  • 那头大像疯狂地发威,把饲养人给弄死了。
    The mad elephant went on the rampage and killed its keeper.
  • 生活在热带海湾及江口;没有攻击性。
    commonly found in tropical bays and estuaries; not aggressive.
  • 它表现在:两人不在一起时表现出万的思念和渴盼,而一旦在一起时,痴迷与兴奋的宣泄中又夹杂着疑惑和焦虑。
    It involves yearning and longing when the beloved person is not there, and rapture and excitement abut through with doubt and anxiety when the lovers are together.
  • 认为通货膨胀正在使社会问题趋于恶化。
    It was generally felt that inflation is aggravating our social problems.
  • 认为通货膨胀正在使社会问题趋于恶化。
    It is generally felt that inflation be aggravating our social problem.
  • “一威胁侵犯他人身体罪”常常作为并非是严重威胁侵犯他人身体罪进行使用。
    the term " common assault " is frequently used for any assault which is not an aggravated assault.
  • 不过,也有一些债券的利率在有效期间是浮动的,一上它们会根据一个参考利率制定,这类债券称为“浮动利率债券”。
    However, some bonds have interest rates that fluctuate during the life of the bond, usually at a spread over a reference rate. These are called variable rate bonds or floating rate notes (FRN).
  •  不过,也有一些债券的利率在有效期间是浮动的,一上它们会根据一个参考利率制定。
    However, some bonds have interest rates that fluctuate during the life of the bond, usually at a spread over a reference rate.
  • 由政府批出的土地,其租契年期,由批租日期起计,一定为50年。承批人须缴付地价,并由批出日期起,每年缴纳相当于该土地应课差饷租值3%的租金,而地租会随应课差饷租值其后的改变而调整。
    Government land leases are normally for 50 years from the date of grant at premium and subject to an annual rent equivalent to three per cent of the rateable value of the property at that date, adjusted in step with any changes in the rateable value thereafter.
  • 他认为自己低于一水平。
    He rated himself below average.
  • 情况下,出于经济合理的考虑,商业发射不需要采用过高的制导技术。
    Generally, out of consideration of economic rationality, commercial launches do not require excessively high guidance technology.
  • 而论这家新闻社的工作是让人感激的。
    By and large the work of the news agency is appreciative.
  • 大卫·威肯海泽博士在加拿大温哥华研究衰老问题已有10年时间,他发现一人的生物学年龄比按时间计的实际年龄要老15年甚至更多。
    Dr David Wikenheiser has been studying ageing in Vancouver, Canada, for the past 10 years and has found the average person is 15 or more years older biologically than chronologically.
  • 他口中像爆豆一念那名单。
    He rattled through the list of names.
  • 指多次重复的动作
    Bes an action which is repeated again and again
  • 法律援助的一条件是:有充分理由证明其为了维护自身的合法权益需要法律帮助;符合当地政府规定的经济困难标准。
    The general qualifications for the legal aid are as follows: to prove with full reasonableness that they need legal assistance to safeguard their own legal rights and interests and to be in conformity with the standards on financial difficulties prescribed by the local government.
  • 这种合理近情的态度造成了一种宽恕的哲学,觉得人类的任何错误和谬行,无论是法律的,道德的,或政治的,都可以认为是“一的人类天性”(或“人之常情”),而获得宽恕,至少有教养的,心胸旷达的,依合理近情的精神而生活的学者是抱这种态度的。
    This reasonable attitude creates such a forgiving kind of philosophy that, at least to a cultured, broadminded scholar who lives according to the spirit of reasonableness, any human error or misbehavior whatsoever, legal or moral or political, which can be labeled as "common human nature" (more literally, "man's normal passions"), is excusable.
  • 演绎推理的过程,在此过程中必然可从所述前提得出一个结论;从一推向特殊的推论
    The process of reasoning in which a conclusion follows necessarily from the stated premises; inference by reasoning from the general to the specific.
  • 汤姆是个天生的反叛者:他就是不能遵守社会一制度。
    Tom's a born rebel; he just can't conform to the ordinary rules of society.
  • 事实上,全家人都认为丹尼·詹姆斯的出生是个奇迹——是卡彭特家非同一的关于出生和再生的长篇故事中最近发生的一大幸事。
    Truth is, the whole family regards little Danny James as a miracle -- the latest blessed event in the Carpenters' extraordinary saga of birth and rebirth.
  • 他的补篮、闪电的快攻和灵活转身给我留下很深的印象。
    I was impressed with his rebound shot, his "race horse" and his quick turn.
  • 比尔·盖茨再次微笑了,他那孩童的热情又回来了,那场令人身心疲惫的反袭断诉讼案以及网络公司低迷徘徊的局面正接近尾声。
    Bill Gates is smiling again. The boyish enthusiasm is back, and the gruelling burdens of monopoly lawsuits and dotcom downturns are receding.
  • 那位新来的接待员相貌一,但她的工作效率很高。
    The new receptionist is a bit of a plain Jane but she's very efficient at her job.
  • 公司业主、总裁和首席执行官,有很大的职位权力,而接待员、办事员或勤杂人员一没有什么职位权力。
    Owners,presidents,and CEOs have plenty of position power,while receptionists,clerks,and laborers typically have little or none.
  • 顶层通道在建筑物(尤其是教堂)的内部或外部凸出或凹进的顶层通道,一是柱廊或拱廊
    A projecting or recessed passageway along an upper story on the interior or exterior of a large building, especially a church, generally marked by a colonnade or an arcade.
  • 可是一旦经济陷入不景气,一与不景气有关的问题——失业和收入不足——乃成为人们注意的焦点。
    But once the economy was in recession, then the problems usually associated with recession came center stage: unemployment and lagging incomes.
  • 被认可的或者强迫性的承认。
    generally approved or compelling recognition.
  • 表现出对不一的困境的认同。
    showing recognition of unusually distressful circumstances.
  • 这一类的回忆,很可能在节日的愉快气氛里投下一个阴影,于是克劳德便把话引到一性的题目上。
    These recollections being of a kind calculated to cast a shadow on the brightness of the holiday, Claud diverted the conversation to general topics.
  • 其它用户也会发现负荷平衡很有用,因为它是一种智能的、一能负担得起的方法,能把大量对服务器的访问请求按比例分配到多台机器中,而不管这些机器是在一个网站、还是在数据中心内。
    Other users would find load balancing useful because it's an intelligent and affordable method for apportioning high volumes of requests for server access across multiple machines, be they on the Web or in a data center.
  • 我只能买得起一轿车。
    All I can afford is a standard sedan.
  • 这群人一上较为富裕,他们经常到国外度假。
    This group is generally more affluent. Part of the lifestyle usually includes taking regular vacations to exotic destinations.