  • 一九四五年中国人民抗日战胜利后,中国政府重新恢复了台湾省的行政管理机构。
    After the Chinese people's victory in the war against Japanese aggression in 1945, the Chinese government reinstated its administrative authority in Taiwan Province.
  • 政府的陈述不能掩盖重新实行我们曾经成功地斗反对的那些措施的企图。
    Official statement could not disguise the attempt to reintroduce measures against which we had struggled successfully in the past.
  • 对于是否重新采用极刑能减少武装抢劫案,这是个有议的问题。
    Whether the reintroduction of capital punishment would reduce the number of armed robberies is an open question.
  • 我否决发动战的想法;这家杂志否决了这学生的论文。
    I reject the idea of starting a war; The journal rejected the student's paper.
  • 风雨的严峻考验证明,从总体来看,我们的文艺队伍是好的。有这样一支文艺队伍,我们党和人民是感到十分高兴的。
    Through the ordeal of struggle, by and large our writers and artists have proved good, and the Party and people rejoice in this.
  • 它召唤我们为迎接黎明而肩负起漫长斗的重任,年复一年,从希望中得到欢乐,在磨难中保持耐性,对付人类共同的敌人——专制、社团、疾病和战本身。
    It's a call to bear the burden of a long, twilight struggle, year in and year out, rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny poverty disease, and war itself.
  • 教练说攻击性的单位事业发达;战后军人很难能重新。
    the coach said the offensive unit did a good job; after the battle the soldier had trouble rejoining his unit.
  • 强调"以人为本"的思想,以"体育健身,振兴中华"为主要内容,广泛吸引市民参与,动员整合各类社会体育资源,在未来六年中力将北京建成体育组织健全,体育活动普及,体育设施完备的城市,使体育成为北京大文化的重要组成部分,向世界展示古都繁荣文明的新形象和北京市民昂扬向上的新风貌。
    Putting emphasis on the idea of "giving fundamental consideration to the people's interests" and taking "building health through sports activities to rejuvenate China" as its main content, it will attract a wide participation of citizens in sports activities, mobilize and integrate all kinds of sports resources and strive to build Beijing into a city with perfect sports organizations, widespread sports activities and comprehensive sports facilities so that sports becomes an important part of Beijing's greater culture and shows the world the ancient capital city's new image of prosperity and civilization and the new outlook of the citizens' spirited mood.
  • 其中一个原因是,华校生和英校生之间的论,已平息了好几年,人们不想重提旧事,以免再掀议。
    One of the reasons is that the quarrel between English-educated and Chinese-educated Singaporeans has quieted down for some years - people do not want to rake up the past and rekindle the debate.
  • 作为这两国的近邻中国在印巴端,特别是在克什米尔问题上,一贯采取劝和的态度,和为贵。
    As a close neighbor to both Pakistan and India, we always adopt the policy of advising and encouraging peace to both parties.
  • 和谐的关系;没有吵的状态。
    harmonious relations; freedom from disputes.
  • 否认了这点,战就无从着手,成为毫无定见,这也不是、那也不是,或者这也是、那也是的战相对主义了。
    Anyone denying this point would have no way of handling warfare and would become a relativist in war with no settled views, for whom one course is just as wrong or just as right as another.
  • 来自国外的消息表明战即将开始。
    Advices from abroad indicate that war is about to begin.
  • 在把世界上敌对仇视的国家聚在一起并把野蛮的战抛进历史的垃圾箱的至高无上的任务中,奥林匹克精神起着非常重要的作用。
    Olympism plays a vital part in the supreme task of binding together rival nations, and relegating the barbarism of wars to the past.
  • 警方在跟犯罪分子的斗中决不手软。
    The police will not relent in their fight against crime.
  • 今后在残酷斗中,我们必须正确掌握根据地建设的规律,提高根据地的巩固程度,并以最大努力保卫我们的根据地。
    In the relentless struggle in the days to come we must correctly apply the laws governing the establishment of base areas, further consolidate these areas and do our utmost to defend them.
