  • 随意处罚以某人自己觉得适合的方式给予司法处罚,而不通过正当程序诉法律执行机关或法庭
    To mete out justice as one sees fit without due recourse to law enforcement agencies or the courts.
  • 历史和实践证明,尊重《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则以及和平共处五项原则,是解决国际各种争端的重要依据。以和平方式解决各国间存在的分歧和争端,避免诉武力或以武力相威胁,是实现和维护和平与稳定的正确途径。
    History and practice have proved that respect for the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence is an important basis for the settlement of any international dispute, and that to resolve differences and disputes between nations through peaceful means without recourse to force or threat of force is the right path to realizing and maintaining peace and stability.
  • 重新操作从如衰败或失望中恢复过来
    To recover, as from depression or disappointment.
  • 英国人对“海洋运输货物险”只理解为海运中的意外风险,如船舶碰撞、搁浅、起火、海水侵入船舱等,换句话说,投保“一切海洋运输货物险”,其损失的赔偿只限于因海上灾难和海运意外事故所引起的损失。而保“一切险”在全部承保期内的任何时间,不论海上或陆上所产生的意外事故,其全部损失都予以赔偿。在这个意义上,“一切海洋运输货物险”比“一切险”所承保的责任范围更为有限。
    The English understand by "marine risks" only risks incident to transport by sea, such as collision, stranding, fire, penetration of sea water into the holds of the ships, etc. in other words, under "all marine risks" recoverable loss will only be confined to those arising from perils of the sea and maritime accidents only. The "all risks" coverage will admit all losses occurring at any time throughout the whole currency of the coverage, irrespective of whether they are caused by accidents at sea or on land. In this sense, "all marine risks" provides a more limited cover than "all risks".
  • 一经驾驭操纵、重新导入正向,这一种动力的所有特质,如想像力、勇气等等,依旧如新,可用于文学、艺术,或其他任何行业,当作大有可为的创造力,当然也可用于累积财富。
    When harnessed, and redirected along other lines, this motivating force maintains all of its attributes of keenness of imagination, courage, etc., which may be used as powerful creative forces in literature, art, or in any other profession or calling, including, of course, the accumulation of riches.
  • 这些订货(单)已在公司的多工厂间重新分配了。
    The order has been redistributed among the company's factory.
  • 这些订货(单)已在公司的多工厂间重新分配了。
    The orders have been redistributed among the company 's factories.
  • 这些可靠的系统始终都具有通过如内嵌于系统中的冗余度和存储器保护等标准特性而实现的高可恢复性。
    These stalwart computers have always had plenty of resiliency built into the system through standard features such as redundancy and memory protection.
  • 手感触摸如纤维、织物、毯子等物时对它们的质地、品质以及柔软程度的感觉或美感
    The aesthetic feel or tactile quality of something, such as a fabric, textile, or carpeting, that indicates its fineness, texture, and durability.
  • 晕环绕着如太阳或月亮等发光体的一圈有色光晕,通常是由于散布在大气层中的冰物质使光线发生反射或折射而引起的
    A circular band of colored light around a light source, as around the sun or moon, caused by the refraction and reflection of light by ice particles suspended in the intervening atmosphere.
  • 这次演习,检验了部队现代化、正规化建设的成果,较好地体现了现代战争的特点,摸索了现代条件下军兵种协同作战的经验,提高了部队军政素质和实战水平。
    These exercises have given us an opportunity to assess our achievements in building modern, regularized armed forces, and have simulated modern warfare fairly well. They represent part of our effort to explore combined operations by the various services and arms under modern conditions, and have enhanced the political consciousness and military capability of our army, especially its capacity to fight actual battles.
  • 飞轮尤指调整钟表里机械装置的如此类的设计
    An analogous device, especially one used to regulate the speed of clockwork.
  • 奥林匹斯山希腊北部靠近爱琴海海岸的一列山。其主峰奥林匹斯山海拔2,918。9米(9,570英尺),是希腊境内最高点,也是希腊神的家园
    A mountain range of northern Greece near the Aegean coast. It rises to2, 918.9 m(9, 570 ft) at Mount Olympus, the highest point in Greece and home of the mythical Greek gods.
  • 滚球利睾肾,射箭利胸肺,慢步利肠胃,骑术利头脑,如此类。
    Bowling is good for the stone and reins; shooting for the lungs and breast; gentle walking for the stomach; riding for the head; and the like.
