  • 放射法使她瘦了不少。
    The radiotherapy has taken her down somewhat.
  • 他们在医学书刊中研读了有关放射法资料。
    They read up on radiotherapy in medical publications.
  • 放射法配以某种药物治通常效果良好。
    Radiotherapy combined with some medicine is usually attended with good results.
  • *我们已预留款项,在玛嘉烈医院设立放射治中心,改善癌症病人的服务。
    * we have reserved funds to establish a new Radiotherapy Centre in Princess Margaret Hospital to improve services to cancer patients.
  • 工作原理传统的放射治是从几个方向用大量的放射性光束来攻击肿瘤,而“孔雀’则是用计算机和ct扫描仪计算出肿瘤的精确角度和辐射吸收剂量。
    How it works: Instead of hilling a tumor with large beams of radiation from only a few directions, as is done with conventional radiotherapy, PEACOCK calculates precise angles and dosed using a computer and CT scan.
  • 此外,我们又预留拨款,进行多项医院改善和发展工程,包括扩建博爱医院,以应付新界西北部发展的需求,以及在玛嘉烈医院设立放射治中心,以改善为癌症病人提供的服务。
    Furthermore, we have provided funds for a number of hospital improvement and development projects, which include the redevelopment of Pok Oi Hospital to cope with the increasing demand of the north-west New Territories and the setting up of a radiotherapy centre at Princess Margaret Hospital to upgrade the services for cancer patients.
  • 一个医生,想多挣些钱来更好地养活家人,就提高了收费,这就使每个人的医支出增加,这一切最无情地损害了穷人的利益,所以穷人的医状况比富人差。
    A doctor, wanting more money to better provide for his family, raises his fees. By raising his fees, it makes health care more expensive for everyone. Now, it hurts the poor people the most, so poor people have worse health than those with money.
  • 戒毒所都对戒毒人员进行安全科学的戒毒治,进行法制教育、道德教育和严格的行为矫正训练。组织戒毒人员学习科学文化知识,开展丰富多彩的文体活动,参加适当的生产劳动,使其既增强体能,又掌握谋生技能。
    They offer to addicts safe and scientific treatment, legal and moral education, and strict training to correct their behavior, and organize them to learn scientific and general knowledge, carry out varied and stimulating recreational and sports activities, and engage in appropriate productive labor, by which they can both improve their physical agility and master skills to earn their livings.
  • 弗拉格斯塔夫亚利桑那的中北部一城市,位于普雷斯科特东北部。它是伐木场和农场区域中的一个养地并且是洛威尔观察所(建于1894年)的所在地。人口45,857
    A city of north-central Arizona northeast of Prescott. It is a health resort in a lumbering and ranching area and the site of Lowell Observatory(founded1894). Population,45, 857.
  • 肿瘤对这种攻击法作出了积极响应。
    The cancer reponded to the aggressive therapy.
  • 遗传学上的进展可能会让这种情况进一步恶化,因为有可能很快遗传学的种种理论就会强行把所有人都诊断成为有着某种先天遗传"缺陷"的病人而急需治
    Advances in genetics may aggravate matters, since genomic science may soon define us all as patients, in need of correction for genetic "defects," which predispose us to certain diseases.
  • 从萝芙木属植物中提取出来的用来治高血压的一种生物碱(商标是rau-sed或sandril或serpasil)。
    an alkaloid extracted from the plant Rauwolfia serpentina (trade names Rau-Sed or Sandril or Serpasil) and used to treat hypertension.
  • 每星期一下午两点钟,我和博要去密尔沃基东北方向的银泉康复中心,为住在那里的老年人进行一小时宠物治
    On Monday afternoons at two o’clock,Beau and I would arrive at the Silver Spring Convalescent Center on Milwaukee’s northeast side of town for an hour of pet therapy with the seniors who lived there.
  • 他为了些非医的目的拿了些作用于精神的药物。
    he took mind-altering drugs for nonmedicinal reasons.
  • 云南、贵州、甘肃、广东等省的一些戒毒所,在规范化管理方面创造了“治医院化、教育学校化、环境园林化、康复劳动化”的经验,被戒毒人员称为“告别毒品的再生之所”。
    Endeavoring to realize standardized administration, a number of centers in Yunnan, Guizhou, Gansu and Guangdong provinces have created the experience of "undergoing treatment along hospital lines, offering education along school lines, managing the environment along garden lines and achieving rehabilitation along labor lines," and have been called "places of rebirth where I bade farewell to drugs" by many addicts.
