  • 資本主義一種經濟制度,在該制度中,生産資料和分配為私人或企業所有,生産的發展與從自由市場中所獲利的聚集和再投入成比例
    An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.
  • 潤腸通便
    relieving constipation with laxatives
  • 潤燥
    relieving Dryness with moistening drugs
  • 衹要你廣告做得好,絶對搶手,利會讓你吃驚。
    If you advertise them well, they'll sell like hot cakes, and you will be surprised at your profits.
  • 我們能否將利匯寄到國外?
    Can we remit our profit to foreign countries?
  • 第八,中國法律規定,外商投資者從所投資企業取得的利,在履行納稅義務後,可自由匯出境外。
    VIII).As provided by the Chinese law, foreign investors may freely remit abroad their profits originated from the investment enterprises after fulfilling taxation obligations.
  • 但是,支付的貸款將從收穫中獲得,因為除非農民預期收穫會使貸款得到償還,並會帶來利,也就是說,除非收穫在給農場勞動者帶來報酬外,還有足夠的餘額來支付製犁匠的報酬,給予製犁匠和農民兩者以利,否則他是不會支付貨款的。
    Nevertheless, it is from the harvest that the payment is to come; since the farmer would not undertake this outlay unless he expected that the harvest would repay him, and with a profit too on this fresh advance; that is, unless the harvest would yield, besides the remuneration of the farm labourers (and a profit for advancing it), a sufficient residue to remunerate the plough-maker's labourers, give the plough-maker a profit, and a profit to the farmer on both.
  • 有利可圖的産生利的;有利的或賺錢的
    Yielding profit; advantageous or lucrative.
  • 一般來講,如果公司利下降或經濟狀況惡化,外部資金來源將不復存在,因此依靠外部資金來源歸還貸款是不合適的。
    In general, it is inappropriate to rely on the external sources for repayment because they will disappear if the firm's profitability declines or economic conditions deteriorate.
  • 裝飾裝飾、修飾或色的行為或過程
    The act or process of decorating, adorning, or embellishing.
  • 經過1998、1999兩年的努力,以壓錠為切入點,圍繞中心城市的調整,通過“壓錠、重組、減員、增效”,推進國有紡織經濟戰略性調整和國有企業戰略性改組,截止去年底,全國纍计壓縮落後棉紡能力906萬錠,分流安置下崗職工116萬人,國有紡織企業實現淨利8億元,提前一年基本實現了三年目標,同時製止了低水平重複建設,使結構調整取得實質性進展,大多數國有紡織大中型企業素質有所提高,紡織國有經濟運行狀況明顯好轉。
    By hard efforts in 1998 and 1999, the central cities-based restructuring campaign that took spindle-cutting as a breakthrough point and aimed to promoting the strategic restructuring of State textile sector and strategic reorganization of State-owned textile enterprises through eliminating spindles, reshuffling, cutting down the number of employees and increasing surpluses has made significant progress. By the end of last year, the nation had eliminated 9.06 million cotton spindles and laid off 1.16 million textile workers, and State-owned textile enterprises realized a net profit of 800 million yuan and reached the three-year goal one year ahead. At the same time, the textile industry had effectively stopped the duplication of projects of low technological level, made substantial progress in restructuring, most large- and medium-sized State-owned textile enterprises had improved their performance and the operation of State-owned textile economy showed a remarkable turn for better.
  • 紅土濕的熱帶或亞熱帶地區的紅色殘留土,被雨水衝掉了可溶性礦物質、氫氧化鋁和二氧化硅,但是仍保留了氧化鐵和氫氧化鐵
    A red residual soil in humid tropical and subtropical regions that is leached of soluble minerals, aluminum hydroxides, and silica but still contains concentrations of iron oxides and iron hydroxides.
  • 他們羨慕她那白光滑的肌膚。
    They admire her alabaster complexion.
  • 可估量的結果;可估量的利
    Ponderable results; ponderable issues.
  • 但是建造有風險的零售庫存,然後和零售商分享利不對戴爾的胃口,於是這種關係結束了。
    But building speculative retail inventories and then having to share profit with the retailer wasn't to Dell's taste, and the relationships ended.
  • 計算利時,零售商們必須考慮到破碎和損壞情況
    In calculating profit, retailers must allow for breakage and spoilage.
  • 劑一種用於保持濕度的物質
    A substance that promotes retention of moisture.
  • 保持記憶;保持濕的土地。
    a retentive memory; soils retentive of moisture.
  • 稅收對利潤調節
    adjustment of tax to profit
  • 這張照片已被色過了。
    This photograph has been retouched!
  • 改良色用有節奏的、合諧的變化使旋律更為華美精緻
    Elaboration of a theme with rhythmic and harmonic variations.
  • 例如,女人更多地微笑,而不是放聲大笑,尤其擅長對男於微笑,以此作為一種“社交滑劑”。
    For instance, women smile more than laugh, and are particularly adept at smiling and laughing with men as a kind of "social lubricant".
  • 國有及國有控股工業企業實現利要比1999年有較大增加,虧損企業虧損額大幅度下降。
    The state-owned and state holding industrial enterprises shall achieve a profit with a big positive margin than they did in 1999 and the amount of loss for the deficit-ridden enterprises shall be reduced by a large margin.
  • 裝飾通過添加裝飾性的小東西來修飾外表;加以飾,美化
    To enhance in appearance by adding decorative touches; embellish.
  • 非常冒險但可以帶來巨大利的投資。
    an investment that is very risky but could yield great profits.
  • 計算利潤。
    I add up our profit.
  • 包含大約一半以上已知種類的最大鳥目;麻雀;山雀;鳴鳥;知更鳥;鷦鷯;燕子;包含四個亞目:嘴鳥亞目;霸鶲鳥亞目;琴鳥亞目;鳴禽亞目或雀亞目。
    largest order of birds comprising about half the known species: rooks; finches; sparrows; tits; warblers; robins; wrens; swallows; etc.; in four suborders: Eurylaimi; Tyranni; Menurae: Oscines or Passeres.
  • 壓條使仍和母體植物相連接的樹枝、嫩條或莖生根的過程,如通過把經過特殊處理的部分放入濕的土壤中的方法
    The process of rooting branches, twigs, or stems that are still attached to a parent plant, as by placing a specially treated part in moist soil.
  • 她臉色紅潤。
    She has roses in her cheeks.
  • 的臉紅成玫瑰色的;紅
    Flushed with rosy color; ruddy.
  • 大樹的指狀樹根;手指紅;三指卡通人物。
    the fingered roots of giant trees; rosy-fingered; three-fingered cartoon characters.
  • 小天使被描繪成有紅圓臉的孩子樣的小天使畫像
    A representation of a small angel, portrayed as a child with a chubby, rosy face.