  • 仗打起來,開始可能吃些,經過一段時間情況就會變化,有勇敢這一條,我們就能學會打仗。
    In a war, we may suffer some reverses to start with. But things will change after a period of time since, being brave, our men can learn to fight skilfully.
  • 這本枯燥無味的書幸加了一些生動有趣的插圖纔變得活潑起來。
    The otherwise dreary book is enlivened by some very amusing illustrations.
  • 吃小虧占大便宜。
    Venture a small fish to catch a great one.
  • 寧可吃,不貪便宜。
    Prefer loss to unjust gain.
  • 貪小便宜吃大虧。
    Penny wise, pound foolish.
  • 講禮貌不吃虧。
    One never loses anything by politeness.
  • 不做心事,不怕鬼叫門。
    A good conscience is a soft pillow.
  • 石油勘探者和地産所有者之間的一項盈未定的合約
    An aleatory contract between an oil prospector and a landowner.
  • 沒有吃的,也應該懂得。
    Yes, they should, although they have not suffered.
  • 要符合福賴斯的標準,它明年就得每股贏利約30美分,而目前分析師們估計,亞馬遜網站明年每股將損30美分。
    It would have to produce earnings of about 30 cents a share next year to fit Friess, criteria. The problem is, analysts are currently estimating that Amazon will lose 30 cents a share next year.
  • 分析師諾布爾說,股東方面可能有些阻力。蘭姆薩斯公司的魯賓告訴路透社說“優先股股東吃了”-該公司擁有哈考特債券和優先股票。
    Mr. Noble, the analyst, said there would probably be some resistance from stockholders, and Jim Rubin of Lamle Sass & Rubin, whose firm owns Harcourt bonds and preferred stock, told Reuters that "preferred shareholders are getting a raw deal."
  • 月大約和月亮盈的一個周期相當的時間單位,或約三十天或四周
    A unit of time corresponding approximately to one cycle of the moon's phases, or about30 days or4 weeks.
  • 一位名叫後羿的神箭手射下了9個太陽,地球纔被保住。
    It was thanks to a skillful archer named Hou Yi that the Earth was saved. He shot down all but one of the suns.
  • 1999年存在的問題主要是有效需求不足,結構不合理的矛盾突出,國有企業的損面和損額仍然很高,資金占用和貨款拖欠數量過大,企業管理方面的問題仍比較多,安全生産的形勢還比較嚴峻。
    The main problems that existed in 1999 were insufficient effectual demand, outstanding irrational structure, still large deficit scale and deficit amount of SOEs, huge quantity of tied-up funds and loan in arrears, poor enterprise management and severe situation of safe production.
  • 他從未做過心的事情。
    He has done nothing to be ashamed of.
  • 審記中的最低綫;盈一覽結算綫。
    the last line in an audit; the line that shows profit or loss.
  • 菲利普尚無經驗,如他想要與紐約來的人談判,他一定會吃
    Philip is only a babe in the woods; when he tries to negotiate with those men from New York, he'll lose everything.
  • 過去搞平均主義,吃“大鍋飯”,實際上是共同落後,共同貧窮,我們就是吃了這個
    We used to practise egalitarianism, with everyone "eating from the same big pot".In fact, that practice meant common backwardness and poverty, which caused us much suffering.
  • 那傢百貨公司在1997年損了三十萬美元。
    The department store was $300,000 to the bad in 1997.
  • 我們不能指望政府幫助所有的損公擺脫睏境。
    We can’t expect the government to bail out all the failing companies.
  • 政府再也無法幫助那些資金損的公司擺脫睏境了。
    The government cannot go on bailing out lame ducks much longer.
  • 收益被虧損抵銷。
    The gains are balanced by the losses.
  • 我的銀行帳戶有50英鎊的空.
    My bank account is 50 in the red.
  • 德國接力隊掉了接力棒,我們纔把分數拉平。
    When the German relay team dropped their baton, we were lucky to be able to even the score up.
  • 你為我們所做的不懈努力
    Thanks to your tireless efforts on our behalf
  • 然而,我們應該着急的反而是如何改變這些人的心態和狹隘觀念;他們停留在歧視華文的錯誤水平上,最終將吃大
    We should feel a sense of urgency in changing the mentality and narrow view of these people who stand to lose eventually if they continue to be biased against the Chinese language.
  • 由於缺乏遠見,他們正在吃大
    They are now bitterly paying for their lack of vision.
  • 這倒黴的公司一直待我。
    This bloody company keeps fucking me about.
  • 津液虧損
    Deficiency of Body Fluids
  • 你帶了傘,開始下雨了。
    It's a good job you brought your brolly, it's starting to rain.
  • 在做房地産投機買賣中了本
    Lost money in the real estate bubble.
  • 這傢工廠多年來一直都是在損中硬撐着的,但新合同的失敗使得它再也無力維持下去了。
    The factory had been losing money for years, but the loss of the new contract was the straw that broke the camel's back.