  • 火棘属的任何一种多刺的灌木,开白色的小,果实坚硬、红色至桔红色。
    any of various thorny shrubs of the genus Pyracantha bearing small white flowers followed by hard red or orange-red berries.
  • 多年生灌木,具有大的星状黄,组成狭窄的金字塔状聚伞序。
    perennial shrub having large star-shaped yellow flowers in narrowly pyramidal cymes.
  • 中国多年生有巨大的总状序,开有玫瑰色脉络的白,根辛辣,药用或作调味品。
    Chinese perennial with pyramidal racemes of rose-veined white flowers and pungent aromatic roots used medicinally and as flavoring.
  • 泡桐属一种中国产的泡桐属落叶乔木,具有心形的大对生叶片,淡紫色或白色锥状冠,内部具有
    Any of several Chinese deciduous trees of the genus Paulownia, having large, heart-shaped, opposite leaves and pyramidal panicles of purplish or white flowers with a spotted interior.
  • 原产于比利牛斯山的一种球茎鸢尾;现已被广泛栽培,大、雅致,除黄色外具有各种颜色。
    bulbous iris native to the Pyrenees; widely cultivated for its large delicate flowers in various colors except yellow.
  • 用除虫菊植物的干头制成。
    made of dried flower heads of pyrethrum plants.
  • 七月四日,人们在家里食完人间烟火,接下去就是社区的烟会。
    The Fourth of July domestic culinary pyromania is followed by community pyrotechnics.
  • 一个种;沙盖;产于美国东部。
    1 species: pyxie; the eastern United States.
  • 江湖医生以讲故事、插科打诨或耍招等方法吸引顾客的江湖卖药者
    A hawker of quack medicines who attracts customers with stories, jokes, or tricks.
  • 布满石块的森林地被;撒满瓣的走廊。
    the forest floor strewn with boulders; the petal-strewn aisle.
  • 可以很清楚分辨出那三座被查理五世合并为这座行宫的大厦,尽管它们由几道带有彩色玻璃窗和小圆柱的长廊与行宫主体建筑巧妙地紧紧连结在一起。这三座大厦是小缪斯府邸、圣莫尔神父府邸和埃唐普伯爵府邸。小缪斯府邸,屋顶边缘装饰着边形栏杆,神采优雅;
    One could there distinguish, very well, though cleverly united with the principal building by long galleries, decked with painted glass and slender columns, the three Hotels which Charles V. had amalgamated with his palace: the Hotel du Petit-Muce, with the airy balustrade, which formed a graceful border to its roof;
  • 在这个基础上,再五十年的时间,再翻两番,达到人均四千美元。
    Then we shall take that figure as a new starting point and try to quadruple it again, so as to reach a per capita GNP of $4,000 in another 50 years.
  • 从一九八一年开始到本世纪末,二十年的时间,翻两番,达到小康水平,就是年国民生产总值人均八百到一千美元。
    We give ourselves 20 years -- that is, from 1981 to the end of the century -- to quadruple our GNP and achieve comparative prosperity, with an annual per capita GNP of US$800 to $1,000.
  • 翻两番还有个重要意义,就是这是一个新的起点。再三十年到五十年时间,就可以接近经济发达国家的水平。
    Quadrupling the GNP will be a significant achievement in another way too. It will provide a new starting point from which, in another 30 to 50 years, we shall approach the level of the developed countries.
  • 这封信以航空邮寄到台北要多少钱?
    How much will it cost to send this letter airmail to Taibei?
  • 如若用剃刀就可以开采出岗岩,用丝线即能系泊位船只,那么,也许你才能希望用人的知识和理性这样美妙而优雅的东西去与人类的情感与高傲那样的庞然大物进行抗争。
    Quarry the granite rock with razors, or moor the vessel with a thread of silk, then may you hope with such keen and delicate instruments as human knowledge and human reason to contend against those giants, the passion and the pride of man.
  • 这支四人组合成立将近10年,成员依然处于十几岁的季,但她们展示了可与两倍于自己年龄的乐坛宿将们相媲美的出色专业水准。
    Almost a decade into its existence,the quartet whose members are still in their teens exhibits a solid professionalism comparable to that of veterans twice their age.
  • 一种由石英和云母构成的岗石。
    a granitic rock composed of quartz and mica.
  • 云英岩一种主要由石英和云母构成的岗石
    A granitic rock composed chiefly of quartz and mica.
  • 由石英和长石构成的一种纹理细密的淡色岗岩类岩石。
    light-colored and fine-grained granitic rock consisting chiefly of quartz and feldspars.
  • 细晶岩主要由正长石和石英构成的一种纹理细密的淡色岗岩类岩石
    A fine-grained, light-colored granitic rock consisting primarily of orthoclase and quartz.
  • 斑岩一种细晶的斑岩,带有不规则交生的石英和长石的基质
    A fine-grained granite porphyry having a groundmass with irregular intergrowths of quartz and feldspar.
  • 闪长岩一种黑色岗岩的纹理的结晶质火岩石,富有斜长石,含有少量石英
    Any of various dark, granite-textured, crystalline rocks rich in plagioclase and having little quartz.
  • 一种由铁锰钨酸盐组成的矿物,晶体状,主要的钨矿石,见于与岗岩伴生的石英脉中。
    a mineral consisting of iron-manganese tungstate in crystalline form; the principal ore of tungsten; found in quartz veins associated with granitic rocks.
  • 苦木一种热带美洲灌木或小树(苦木苦木属),开鲜艳的猩红色,所产木材珍贵、有光泽、细质、呈黄白色
    A tropical American shrub or small tree(Quassia amara) having bright scarlet flowers and yielding a valuable, lustrous, fine-grained, yellowish-white wood.
  • 四重瓣;四元混合物。
    quaternate leaves; a quaternary compound.
  • 高高的天板给人一种通风和宽敞的感觉。
    A high ceiling gives a feeling of airiness and spaciousness.
  • 钴蓝色素,绀青一种混合的氧化钴,用在陶瓷中产生一种蓝色颜料,并可用来制造大青
    An impure oxide of cobalt, used to produce a blue color in enamel and in the making of smalt.
  • 亚非蔓生三叶草本植物,钴蓝色
    trailing trifoliate Asiatic and African herb having cobalt blue flowers.
  • 什么!你了500英镑购买那辆严重损坏的汽车?你真蠢!
    What! You paid five hundred pounds for that wreck of a car? You need your head examined!
  • 首攻梅花q。
    Club queen for opening lead.
  • 澳洲昆士兰地区的高大乔木,浅黄色,内侧有红斑;有时归入苹婆属。
    large tree of Queensland Australia having cream-colored flowers blotched with red inside; sometimes placed in genus Sterculia.