  • 当肉煮沸时,把浮在上面的浮渣掉。
    When the meat is boiling, remove the scum.
  • 我几次想把它开了,它总是不住的来复,正和乒乓台上的一粒球子一样。
    I tried several times to wipe him off my mind, but he kept bouncing back like a ping-pong ball on the table tennis table.
  • 不过,我们还是把资产阶级对共产主义的种种责难开吧。
    But let us have done with the bourgeois objections to Communism.
  • 卓别林的名字会使人在脑海中勾勒出一个身材矮小、蓄着一小胡子的流浪汉的形象。
    The name of Chaplin conjures up the image of a little tramp with a brush mustache.
  • 开这个不说,我认为最糟的情况,是出现类似30年代初期的局面:除了日本以外,其他亚洲国家都拼命严守正统的金融系统,却无法树立政治可信度以博回投资者的信心。
    But leaving that aside -- and that's only amateur political futurology -- I think the worst case is a kind of early-1930s scenario in which the non-Japan Asian countries try desperately to adhere to financial orthodoxy and at the same time fail to generate the political credibility that will bring back investor confidence.
  • 我知道你不喜欢弗里德曼一家,当提到他们时,我看到你嘴。
    You don't like the Freedman family, I know. I've seen you curl your lip when they have been mentioned.
  • 拉森冻得乌紫的嘴唇了一下,一副愤世疾俗的样子。
    Larsen's frost-blackened lips curved cynically.
  • 我想暂时开我们的正题。
    I’d like to depart from our topic for a few moments.
  • 号置于右上角的符号,用以标明变量的第一个导数
    A mark used as a superscript to indicate the first derivative of a variable.
  • 从李焕、郝柏村、赵少康、王建煊、林洋港,以迄宋楚瑜、刘松藩和钟荣吉等人纷纷求去开始,他开同僚,结果使党内分裂、政局不安,社会力在分化是不断消耗。
    He began pushing his comrades around, starting with Lee Huan, Hau Pei-tusn, Jaw Shau-kong, Wang Chien-shien and Lin Yang-kang, and finishing with James Soong, Liu Sung-pan and David J C Chung. As a result, these KMT veterans had to quit the party one after another. This caused splits within the KMT, destabilized the political scene on the island, and wore away the energy of Taiwanese society.
  • 为了专心致志于学业,他只好暂时开社交活动。
    He had to detach himself from social activities for the time being in order to concentrate on his studies.
  • 她轻蔑地撇着嘴。
    She curled her lips in disdain.
  • 子的击球员;左子的高尔夫球手
    A left-handed batter; a left-handed golfer.
  • 在战争之前,右予塔卡奇就已经获得过该项目的世界冠军,但在服设时一颗手榴弹在他用来射击的右手爆炸,几乎把它炸断了。
    Prior to the war, the right-handed Takacs had won the world championship in this event, but while serving in the army a grenade exploded in his shooting hand, practically blowing it off.
  • 左撇子惯用左手的人
    One who is left-handed.
  • 子击球手把球打到左外野。
    Right-handed batters usually hit to left field.
  • "这个残酷的人把所有的钱财都拿走了,下他自己的外祖母一人无依无靠。"
    The cruel man took all the money and left his own grandmother high and dry.
  • 我们不能下他不管。
    We should not ignore him.
  • 开玩笑不谈,我认为你是发疯了
    All joking apart, I think you're crazy.
  • 开成本不不谈,就是时间我们还得从其他工作中挤出来。
    Leaving the matter of cost aside, we still have to find time off from other work.
  • 号写在字上方的符号('),用来表示从单词中省略一个或几个字母、所有格形式及数字、字母、缩写的复数形式
    The superscript sign(') used to indicate the omission of a letter or letters from a word, the possessive case, and the plurals of numbers, letters, and abbreviations.
  • 他们的棒球投手是一个左子。
    their pitcher was a southpaw.
  • 她开始与罗杰外出约会, 就把我开了.
    She gave me the elbow when she started going out with Roger.
  • 去了汤上的大部分浮油。
    She skim the soup to remove most of the fat.
  • 去牛奶上的奶油; [喻]提取精华
    skim the cream off [from] the milk (=skim the milk of its cream)
  • 一块扁石使之掠过水面
    skim a flat stone over the water
  • “哼!”他嘴唇一地讥笑着。
    " bah ! " he sneered with a curl of his lip.
  • 他能打除了投手外的所有位置,他们有一个左子投手。
    he has played every position except pitcher; they have a southpaw on the mound.
  • 我并不是声称他是一个世界级的短跑选手,但他无论如何也可以将你远远地在后面。
    I wasn't claiming that he was a world-class sprinter, but he could show you a clean pair of heels anyway.
  • 号置于右上角的符号,用以区别由同一符号代表的不同变量
    A mark used as a superscript to distinguish among variables represented by the same symbol.
  • 这伙歹徒把他狠揍了一顿,以为他已被揍死而把他在一边。
    The gang beat the tar out of him and left him for dead.
  • 这个提法,如果按照提出的当时的解释,即所谓“向走资派夺权”,也就是开党委闹革命,打倒一切,那么实践已经证明是错误的。
    Practice has proved that this formulation is wrong if it is construed -- as it was when it was advanced -- to mean "seizing power from the capitalist roaders", or making revolution by kicking aside the Party committees and toppling everything.