  • 例如贝里太大讲,大概是在1915年她患百日咳好,她的马每天都自己下山到学校去接她上山,因为那时她太虚弱上不了山等等。
    Berry's -- about the time in 1915 when she was recovering from whooping cough and her horse walked down to school by itself every day to pick her up because she was too weak to walk up the hill.
  • 贝蒂做了自我介绍,说明自己从南方来。
    Betty introduced herself,stating that she recently came from the South.
  • 他一脸迷惑地问我才发生了什么事。
    With a bewildered look on his face he asked me what just happened.
  • 哈,我才巧占了对方的叫牌机会。
    Well, Iam stealing bidding room from the opponent.
  • 哈,我才巧占了对方的叫牌机会。
    Well, I am stealing bidding room from the opponent.
  • 哈,我才巧占了对方的叫牌机会。
    Well, I was stealing bidding room from the opponents.
  • 一个蚊子叮了我一口。
    A mosquito just bit me.
  • 他们才在吃茶的时候吃了点东西。
    They had just a bite at tea.
  • 格兰古瓦把嘴唇靠近那令人陶醉的欢乐、凯旋之杯,就有一滴苦汁掺进了杯里。
    Scarcely had Gringoire raised this intoxicating cup of triumph and delight to his lips than a drop of bitterness came to mingle with it.
  • 吉姆不知被那阵风吹来了。
    Jim has just blown in.
  • 轮廓朦胧的风景;才有模糊身影的树。
    a landscape of blurred outlines; the trees were just blurry shapes.
  • 刚体的平动
    translation of a rigid body
  • 他刚把牛奶煮了。
    He's just boil some milk.
  • 水刚开。
    The water is just on the boil.
  • 邦德错过了一个得分机会。
    Bond has just missed an open goal.
  • 变得硬或不能移动;指的是骨头。
    become rigid or immoveable; of bones.
  • 通过订房代理处预订了一间房。
    I just book a room thorough the booking service.
  • 通过订房代理处预订了一间房。
    I've just booked a room through the booking service.
  • 通过订房代理处预订了一间房。
    I have just booked a room thorough the booking service.
  • 在循环开始时,会计算一次“布尔表达式”的值。而对于后来每一次额外的循环,都会在开始前重新计算一次。
    The Boolean-expression is evaluated once at the beginning of the loop and again before each further iteration of the statement.
  • 村庄的游园会开始,天就下起雨来了,不过天没有塌下来,因为啤酒棚的生意突然兴旺起来了。
    Just after the opening of the village fete there was a sudden down pour, but it was not the end of the world because business was booming in the beer tent.
  • 离开,我就在电话亭看到这副手套。
    I saw them in the phone booth immediately after you left.
  • 旗开得胜成为俄国第一个民选总统的叶利钦,来到美国。
    Boris Yeltsin arrived in the U.S., fresh from his victory in becoming the first popularly elected Russian president.
  • 我并不是才出生的!
    I was not born yesterady!
  • 瓶装的或榨出来的桔子汁。
    bottled or fresh-squeezed juice of oranges.
  • 他刚买了一辆轿车。
    He just bought a coach.
  • 乔很伤心,因为他失去了女朋友。
    Joe is sad because he just got the bounce from his girlfriend.
  • 把房子打扫了好一阵子。
    I have just had a long bout of house cleaning.
  • 你怎么打出才那个飞碟球的?
    How did you bowl that UFO balljust now.
  • 才你男朋友给你打电话了。
    Your boyfriend called you just now.
  • 和男朋友断绝关系。
    She's just chucked her boyfriend.
  • 艾里克·诺克斯英俊、智慧,是诺克斯科技公司的创始人。他在自己的办公室被人绑架。
    Eric Knox,the handsome,brainy founder of Knox Technologies,has just been kidnapped from his own office.