  • 同时敌人为了确保占领地的利益,必将日益加紧地对付游击战,特别在其战略进攻停止之后,必将残酷地镇压游击队。
    And in order to safeguard his gains in the occupied areas, the enemy is bound to step up his anti-guerrilla measures and, especially after the halting of his strategic offensive, to embark on relentless suppression of the guerrillas.
  • 七届四中全会的决议指出:“对于那种与党对抗,坚持不改正错误,甚至在党内进行宗派活动、分裂活动和其他危害活动的分子”,党“必须进行无情的斗,给予严格的制裁,直至在必要时将他们驱逐出党,因为只有这样,才能维护党的团结,才能维护革命的利益和人民的利益”。
    The resolution adopted at the Fourth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee states, "As for those who take a stand against the Party, stubbornly refuse to correct their errors, or even carry on sectarian, splitting or other malignant activities within the Party", the Party "must wage relentless struggle against them and subject them to severe disciplinary measures or even expel them from the Party if necessary. Only by so doing can Party unity be maintained and the interests of the revolution and the people be defended."
  • 律师和法官对与案件有关文件进行了论。
    Counsel argue with the judge over the relevance of the document to the case.
  • 律师和法官对与案件有关文件进行了论。
    The counsel argued with the judge over the relevance of the document to the case.
  • 关于有关案情文件的合适性他们与法官发生了论。
    They get into an argument with the judge over the relevance of the document to the case.
  • 关于有关案情文件的合适性他们与法官发生了
    They got into an argument with the judge over the relevance of the document to the case
  • 论和专家的质量和关联性都在下降,已经从人口遗传学家转移到生物统计学家,再到完全不相关的领域的统计学家。
    The quality and relevancy of the arguments and of the experts is decreasing, having gone from population geneticists to bio-statisticians to statisticians from completely unrelated fields.
  • 平庸的广告作品无法在广告竞中立足。
    A too ordinary advertisement will not stand out in competitive advertising.
  • 一批大型企业走出了依靠自身力量提升技术水平、增强竞能力的新路子。
    Many large enterprises upgraded their technology and increased their competitiveness through self-reliance and strenuous efforts.
  • 必须在自力更生的基础上取外援,主要依靠自己的艰苦奋斗。
    We must seek outside help on the basis of self-reliance, depending mainly on our own hard work.
  • "台湾独立"就意味着重新挑起战,制造分裂就意味着不要两岸和平。
    The "Taiwan independence" means provoking war again, and fomenting splits means relinquishing peace across the Straits.
  • 他重新体验了战的恐怖。
    He relived the horrors of war.
  • 削减人口如通过疾病、战或强制性移民等急剧地减少人口
    To reduce sharply the population of, as by disease, war, or forcible relocation.
  • 大选至今的一年多来,涉及华社的诸多课题逐一引爆,这包括宏愿学校课题、诉求的议、白沙罗华小事件及华族优秀生无法进入国立大学等事件。
    Since the last election, issues involving the Chinese community have been triggered one after another. These include rows over the planned vision schools, Chinese pressure group Suqiu, relocation of a Chinese primary school in Damansara, and outstanding Chinese students who have failed to gain entry into national universities.
  • 美国自越战以后还没有在一场战中失败过,所以存在着一种抵触情绪、一种沾沾自喜、一种骄傲自大,它们是阻碍为变革进行实验的力量。
    And because we have not lost a war since Vietnam, there's a reluctance, a smugness, an arrogance, that works against the willingness to try to experiment to change.
  • 在抗日方面,顽固派又有两面性,我们对其尚能抗日的方面是加以联合的政策,对其动摇的方面(例如暗中勾结日寇和不积极反汪反汉奸等)是进行斗和加以孤立的政策。
    Moreover, the die-hards have a dual character with regard to resistance to Japan, and our policy is to unite with them, in so far as they are still in favour of resistance, and to struggle against them and isolate them in so far as they vacillate (for instance, when they collude with the Japanese aggressors and show reluctance in opposing Wang Ching-wei and other traitors).