  • 手沾了油漆,擦洗不掉。
    He got paint on his hands and it won't scrub off.
  • 如果工會與雇主之間不為一些微不足道的小事而費力爭吵,方間的分歧早在幾星期之前就解决了。
    The disagreement between the employers and the union could nave been settled weeks ago if both sides had not wasted effort quibbling about pennies.
  • 八十年代初期,中國隊表明他們不僅能打亞洲式的快球,同時也有能力以令人無法抵擋扣殺擊敗對手,而不部分進攻是靠舉世無的運動員郎平來完成的。
    In the early 80s, china demonstrated that not only did they play with the quickness of the Asian school, but they also had the power to terminate with unstoppable kills, most of which came from the best player of all times, Lang Ping.
  • 所需要的物品常常幾乎完全由先進社會的商人來供應,但常常也會在這個國傢自身內興起一個工匠階級。這些人對物品的性質沒有太多的瞭解,全靠敏銳的感覺、耐心的觀察和靈巧的手做出某些非常精緻的物品,如印度的某些棉織品就是這樣。
    This demand is often supplied almost exclusively by the merchants of more advanced communities, but often also raises up in the country itself a class of artificers, by whom certain fabrics are carried to as high excellence as can be given by patience,quickness of perception and observation, and manual dexterity,without any considerable knowledge of the properties of objects:such as some of the cotton fabrics of India.
  • 布利剋斯博士曾一語關地說“芥子氣是聞不到的,你衹有用它纔會知道它。”
    Dr. Blix has quipped that, quote, ``Mustard gas is not (inaudible) You are supposed to know what you did with it. ''
  • 雲雀振動它的雙翼。
    The skylark quivered its wings
  • 那人顯然知道這是怎麽回事,他沒有乞求施捨,但是卻很感激有人在他絶望、心碎、尷尬的時候給予的幫助,他直視我父親的眼睛,手握住父親的手,那20美元鈔票緊緊地握在當中。他的嘴唇顫抖,一顆淚珠滑落他的臉頰。他回答說:“謝謝,謝謝您,先生。
    The man knew what was going on. He wasn't begging for a handout but certainly appreciated the help in a desperate, heartbreaking, embarrassing situation. He looked straight into my dad's eyes, took my dad's hand in both of his, squeezed tightly onto the $ 20 bill, and with his lip quivering and a tear streaming down his cheek, he replied, “ Thank you, thank you, sir.
  • 駕駛馬的古戰車進行的速度賽。
    a race between ancient chariots.
  • 我通過筒望遠鏡觀看這場賽跑。
    I watched the racing through my binoculars.
  • 其實不然,新澳都是共和聯邦國傢成員,兩國邊關係良好,它更是我們貿易夥伴,何況澳洲是國人熱愛的旅遊點,還有不少人在那裏定居,對白澳種族政策又出現死灰復燃的跡象,我們豈可等閑視之。
    The reality is more complex. Singapore and Australia are both members of the Commonwealth, we are trading partners and we enjoy good ties. Besides, Australia is one of the favourite holiday destinations of Singaporeans and quite a number of Singaporeans have settled there. We should not take signs of racism rearing its ugly head there again lightly.
  • 手握拍進行反手回擊。
    a backhand shot made holding the racquet in both hands.
  • 顯示出邊和徑嚮對稱。
    showing both bilateral and radial symmetry.
  • 普通的可食用歐洲産殼類軟體動物,圓殼並有輻射狀肋骨。
    common edible European bivalve mollusk having a rounded shell with radiating ribs.
  • 鈾酰,氧鈾根二價原子團uo22+
    The divalent radical UO22+.
  • 雙邊協定;雙邊談判
    A bilateral agreement; bilateral negotiations.
  • 無綫電麯綫定位係統
    radio hyperbolic navigation system
  • 河外射電源和多重源
    extragalactic double radio sources and multiple radio sources
  • 布什總統說:"從受害方母親的臉上(巴勒斯坦母親和以色列母親),全世界都可以看到這場衝突給方帶來的令人痛心的代價。"
    "In the stricken faces of mothers -- Palestinian mothers and Israeli mothers -- the entire world is witnessing the agonizing cost of this conflict,"President Bush said.
  • 高原明珠滇池、天下奇觀石林、西版納熱帶雨林、“銀蒼玉洱、風花雪月”的大理、世界緯度最低的滑雪勝地麗江玉竜雪山、風景迷人的香格裏拉等都是聞名遐邇的旅遊勝地;
    Among Yunnan's famous tourist attractions are Dianchi Lake the pearl on the highland, the Stone Forest the number one wonder under heaven and Xishuangbanna tropical rainforest. Dali is well known for its snowcapped Cangshan Mountain, the crystal-clear Erhai Lake, the wind at Xiaguan, flower at Shangguan, snow at the Cangshan Mountain and the moon mirrored in the Erhai Lake. The Yulong Snow Mountains in Lijiang is a skiing resort at the lowest latitude in the northern hemisphere. The Shangri-La scenery in northwest Yunnan is picturesque.
  • 亞伯拉罕擡頭一看,他見到一頭公羊,角纏在灌木叢中。
    Abraham looked up, and there he saw a ram caught by its horns in a thicket.
  • 雙極型隨機存儲器
    bipolar random access memory
  • 皮鞋售價每十美元起。
    Lether shoes range from$10 a pair.
  • 在"騎警隊"的辦公室裏,他堅持穿着一已有一個大洞的鞋子。
    At the Rangers office,he insisted on wearing a pair of shoes with a large hole in them.
  • 可不管她怎樣大哭、大喊大嚷和祈求,她清楚地感到一個痛苦的事實——她的眼再也不會復明了。
    But no matter how much she cried or ranted or prayed, she knew the painful truth her sight was never going to return.
  • 她很想試試她那新溜冰鞋.
    She is raring to try out her new skates.
  • 手突然出滿了皮疹。
    Her hands broke out in a rash.
  • 手突然出滿了皮疹。
    Her hands have broken out in a rash.
  • 她的書畫可稱雙絶。
    Her calligraphy as well as her painting can be rated as superb works of art.
  • 方人數對比是一對四。
    The ratio between the two sides is one to four.
  • 雇主要為生意減少和盈利下降而籌謀,雇員更要面對減薪和裁員的威脅,方都各有很大的難處。
    Thinner margins and lower returns will put a strain on employers, while workers will face pay adjustments and rationalisation of staff numbers.
  • 但同時認為,國際防擴散努力應遵循公平、合理的原則,反對實行重標準,不能以防擴散為名損害其他國傢的主權,不能影響正常的國際經貿、科技合作與交流。
    However, at the same time, China holds that international efforts to prevent such proliferation should follow the principle of fairness and rationality, and opposes a double standard whereby anti-proliferation is used as a pretext to infringe upon the sovereignty of other countries and harm normal international cooperation and exchanges in the fields of economy, trade and science and technology.
  • 強盜把這位中年婦人的手綁在身上。
    The robber trussed up the middle-aged woman.