  • 当暴露于辐射时能产生电,尤指光。
    producing a voltage when exposed to radiant energy (especially light).
  • 光生伏打的当暴露于辐射时能产生电的,尤指光
    Capable of producing a voltage when exposed to radiant energy, especially light.
  • 在恒定的温度和强下某物质改变状态时所吸收或放出的热量。
    heat absorbed or radiated during a change of phase at a constant temperature and pressure.
  • 在物质穿过希瓦兹凯尔德半径,被挤成单一体之前;x射线会进人太空,因而我们能够发现这种x射线辐射。
    The X-rays are sent off into space before the matter crosses the Schwarzschild radius and crashes into the singularity. Thus we can see this X-ray emission.
  • 禁鸦片烟,不登报,完成了;土地改革和镇反革命,不登报,完成了。
    We were successful in the movement to ban opium-smoking and opium trade, in agrarian reform and in suppression of counter-revolutionaries, all without making use of the newspapers.
  • 火车轮子外侧的金属鞋过铁路,电流通过它们到达开关和马达,无论用哪种方法,电流的回路都通过火车的轮子和轮子下面的普通铁轨。
    Metal shoes outside the wheels of the train then press downwards on this rail. The currert passes through them to the switches and the motors. In each case the return path of the current is through the wheels of the train and the ordinary rails on which they run.
  • 法律的改变由那些无原则的政客们施加不正当的力,在国会上强行通过了。
    Changes in the law were railroaded through Parliament by unprincipled politicians.
  • 受活跃低槽影响,香港在六月非常多雨。该月录得总雨量达783.6毫米,是六月份的第七最高纪录。
    Active troughs of low pressure brought a total rainfall of 783.6 millimetresin June making it the seventh-wettest June on record.
  • 沉着、自制,特别是在有力的时候没有焦虑。
    serenely self-possessed and free from agitation especially in times of stress.
  • 水闸用门关住的水道的一部分,如运河。其中通过升高或降低这部分的水位可以抬升或低运输中的船只
    A section of a waterway, such as a canal, closed off with gates, in which vessels in transit are raised or lowered by raising or lowering the water level of that section.
  • 浮花丝绸;浮花缎;花革;浮花刺绣;凸花金属制品。
    brocaded silk; an embossed satin; embossed leather; raised needlework; raised metalwork.
  • 体育锻炼可以减轻力振作精神。
    Working out relieves stress and raises energy.
  • 他们正在用一笨重的机器紧新补修的路面。
    They are using a heavy machine to ram down the surface of the newly mended road.
  • 施瓦茨科夫将军坚持他决心在下令发动地面攻击以前,要从容不迫。有人问他是否受到炎热天气的来临以及三月间穆斯林度拉玛丹斋月的限制,他回答说:“我不觉得有过分的力。显然这些都重要,都在考虑中。但有一件事比什么都重要:就是以最少的人命损失来达成我们的目标。”
    General Schwarzkopf insisted he was determined to take his time before ordering a ground attack. Asked whether he was constrained by the approach of hot weather and of the Islamic religious observances of Ramadan in March, he replied:"I feel no hot breath down my neck. All of those things are important, obviously, and we're taking all of them into consideration. But the one thing that's more important than anything else is that we accomplish our objectives with a minimum loss of human life."
  • 式喷气发动机一种简单的,主要为管道式的喷气发动机,如喷式发动机
    A simple, essentially tubular jet engine, such as a ramjet.
  • 正是因为中国共产党根据马克思主义的原则,一贯地坚持了并发展了第一次国共统一战线的共同纲领即革命的三民主义,所以共产党能于强寇境民族危急之际,及时地提出民族民主的统一战线这种唯一能够挽救危亡的政策,并且不疲倦地实行之。
    It is precisely because the Chinese Communist Party, basing itself on Marxist principles, has constantly adhered to and developed the revolutionary Three People's Principles -- the common programme of the first Kuomintang-Communist united front -- that, in this hour of national crisis when our country is invaded by a powerful aggressor, the Party has been able to put forward the timely proposal for a national and democratic united front, which is the only policy capable of saving the nation, and to apply this policy with unremitting effort.
  • 在话音通信中,因放大器的线性范围有限,把信号幅度缩到一个较小范围的处理。
    In voice transmission, to compress the signal amplitude into a narrow range be cause the amplifiers are linear over wide ranges.