  • 这个电报于一九三七年二月十日发出,内容如下:“中国国民党三中全会先生鉴:西安问题和平解决,举国庆幸,从此和平统一团结御侮之方针得以实现,实为国家民族之福。
    This telegram was dispatched on February 10, 1937. The full text reads as follows: To the Third Plenary Session of the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang Gentlemen: It is a matter of national rejoicing that the Sian Incident has been settled peacefully. From now on it will be possible for the policy of internal peace and for unity and solidarity against foreign aggression to be carried out; this is a blessing to the nation and the country.
  • 早安美国投资公司顾问美勒迪-霍伯森说许多年龄在18-35岁之间的女性过着"今朝有酒今朝醉'的生活,美勒迪-霍伯森认为这些人应该减少在如dkny这些世界名牌服饰上的花销,而把一部分的收入投向共同基金。
    Good Morning America's investment advisor Mellody Hobson says too many women between 18 and 35 live in the here and the now. She says they need to start spending less on DKNY and more on an IRA.
  • 广告者冷酷地选择感情,无情地诉于感情,因为这样做对于实现其目的可能是最有效的了。
    Quite the contrary, the advertiser cold-bloodedly selects the feeling, the appeal that is most likely to be effective in carrying out his purpose.
  • 大选至今的一年多来,涉及华社的多课题逐一引爆,这包括宏愿学校课题、诉求的争议、白沙罗华小事件及华族优秀生无法进入国立大学等事件。
    Since the last election, issues involving the Chinese community have been triggered one after another. These include rows over the planned vision schools, Chinese pressure group Suqiu, relocation of a Chinese primary school in Damansara, and outstanding Chinese students who have failed to gain entry into national universities.
  • 本章意在说明,在想像致富的整个哲学能付运用之前,还有一个目标必须达成。
    The remainder of this chapter describes an end which must be attained before the philosophy, as a whole, can be put into practical use.
  • 新的规章制度给她带来了多不便。
    she was adversely affected by the new regulations.
  • 使功能部件保持在或恢复到能完成其规定功能的状态的任何活动。注:维修是指通过一些活动,如测试、测量、更换、调整以及修复等,使功能部件维持在规定状态。
    Any activity intended to retain a functional unit in, or to restore it to, a state in which it can perform its required function. Note: Maintenance includes keeping a functional unit in a specified state by performing activities such as tests, measurements, replacements, adjustments and repairs.
  • 他们跪拜诸神。
    They knelt in adoration of their gods.
  • 虽然如互用性的基础设施问题对采用对象中间件很关键,但阻碍用户使用的是服务器服务和更好的开发工具。
    Although infrastructure questions such as interoperability are critical to object-middleware adoption, what's holding users back is server services and better development tools.
  • 剑桥的居民英国剑桥或美国马萨塞州剑桥的本地人或居民的,与之相关的
    A native or resident of Cambridge, England, or Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • 他的“文化中国”与我之前对“和”、“同”的演说相辅相成:“文化中国”即“和”,而对华族认同感多不同的解释则为“同”。
    For the moment, though, I might add that there is a resonance of this characterisation with my earlier talk on "he" (和) and "tong" (同) (harmony and identification): his "cultural China" would be the "he", and the many Chinese truisms would be the "tong".
  • 你们决不能诉武力。
    You must never resort to violence.
  • 以诉暴力和流血的渴望为特点。
    marked by eagerness to resort to violence and bloodshed.
  • 准备并有能力诉武力或暴力。
    ready and able to resort to force or violence.
  • 工人不应在劳资纠纷中诉暴力。
    Worker must not resort to violence in industrial dispute.
  • 如果其他手段均失败,我们就将诉武力。
    If other means fail , we shall resort to force.
  • 巴黎圣母院这座令人叹为观止的教堂,我们在前面曾试图为看官尽量恢复其原貌,简要指出了这座教堂在十五世纪时多美妙之处,而这些妙处恰好是今天所见不到的。
    We have just attempted to restore, for the reader's benefit,that admirable church of Notre-Dame de Paris. We have briefly pointed out the greater part of the beauties which it possessed in the fifteenth century, and which it lacks to-day;
  • 多种波动描记器一种能同时记录如心跳、血压和汗液分泌等生理变化的仪器,常被用作测谎器
    An instrument that simultaneously records changes in physiological processes such as heartbeat, blood pressure, and respiration, often used as a lie detector.