Chinese English Sentence:
  • 喷出一股强大的气流之后,那蒸汽机车鸣着开走了。
    Having sent out a jet of steam, the steam locomotive started off roaring.
  • 汽车隆隆急驶而过。
    The car roared past.
  • 他的幻想序曲《罗米欧与朱丽叶》和《黎米尼的弗朗切斯卡》是这一类形式中最受欢迎的两部作品。《1812年序曲》是一部动世界之作,使得不同年龄和不同时代的音乐爱好者都为之倾倒。
    The overture-fantasies, Romeo and Juliet and Francesca da Rimini rank with the most popular in that form and the Overture 1812 is an international hit with music-lovers of all ages and stages.
  • 炸过后,她家成了一堆瓦砾。
    After the bombing her house was just a heep of rubble.
  • 这些话让她非常恼火。她是休斯顿的一个中学生,上个月在米兰进行了引人注目的首次时装表演。她在伦敦帮助展出汤米·希尔夫格的春季运动服系列时也引起了动。
    And that raises hackles with President George W.Bush's 16? year? old niece, a high school student in Houston who made a splashy runway debut this past month in Milan and caused a ruckus in London when she helped to launch Tommy Hilfiger's spring sportswear collection.
  • 领航员不赞成采用笔直的炸航线。
    The pilot jibbed at the idea of a straight bomb rum.
  • 隆隆作响,轰鸣
    To rumble or growl.
  • 隆隆的响声;轰鸣
    A rumble; a growl.
  • 雷轰电闪。
    Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed.
  • 火山突然伴着巨大的隆声爆发了。
    The volcano burst into eruption with great rumbling.
  • 雷声鸣,天越来越黑。我刚进屋子,就下起了倾盆大雨。
    Thunder rumbled around and it grew dark. We had just made it to the hose when the heavens opened.
  • 狂风怒号,雷声鸣,闪电在黑暗的天空掠过,大雨倾盆而下。
    A strong wind was bellowing, thunder was rumbling, and lightning flashing across the dark sky. Rain was pouring down.
  • 密苏拉湖泄人低地,隆隆、泛着白沫的洪水上到处是冰堰的碎片。
    Lake Missoula spilled out onto the lowlands in a rumbling, frothy flood peppered by chunks of the shattered ice dam.
  • 15年后他用a射线击某些较轻的原子,如氮原子和铝原子,向人们展示质子,即带正电荷的氢核的排斥现象。
    Fifteen years later, by bornharding with alpha rays certain of the lighter atoms, nitrogen and aluminium for example, Lord Rutherford demonstrated the ejection of protons, or positively charged hydrogen nuclei;
  • 大炮必须事先固定炮位,方能准确击目标。
    Heavy guns have to be bedded in before they will fire accurately.
  • 最初,火车喷着火花在田野间隆而过,把许多人吓坏了。
    In its first days, the iron horse frightened many people as it roared across country scattering sparks.
  • 当火车穿过大桥之后,鸣声越来越远。随后,只听她尖声叫喊道:“跪下!
    When the train had passed beyond the bridge, the noise grew distant, and he heard her screaming at him,“Kneel down!
  • 据方称,纳管显示器将是很薄的,可以像招贴画那样挂在墙上。韩国的三星电子公司已展示了从纳管发射电子击屏幕的显示屏,该公司估计两年后纳管显示屏将上市。
    Nanotube monitors will be so svelte,they'1l be hung like posters, according to Fang. And Samsung Electronics Co. in Korea, which has demonstrated a display screen in which electrons are fired at the screen from nanotubes, estimates that it's just two years away from bringing nanotube screens to market.
  • 动一时的毒品扣押案
    Impressive seizures of drugs
  • 突然引起轰动
    Became a sensation overnight.
  • 她的露面引起轰动。
    Her appearance created a sensation.
  • 这个消息在人群中引起了动。
    the announcement caused a sensation.
  • 他们的到来造成了动。
    Their arrival created a sensation.
  • 那部影片引起了大动。
    The movie caused a sensation.
  • 他因扮演哈姆雷特一角而大动。
    He was a real sensation as Hamlet.
  • 他到达朝鲜,引起了很大的动。
    His arrival in Korea created a great sensation.
  • 他的演说在听众间引起动。
    His speech created a sensation among the audience.
  • 这就是那部动一时的影片。
    This is the picture which caused such a sensation.
  • 极明显的或动的宣传。
    blatant or sensational promotion.
  • 头条新闻重要的或引起动的新闻
    An important or sensational piece of news.
  • 这是一宗动性的案件,目前正在审理之中。
    This is a sensational case at bar.
  • 米莉:凯特,这真是条动的消息,不是吗?
    Millie: That's sensational news, isn't it, Kate?