Chinese English Sentence:
  • 她的姐姐仍未出嫁。
    Her elder sister is still on the shelf.
  • 它们由石墨的同心外壳组成,每个壳圈成圆柱,所以碳原子的晶格是连续的。
    They consist of concentric shells of graphite, with each shell rolled into a cylinder so the lattice of carbon atoms remains continuous.
  • 我们从这场灾难中不断汲取教训.
    We are still absorbing the lessons of this disaster.
  • 即使是恶劣的天气,这里然有可以潜水的避风港。
    Even in bad weather there are sheltered locations to dive.
  • 不久美妙的事情出现了──在闪着光的月亮碎片开始平稳下来,并且形成了两个大大的圆圈,yee和lan一人一个。
    But then,something beautiful happened their shimmering bits of moon dust started to flatten out,and make two large circles,one for each of them.
  • 虽然出着太阳,约翰带上雨衣和雨伞,以防万一。
    Although the sun was shinning John took this raincoat and umbrella to be on the safe side.
  • 不论晴雨,演出继续进行。
    THe show will go on, rain or shine.
  • “那又有什么关系呢?美塞苔丝,尽管你这样孤单穷苦,但你然象最骄傲的船主女儿或马赛最有钱的银行家的小姐,完全配得上我的!
    "And if it were, Mercédès, poor and lone as you are, you suit me as well as the daughter of the first shipowner or the richest banker of Marseilles!
  • 当他们转身走向所多玛时,亚伯拉罕呆在天主面前。
    When the men turned and went towards Sodom, Abraham remained standing before the Lord.
  • 今天,亚伯拉罕林肯被认为是美国历史上最伟大的总统之一。
    Today, Abraham Lincoln is regarded as one of the greatest of all American presidents.
  • 有时我然感到吃惊。
    Sometimes I still feel shocked.
  • 我们仍得小本经营。
    We still had to operate on a shoestring.
  • 然而怀疑者然摇头,说这个网站永不会赚大钱,尽管它成功地树立了值得信赖的品牌形象并且吸引了逾2千万之众的网上购物者。
    But skeptics continue to shake their heads, saying the site will never amount to much, despite its undeniable success in building a trusted brand that has lured more than 20 million shoppers.
  • 即使科威特人上星期末初见国家解放,在滨海大道上庆祝时(在车顶上跳舞,随着阿拉伯音乐拍手),亦可见到在欢欣的后面,人们的目光和声间里燃烧着怒火——这些人是从大家所称八个月地狱生活里逃出来的。
    Even as Kuwaitis celebrated along the shoreline drive in the first blush of liberation last weekend –dancing on top of their cars, clapping to the sound of Arab music- there was, behind the euphoria, a burning anger in the eyes and the voices of those who had just emerged from what they all described as eight months of hell.
  • 现在如果你从密苏拉城区仰望峡坡,你然可以看见一些平行线,那是被风浪雕刻出的古海岸线。
    If you gaze up the valley slopes from downtown Missoula, you can still see parallel lines marking ancient shorelines carved by windblown waves.
  • 虽然如此,然不破坏我们所说的力争缩短全战役时间的原则。
    For all that, the principle of shortening the duration of a campaign by every possible means remains valid.
  • 由于外语教学刚刚起步,教学水平跟沿海地区相比有很长的路要走。
    Since the foreign language teaching staff is shorthanded, the teaching level there still has a long way to go compared with the coastal area.
  • 我们部队冒着敌人强大的炮火然在向下一个村庄挺进。
    Our army is still shoving towards the next village, under heavy enemy gunfire
  • 她虽老但然很能干。
    She is old but still able.
  • 当然,社会上反对声音然不满当局定下的三点基本游戏规则,认为未能体现“真正的言论自由”,也质疑当局的诚意,是否只图开个“民主橱窗”而已!
    Of course, one still hears voices unhappy about the three rules of public speaking set by the authorities. Some people criticise the rules for running counter to the spirit of "genuine free speech". They question the sincerity of the authorities, suspecting an attempt to present a mere "showcase for democracy".
  • 虽然在这次奥运会上苏联只有一块金牌的进帐,但赫尔辛基奥运会明显预示出:在以后的40年中奖牌的争夺将在两个超级大国——美国和苏联之间进行。
    The soviet Union had only one gold medal to its credit, but the Helsinki Games is an unabashed preview of what was to come for the next 40 years-a medals showdown between the two superpowers, the United States and the USSR.
  • 至今无一点希望能达成和平协议。
    There's still a shred of hope that a peace agreement can be reached.
  • 靠着那笔精明的股票交易,吉姆买了栋大房子,而且很有钱。
    After that shrewd investment on the stock exchange, Jim’s bought a large house and is rolling in money.
  • 晨雾正从山上慢慢消散,而山顶然被雾缕笼罩着。
    Slowly the mist is leaving the mountains although the tops are still shrouded in swirls.
  • 想起过去,我然不寒而粟。
    I still shudder when I look back on the past.
  • 想起过去,我不寒而栗。
    I still shudder when I look hack on the past.
  • 他们然鼓励族内通婚,但不再规避与非犹太人结婚的人,而开始同异族婚姻夫妇建立良好关系。
    These groups still encourage marriage within the faith, but instead of shunning those who do marry non-Jews, they are now courting these intermarried couples.
  • 经过了风吹雨打,房子立在那儿,连屋顶和百叶窗都没有裂缝和漏洞。
    Proof against wind and weather, the house still stands there without even breaches in the roof of shuttered windows.
  • 像现在有的太空梭然不完美。
    The space shuttle as we know it is still imperfect.
  • 赛洛克然坚持要一磅安东尼奥身上的肉。
    Shylock still insisted upon having a pound of Antonio's flesh.
  • (睾丸)在腹部而没有降到阴囊的。
    (of the testis) remaining in the abdomen instead of descending into the scrotum.
  • 约克茨族一支美洲土著人,以前居住在圣华金河谷南部和内华达山脉附近的山脚下,其后裔现居原地
    A group of Native American peoples formerly inhabiting the southern San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foothills of the Sierra Nevada, with present-day descendants in the same area.