  • 4个月后,举行完葬礼,在和我父亲与弟一同落实了最后事宜之后,我返回爱达荷州。我知道我丈夫会到机场来接我。
    Four months later, after the funeral and final matters were taken care of with my father and brother, I returned to Idaho where I knew my husband would be at the airport to meet me.
  • 我立即认出那件外衣,它是我弟的。
    I identified the coat at once, It was my brother's.
  • "我立即认出了那件外套,它是我弟的。"
    I identified the jacket at once; it was my brother's.
  • 我希望你多学学你的
    I wish you would imitate your brother a little more
  • 我希望你多学学你的弟。
    I wish you will imitate your brother a little more.
  • 你不是我的弟,你是个骗子!
    You're not my brother, you impostor!
  • 堂(或表)弟(或姐妹)的子女能继承遗产吗?
    Can a first cousin at one remove inherit the property?
  • 他手指上戴着好几个戒指,其中有一枚是沉甸甸的图章戒指,这枚戒指是始终不离身的。从他的西装背心上垂下一条精致的金表链,表链那一头垂挂着弟会的秘密徽章。
    His fingers bore several rings--one, the ever-enduring heavy seal--and from his vest dangled a neat gold watch chain, from which was suspended the secret insignia of the Order of Elks.
  • 英国自治镇风俗一些英国自治镇中的一种风俗,没有遗嘱时财产继承权属于最小的儿子,在缺乏继承人情况下,则属于最小的
    An old custom in certain English boroughs whereby the right to inherit an estate intestate went to the youngest son or, in default of issue, to the youngest brother.
  • 最后,对他十分了解的弟莫迪亚,建议用《悲怆》这个名字。
    And then his brother Modia, who knew him so intimately, suggested the word Pathetique.
  • 有天晚上烫衣服时,想着这位仁的近况,我突发奇思,也想找个妻子。
    As I thought about him while I was ironing one evening, it suddenly occurred to me that, I too, would like to have a wife.
  • 我们党对弟党只是介绍我们的经验,这些经验哪些可以借鉴,哪些不能借鉴,完全由各个党自己去选择。
    Our Party can do no more than relate our experience to fraternal parties. It is entirely up to these parties to determine what experience is relevant and what is irrelevant to their situations.
  • 以扫在《旧约》中是艾萨克和卢贝卡的长子,曾只为了一些浓汤把他的长子名份让给了他的孪生弟雅各
    In the Old Testament, the eldest son of Isaac and Rebecca who sold his birthright to his twin brother, Jacob, for a mess of pottage.
  • (《旧约全书》中艾萨克的儿子;以扫的弟;以色列十二族长的父亲;雅各布和上帝摔跤并且迫使上帝保佑他,上帝给他取名为以色列。
    (Old Testament) son of Isaac; brother of Esau; father of the twelve patriarchs of Israel; Jacob wrestled with God and forced God to bless him, so God gave Jacob the new name of Israel (meaning `one who has been strong against God').
  • (旧约全书)雅各布的第十一个儿子和以色列的十二个族长之一;雅各布送他一身多彩服,这引起了他的弟的妒忌并把他送到埃及去做苦役。
    (Old Testament) the 11th son of Jacob and one of the 12 patriarchs of Israel; Jacob gave Joseph a coat of many colors, which made his brother jealous and the sold him into slavery in Egypt.
  • 凡·爱克兄弟
    Jan and Hubert van Eyck
  • 勒迈里说,公元前20年到公元70年之间,犹太人惯于用石灰石盒子盛放尸骨,而从该墓志铭的写作风格来判断,该墓志铭所指的就应该是当时在耶路撒冷领导早期教堂的耶酥和詹姆士弟。
    Lemaire says the writing style, and the fact that Jews practiced ossuary burials only between 20 B.C. and A.D. 70, puts the inscription squarely in the time of Jesus and James, who led the early church in Jerusalem.
  • 你是约翰的兄弟吗?
    Are you John's Brother?
  • 二十年之后,夏威夷大学的约书亚·巴尼斯和弗吉尼亚国家射电大文学天文台的约翰·哈比德创造了一个撞击的“老鼠”的详细模型,这大大地推进了图木尔弟的工作。
    Two decades later, Joshua Barnes of the University of Hawaii and John Hibbard of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Virginia created a detailed model of the colliding Mice that greatly enhanced the work of the Toomre brothers.
  • 他非常兴奋又见到他的弟。
    He was joyful to see his brother again.
  • 我不是弟的照料者吗。
    am I my brother's keeper?
  • 他知道我们走肯特的弟时就试图讨好我们,那副样子真好笑。
    It was amusing the way he tried to shine up to us when he realized that we were Kent's brothers.
  • 这两弟是同一类型的人。
    Those two brothers are men of the same kidney.
  • 马克白苏格兰国王(1040-1057年),在一次战斗中杀死其表国王邓肯(卒于1040年)后即位。他夺权和统治的传说构成了莎士比亚马克白的主要基础
    King of Scotland(1040-1057) who ascended the throne after killing his cousin King Duncan(died1040) in battle. Legends of his rise to power and reign are the basis of Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth.
  • 杀兄弟或姐妹的行为
    The killing of one's brother or sister.
  • 这些女人知道六代人的血缘关系知识,就是血亲关系中单边延伸到第二代堂妹的孙子。
    such women carry in their heads kinship knowledge of six generations depth and extending laterally among consanguineal kin as far as the grandchildren of second cousin.
  • 他的堂(弟),彼得,不以亲属待他。
    His cousin, Peter, holds no kindred with him.
  • 老管家向天主弯身下拜说:“感谢我的主人亚伯拉罕的上帝,天主你没有忘记以诚信待我主人,是天主引导我来到我主人的弟家里。”
    So the man bowed down and prostrated to the Lord. He said,'Blessed is the Lord the God of my master Abraham, who has mot failed to keep faith and truth with my master; for I have been guided by the Lord to the house of my master's kinsman.'
  • 爵士在某些骑士或弟会中的官员
    An officer in some knightly or fraternal orders.
  • 邵氏弟(香港)有限公司
    Shaw Brothers Ltd., Hong Kong
  • 华尔街巨擘如所罗门(弟财务公司)(已承认违反财政部法规)违法,可是并未起诉,drexelburnhamlambert(财务公司)也成热门新闻。可是像[charles]schwartz之类的小股票公司才更能令美国一般投资人上当。
    Wrongdoing by such Wall Street powerhouses as Salomon, which has admitted violating Treasury rules but has not been charged with any crime, and Drexel Burnham Lambert is what makes headlines. But it's wrongdoing by small brokers like Schwartz that are more likely to rip off the average American investor.
  • 他的弟很精通拉丁文。
    His brother is quite at home on Latin.