  • 就二野所在地区来说,完成了分配给自己的份额,也许还过一点。
    The Second Field Army fulfilled the quota alloted to it for its area and probably did slightly better.
  • 我想这些香烟得缴税,它们额了。
    I'm afraid you'll have to pay some taxes on these cigarettes.They're exceeded the quota.
  • 越的不能表示为整数或整数的根或商的,用指来数字,尤其是无限不循环小数
    Not expressible as an integer or as the root or quotient of integers. Used of numbers, especially nonrepeating infinite decimals.
  • 弘志下方说:“每天喝米酒或葡萄酒过540毫升(1品脱多一点)的人,比那些完全不喝酒的人智商要低。适量是非常重要的。”
    " People who drink more than 540 milli-litres [a little over a pint] of sake or wine a day had lower intelligence quotients than those who did not drink at all," Hiroshi Shimokata said, " Moderation is very important."
  • 本港过九成的中小学学额由官立学校和资助学校提供。
    Government and aided school places make up over 90 per cent of the school places in Hong Kong.
  • 径赛包括短跑、中跑、长跑、接力跑、跨栏跑、障碍跑以及长跑马拉松等项目。
    Events on the track consist of sprints, middle distance races, long distance races, relays, hurdles, barriers, and marathon-the extreme distance race.
  • 通过障碍时技巧难度很大,脚踏地、未通过、时等都要扣分。
    The scores will be deducted if a racer's foot touches the ground,or fails to pass the barrier or exceeds the time limit.
  • 无论是初学滑雪的游客还是级玩家,这些日本的冬季胜地都是乐土。
    Japanese winter resorts are fun for everyone,from first-time skiers to hardcore racers.
  • 他在英语方面将过别人。
    He will be ahead of others in English.
  • 甚高频和高频多普勒雷达
    VHF and UHF Doppler radar
  • 但是随着高速运算越芯片和机器的局限将试管、承物玻璃片、溶液甚至脱氧核糖核酸(dna)等生物化学和遗传学工具包括在内,这种想法可能很快就要做出根本性的修正了。
    But such thinking may soon have to be radically revised, as high-speed computation moves beyond chips and machines to include the tools of biochemistry and genetics: test tubes, slides, solutions, even DNA.
  • 硅元素与计算机的关系如此密切以至于大多数人可能更容易将它与加利福尼亚的硅谷而不是元素周期表联系起来。但是随着高速运算越芯片和机器的局限将试管、承物玻璃片、溶液甚至脱氧核糖核酸(dna)等生物化学和遗传学工具包括在内,这种想法可能很快就要做出根本性的修正了。
    The element silicon is so closely identified with computers that most people would be likely to associate it more readily with California's high-tech valley than with the periodic table. But such thinking may soon have to be radically revised, as high-speed computation moves beyond chips and machines to include the tools of biochemistry and genetics: test tubes, slides, solutions, even DNA.
  • 一种放射性铀元素,由锎合成。
    a radioactive transuranic element synthesized from californium.
  • 一种合成的放射性铀元素。
    a radioactive transuranic element which has been synthesized.
  • 第三十九条 向大气排放含放射性物质的气体和气溶胶,必须符合国家有关放射性防护的规定,不得过规定的排放标准。
    Article 39 The discharge of gases and aerosols containing radioactive substances into the atmosphere must comply with the state provisions on radioactivity protection and must not exceed the prescribed discharge standards.
  • 地下室的氡含量标。
    the radon level in the basement was impermissibly high.
  • 几年以来,我就发现了慢速阅读妙用无穷。
    I discovered its worth years ago.
  • 此外,天文台尖沙咀总部在月内有4天录得过100毫米雨量。
    There were four days with rainfall exceeding 100 millimetres recorded at the Observatory.
  • 淋溶作用当降雨量过蒸发量时,土壤中溶解或悬浮物的向侧面或向下的运动
    The lateral or downward movement of dissolved or suspended material within soil when rainfall exceeds evaporation.
  • 虽然十月的总雨量只有112.8毫米,比正常少32.0毫米,但自本年一月一日起的累积雨量则达3329.4毫米,比正常高55%,也过了一九八二年录得3247.5毫米的最高年雨量纪录。
    Rainfall in October amounted to only 112.8 millimetres or 32 millimetres below average. However, the accumulated rainfall since January 1 of 3 329.4 millimetres was 55 per cent above the normal figure, surpassing the previous record maximum annual rainfall of 3247.5 millimetres set in 1982.
  • 本港各区的每年平均雨量差别颇大,横澜岛约为1300毫米,而大帽山附近则过3000毫米。
    The mean annual rainfall ranges from around 1 300 millimetresat Waglan Island to more than 3 000 millimetres around TaiMo Shan.
  • 隆起的过临近的部分或结构的
    Raised above adjacent parts or structures.
  • 截至二零零一年年底,已有58家于内地注册成立的企业通过发行h股在联合交易所挂牌上市,总集资额过1,288亿元,其中66亿元在二零零一年集得。
    At the end of the year, 58 Mainland-incorporated enterprises had been listed on the SEHK through the issuance of H-shares, raising a total of more than $128.8 billion. Of this, $6.6 billion was raised in 2001.
  • 验主义一种文学和哲学运动,与拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生和玛格丽特·富勒有关,宣称存在一种理想的精神实体,越于经验和科学之处,通过直觉得以把握
    A literary and philosophical movement, associated with Ralph Waldo Emerson and Margaret Fuller, asserting the existence of an ideal spiritual reality that transcends the empirical and scientific and is knowable through intuition.
  • 这些都是很重要的计谋,对提高慢速硬盘机的速度或对更多的ram寻址(过处理器设计所能访问的地址)是必需的。
    These were important tricks needed to increase the speed of slow hard drives, or to address more RAM than the processor was designed to access.
  • 我从级市场买回一只羔羊腿,价钱非常昂贵!
    I bought a leg of lamb in the supermarket and it cost me a king's ransom.
  • 职工们在用不按期完成合同的威胁来逼迫厂方答应付工时报酬或发奖金。
    The staff are holding the management to ransom by threatening not to finish work on a contract unless they are paid overtime or a bonus.
  • 我认为那个违章速驾驶者免不了要受罚。
    I don’t think that speeder will be able to beat this rap.
  • 即使雄鸡巷的幽灵在咄咄逼人地发出它的预言之后销声匿迹整整十二年,去年的精灵们咄咄逼人发出的预言仍跟她差不多,只是少了几分自然的独创性而已。
    Even the Cock-lane ghost had been laid only a round dozen of years, after rapping out its messages, as the spirits of this very year last past (supernaturally deficient in originality) rapped out theirs.
  • 病、虫、鼠害2001年全国主要森林病虫鼠害发生的总面积过800万公顷。主要病虫鼠害种类:一是松材线虫病等危险性森林病虫害;
    Pests and Rat Disasters In 2001, the total area of the forests with pests and rat disasters is over 8 million hectares.
  • 伴随着这些士地覆盖的迅速变化,当地物种灭绝的速率可能很快便大大过了我们今天所发现的,达到自然的1万倍。
    The rates of extinction of local species that accompany these rapid changes in land cover may soon be far in excess of what is found today, reaching as high as 10, 000 times the natural background rate.
  • 区域法院的民事司法管辖权限于审理涉及款项不过60万元的诉讼,以及收回应课差饷租值不逾24万元的土地的案件。
    The District Court's civil jurisdiction is limited to disputes with a monetary value of up to $600,000, or recovery of possession of land of rateable value up to $240,000.