  • 用来治敏感症、敏感反映和伤风的药物;通过和h受点部位组胺作用相中和而起作用。
    a medicine used to treat allergies and hypersensitive reactions and colds; works by counteracting the effects of histamine on the receptor site known as H1.
  • 胃溃疡、胃炎和胃酸的药物;通过阻止h受点部位的组胺起作用的药物。
    a medicine used to treat the gastric effects of histamine in cases of peptic ulcers and gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux; works by blocking the effects of histamine on the receptor site known as H2.
  • 用来治高血压和心律不齐的药物;通过阻止神经系统肾上腺接受器来减少心脏收缩力的药物。
    any of various drugs used in treating hypertension or arrhythmia; decreases force and rate of heart contractions by blocking beta-adrenergic receptors of the autonomic nervous system.
  • 比亚迪公司的无绳电话充电电池占全球市场25%的份额、碱性充电电池产量居世界第六,奥沃公司的伽玛刀通过美国fda认证,成为进入美国市场的第一家国产高档医设备企业。
    Rechargeable batteries manufactured by Beyond Company take up 25 % of the world market share and the output of alkaline rechargeable batteries ranks sixth worldwide. Gamma Rotary Knives produced by Our Company have broken into the American market, and become the first sophisticated medical apparatus made in China to be certified by FDA.
  • 此外,该部也为受伤的工人安排判伤,向减压室提供医支援服务,以及管理两所职业健康诊所,其中一所于五月启用。
    The service arranges medical assessment for injured workers, provides medical support to the Recompression Treatment Chamber, and runs two occupational health clinics, one of which commenced operation in May.
  • 新订的收费架构,在减少不当使用和滥用公共医服务的情况之余,仍然会是市民大众可以负担的,而当局亦会提供安全网,确保贫穷的市民可以继续得到适当的医服务。
    While it would reduce the inappropriate and misuse of public medical services, the revamped fees structure will remain affordable to the general public and a safety net will be in place to ensure that the poor and the needy will continue to receive adequate medical treatment.
  • 这些公司已答应使艾滋病毒/艾滋病的治与护理价格在发展中国家更为适中(见www.unaids.org)。
    It also engages the efforts of major drug companies, which have agreed to make HIV/AIDS treatment and care more affordable in developing countries.
  • 为了达到这个目标,政府提供多种医服务及设施,照顾负担不起私营服务的病人的需要。
    To this end, it provides a range of services and facilities to complement those available in the private sector and to meet the needs of less-affluent patients.
  • 直肠病学研究结肠、肛门和直肠疾病的诊断与治的医学分支
    The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the colon, rectum, and anus.
  • 灌肠将液体从肛门注入直肠的方法,为了清洁、刺激大便排泄或其它治、诊断目的
    The injection of liquid into the rectum through the anus for cleansing, for stimulating evacuation of the bowels, or for other therapeutic or diagnostic purposes.
  • 在布赖恩·麦克法登最近患精神衰弱,不得不放弃一些演出,回爱尔兰和家人团聚养之际,这无疑是男孩儿们需要的好消息。
    This is the good news the boys needed as Bryan McFadden recently suffered nervous exhaustion and had to miss some shows while recuperating back in Ireland with his family.
  • 一种促进病人恢复或给慢性病病人以治的医院。
    a hospital for recuperation or for the treatment of chronic diseases.
  • 促进疾病恢复的效力;强力促进恢复的法;锻炼的促进疾病恢复的效果。
    recuperative powers; strongly recuperative remedies; restorative effects of exercise.
  • 企业下岗人员的安置主要是在企业中建立再就业服务中心,再就业服务中心与进入中心的下岗职工签订托管合同,为其发放基本生活费,缴纳养老、医等社会保险费用,组织参加职业指导和再就业培训,引导和帮助他们实现再就业。
    The redirection of laid off workers will chiefly rely on the reemployment service center established by each enterprise. The centers will sign entrusted care contracts with laid-off workers and pay them allowance, and pension, medical and other social insurance costs for them. In addition, the centers should provide employment guidance and training and help laid-off workers find jobs.
  • 皮肤发红的外敷药。
    a medicine for external application that produces redness of the skin.
  • 氧气法能降低风险。
    Oxygen therapeutics could reduce the risks.
  • 事实上,那些被确诊为季节性情绪紊乱的人表现为缺乏褪黑激素,他们经常通过服药或光来补充它。
    In fact, those who have been diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder show a lack of melatonin and often require supplements in the form of pills or light therapy.