  • 在不大开化的单一农业社会中,常见的原因是,不断增长的人口对有限的土地施加愈来愈大的力。这种力常常由于歉收、农业的原始状态以及要靠非常狭小的国土来供应粮食而加剧。
    In the ruder and purely agricultural communities a frequent cause was the mere pressure of their increasing population upon their limited land, aggravated as that pressure so often was by deficient harvests, in the rude state of their agriculture, and depending as they did for food upon a very small extent of country.
  • 在试验田里大家(包括媒体)允许试验者出错,给他建议、给他时间,而这个时间一定是一个试验周期的时间,看官千万不要一语定性,加以否定,造成试验者承受巨大的舆论力,因为开辟试验田就是以找出不足,加以改进为目的的。
    In such fields, the general public -- mass media included -- agree that experimenters be allowed to make mistakes. The latter will be given options and allowed time to try them out, which is long enough for at least one test interval.People will not jump rashly to the conclusion that something must be wrong out there, and the experimenters will not be under pressure. Such experimental fields are meant to find out where shortcomings are and what can be done as a remedy.
  • 在试验田里大家(包括媒体)允许试验者出错,给他选择、给他时间,而这个时间一定是一个试验周期的时间,看官千万不要一语定性,加以否定,造成试验者承受巨大的舆论力,因为开辟试验田就是以找出不足,加以改进为目的的。
    In such fields, the general public -- mass media included -- agree that experimenters be allowed to make mistakes. The latter will be given options and allowed time to try them out, which is long enough for at least one test interval. People will not jump rashly to the conclusion that something must be wrong out there, and the experimenters will not be under pressure. Such experimental fields are meant to find out where shortcomings are and what can be done as a remedy.
  • 尽管并非直接的原因,据说心理力会加速头皮屑的产生。
    Stress is believed to aggravate dandruff, although it is not the cause of it.
  • 货币基础扩大或收缩会分别导致本地货币的利率下跌或上升,部分资金随之流出或流入,因而自动抵销原来资金流向所造成的力,确保汇率维持稳定。
    The expansion or contraction in the monetary base leads interest rates for the domestic currency to fall or rise respectively, creating the monetary conditions that automatically counteract the original capital movement, ensuring stability of the exchange rate.
  • 比率能够调整的变器。
    a transformer whose voltage ratio of transformation can be adjusted.
  • 四、缩燃煤项目及合理利用煤炭措施
    4 Projects for reducing coal as fuel and measures for rationed use of coal
  • 西方从18世纪理性主义抬头,发展唯物论、无神论,还有哲学家说“上帝已死”,但不断调适的天主教与基督教也没有被缩得消失。
    In the 18th century, following the emergence of rationalism in the West, materialism and atheism began to spread, so much so that even some philosophers went as far as to proclaim that "God is dead." Even then, Catholicism and Protestantism, which have been constantly adapting to changing environment, have not been reduced to non-existence by these external pressures.
  • 实际上,每个老化过程都与我们身体对污染、紫外线辐射、力、吸烟、酒精和农药作出反应而产生的氧化化合物或自由基相关。
    Virtually every ageing process is related to the oxidative compounds or free radicals produced by our body as a reaction to pollution, ultraviolet light, stress,smoking, alcohol and pesticides.
  • 从萝芙木属植物中提取出来的用来治疗高血的一种生物碱(商标是rau-sed或sandril或serpasil)。
    an alkaloid extracted from the plant Rauwolfia serpentina (trade names Rau-Sed or Sandril or Serpasil) and used to treat hypertension.
  • 这位42岁的电视节目主持人在刚刚获悉自己在一个新的bbc轴节目中谋得了一个好差事后不久,就被告知,过去20多个月里在她身上肆虐的癌细胞又进一步扩散了。
    No sooner had the 42-year-old heard that she had landed a plum job on a new BBC flagship programme than she was given the news that the cancer that has ravaged her body for the past 20 months had spread even further.
  • baker太太:有接电动剃须刀的变器吗?
    Mrs. Do you have a tranformer for my husband's electric razor?
  • 对此我并不感到骄傲,而且事后我对自己也总是不太满意,但有时,在力重重之下为了求生存,这是惟一的办法。
    I'm not proud of it and I don't usually feel very good about myself afterward,but sometimes it's the only way possible to survive in a pressure cooker.
  • 榨汁用果汁榨器把果汁从(水果)中挤出来
    To squeeze the juice out of(fruit) with a reamer.
  • 健身让人们按其自身的自然节奏生活并从中受益*而不受新世纪生活带来的许多无法避免的力困扰。
    Fitness allows us to get on with our lives at our own natural pace, and to be able to reap its rewards without succumbing to the many stresses which have become inevitable in living in the new century.