,但是我们相信这种计算方式可以象常规计算机一样实现自动化。
    "It's kind of a non-automated computer---an abacus of sorts---hut it's an approach we're confident can be automated like a conventional computer," said Lloyd Smith, a professor of chemistry.
  • 同样:“难道你不觉得有时疲会使你失去兴趣吗?”
    " Similarly:" Do you think you have lost interest partly because you are so tired?
  • 简单劳动与复杂劳动
    simple labour and complex labour
  • 她为这个家忠心耿耿地操了30年。
    She has served the family faithfully for thirty years.
  • 他粗糙的双手,被太阳哂得发黑的健壮四肢,均表明他十分辛勤,非常耐
    His hard hands and sinewy sunburnt limbs told of labor and endurance.
  • 他们进行着艰苦的
    They are working hard.
  • 辛勤劳动带来成功。
    Hard work produces success.
  • 阿尔巴尼亚劳动党
    Albanian Party of Labour
  • 最能提神解的莫如在回程列车上喝杯冰啤酒。
    For refreshment , there's just nothing that beat sip down a cool one on the train head home.
  • 德从他父亲的车里吸了点汽油出来。
    Claude siphon off a little petrol from his father's car.
  • 德从他父亲的车里吸了点汽油出来
    Claude siphoned off a little petrol from his father 's car
  • 当我们讨论管制工作负荷的时候,我们指的是为管理当时的状况所需要付出的脑力动,环境的要求可以看作客观的工作负荷,而脑力动则是管制员所感受到的工作负荷。
    When we look at workload, we are trying to get at the effort, particularly the mental effort, needed to manage the demands of the situation. Situational demands may be thought of as objective workload, while mental effort is the controller's perceived workload.
  • 我最近看了一些材料,屡教屡犯的多得很,改几年放出来以后继续犯罪,而且更熟练、更会对付公安司法机关了。
    Recently I have read some relevant documents, from which I understand there are a great many habitual criminals who, on being released after a few years' remoulding through forced labour, resume their criminal activities, each time becoming more skilful and more experienced in coping with the public security and judicial organs.
  • 熟练动与非熟练
    skilled labour and unskilled labour
  • 工匠有技术的手工动者;手艺人
    A skilled manual worker; a craftsperson.
  • 她此刻虽然还不需要你的钱买衣料,但她很喜欢,比自己的钱买的,或者是我买给她的还要高兴,为的是你能记着她的生日,而且能够用自己力所得的钱买给她一份的礼物,不过她再三嘱咐,你把月中余剩的钱存积起来,虽然不错,但自己的身体健康方面,不可疏忽,应该吃什么补品,就要买吃,不可太俭。
    Although she does not as yet need your money for her dress, she is extremely happy, as she values your gift even more than if she had bought the dress herself, or even if I had bought it for her. This is because you remember her birthday; moreover you have bought this gift for her with money which you have earned by the sweat of your own labour. But she exhorts you repeatedly that, although it is a good thing to be able to save whatever surplus money you can each month, you should never skimp on taking care of your own health. You should spend on whatever nutrition supplement that you require and should not thrift over these.
  • 希望各级组织的同志,特别是在基层工作的同志,发扬光荣传统,同心同德,任任怨,为党和国家分忧,为群众分忧,不能有任何松劲的情绪。
    We hope that comrades at all levels, and at the grass-roots level in particular, will carry forward our glorious traditions, unite as one, work hard and uncomplainingly, share the burdens of the Party, the state and the people, and never slacken their efforts.
  • 当他累的时候他放慢了速度。
    He slackened his pace as he got tired.
  • 很好,克德,我们是会重新开始,把过去的一切都忘掉的。
    Very well, Claud, we'll clean the slate, and forget all the past.
  • 要每日或每周向动者预付全部报酬,就必须事先准备好比足够维持现有生产规模更多的资本,将其拨归生产使用。不论动者得到多少报酬,总要比精明的奴隶主为了自身利益而给予奴隶的报酬要多些。
    In order that the whole remuneration of the labourers should be advanced to them in daily or weekly payments, there must exist in advance, and be appropriated to productive use, a greater stock, or capital, than would suffice to carry on the existing extent of production: greater, by whatever amount of remuneration the labourers receive, beyond what the self-interest of a prudent slave-master would assign to his slaves.
  • 编辑已伏案辛了好几个小时了。
    The editor has been slaving at his desk for hours.
  • 她并未在热烘烘的火炉前累几个小时!如果我没看错的话,那蛋糕是从商店里买来的。
    She hadn't spent hours slaving over a hot stove! That was shop-bought cake if ever I saw one.
  • 累了一天,离开办公室,回到家中又做饭。我真不明白她如何还能撑得住。
    I don't know how she keeps on her feet after slaving all day, first in the office and then at home in the kitchen.
  • 李明参加完高考又疲又困,一下子倒在床上睡了一整天。
    Li Ming, when he finished his entrance examination to the university, was so tired and sleepy that he fell into bed and slept the clock round.
  • 没有结果的调查;在艺术高峰之后没有成果的几年;无益的奔走;徒的尝试。
    a fruitless search; futile years after her artistic peak; a sleeveless errand; a vain attempt.
  • 我喜欢!(麦当劳)
    I lovin it!
  • 把美金换成法郎;用力换膳宿
    Exchange dollars for francs; exchanging labor for room and board.
  • 诸事易,懒惰万事难。
    All things are easy to industry;all things difficult to sloth.
  • 懒惰像生锈一样,比操更能消耗身体。(美国总统富兰克林.b.)
    Sloth , like rust , consumes faster than labor wears .(Benjamin Franklin , American president)
  • 第一,通过生产动,使罪犯了解社会财富来之不易,可以培养其热爱动、习惯动的思想,树立“不动不得食”的观念,矫正好逸恶、贪图享受等恶习;
    Firstly, productive labour helps criminals realize that social wealth does not come easily, fosters a love for work and helps them become accustomed to it, instills the idea of "no work, no food" in their minds, and helps them overcome bad habits such as sloth, aversion to work and hedonism.
  • 经济政策研究所研究工问题的经济学家贾里德·伯恩斯坦说:“30年内最理想的经济应当是减少不平等,而非仅仅减慢不平等的增长速度。”
    "The best economy in 30 years ought to have lessened inequality instead of just slowing its growth," says Jared Bernstein, a labor economist at the Economic Policy Institute, a union-backed think tank.
  • 世上唯有贫穷可以不而获。
    Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.