  • 他说“aggressive”并没有文译词,这说明在国文化内没有类似“”的作风或态度。
    The epithet has no Chinese equivalent, he noted, probably because "aggressive" ways and attitudes are missing in Chinese culture.
  • “怕输”这个词是褒义还是贬义,笔者反复的思考,最后认为还是用性词来形容它较为恰当。
    IS "kiasu" a commendatory epithet, or a derogatory one? After much deliberation, I have decided to label it as neutral.
  • 类,属分类学介于科和种之间的特级,由包含显示相似特点的种所组成的群。在分类学术语,属被单独使用或后面跟一个拉丁形容词或定语,来形成一个种的名称
    A taxonomic category ranking below a family and above a species and generally consisting of a group of species exhibiting similar characteristics. In taxonomic nomenclature the genus name is used, either alone or followed by a Latin adjective or epithet, to form the name of a species.
  • 他脑中有万卷藏书。
    He is a vast library in epitome.
  • 我们在这所学校看到的各个部门是全国各校的缩影。
    The division we saw in this school was the epitome of those occured throughout the whole country.
  • 我们在这所学校看到的各个部门是全国各校的缩影。
    The division we see in this school is the epitome of those occur throughout the whole country.
  • 中新世的沉积物
    The deposits of the Miocene Epoch.
  • 总统划时代的国之行;开创新纪元的新科技;划时代的建筑工程
    The President's epoch-making trip to China; epoch-making new technologies; an epoch-making architectural work.
  • 考克斯等人在捏造国“窃缺美国最先进核武器的设计机密,并在此基础上发展了国新一代核武器谎言的同时,还十分耸人听闻地说,“国的现代化战略核弹道导弹力量将对美国构成现实的直接威胁”。
    While cooking up the lie that China "stole'' America's most advanced nuclear weapon design secrets and developed its own nuclear weapons of a new generation on this basis, Cox and others said alarmingly, "A modernized PRC strategic nuclear ballistic missile force would pose a credible direct threat against the United States.''
  • 大懒兽新世至更新世时期大懒兽科之栖于地面的已绝迹的大树懒
    A large extinct ground sloth of the family Megatheriidae of the Miocene Epoch through the Pleistocene Epoch.
  • 渐新世的新生代第三纪的,从始新世到新世的地质年代的或沉积物的或与之相关的
    Of, relating to, or being the geologic time and deposits of the epoch in the Tertiary Period of the Cenozoic Era that extended from the Eocene Epoch to the Miocene Epoch.
  • 他谒见总统是他一生值得纪念的一件事。
    His audience with the president is an epoch in his life.
  • 这在国革命史上开辟了一个新纪元。
    This has ushered in a new epoch in the history of the Chinese revolution.
  • 货币虫货币虫体形大而呈硬币状,化石有孔的虫,从始新世到新生代的新世广泛分布在石灰岩地层
    A large, coin-shaped, fossil foraminifer of the genus Nummulites, widely distributed in limestone formations from the Eocene Epoch to the Miocene Epoch of the Cenozoic.
  • 到了革命根据地,就是到了国历史几千年来空前未有的人民大众当权的时代。
    To come to the revolutionary bases means to enter an epoch unprecedented in the thousands of years of Chinese history, an epoch in which the masses of the people wield state power.
  • 现在,当我们由于新的历史环境而进入于一个新的时代——无产阶级革命的时代,舍米契在这一切以后却引证斯大林在俄国资产阶级民主革命时期所写的那本小册子的一个地方,这能有什么意义呢?
    After all this, what significance can Semich's reference to the passage in Stalin's pamphlet, written in the period of the bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia, have at the present time, when, as a consequence of the new historical situation, we have entered a new epoch, the epoch of proletarian revolution?
  • 新世的与以草本植物和食草哺乳动物的发展为特征的第三纪第四世的地质时代、岩系和沉积层有关的,属于这一世的
    Of, belonging to, or characteristic of the geologic time, rock series, and sedimentary deposits of the fourth epoch of the Tertiary Period, characterized by the development of grasses and grazing mammals.
  • 在过去的几年,科学家利用一种新型跟踪设备对信天翁的行为进行了监控,才得出了这一惊人的结论,并在本周于伦敦召开的一个动物学会议上将之公布。
    This alarming conclusion, to be outlined this week at a major zoological conference in London, is based on a new generation of tracking units that have been monitoring the behaviour of these giant birds for the past few years.
  • 再者,土地的需求,尤其是为了农业和林业,最初集在土壤最肥沃和气候温和的地区,而这些地方经常是生物种类最丰富的地方。
    Moreover, land acquisition, especially for agriculture and forestry, focuses initially on those areas with the most fertile soils and equable climates, which are often the areas of greatest biological diversity.
  • 今天,海洋已成为一切污染物的最后归宿之后,它的这一功能,正在以惊人的速度缩减
    Today, after the oceans have become the home of all pollutants, this use of the oceans is being reduced at an alarming rate.
  • 九分之一九等份的一份
    One of nine equal parts.
  • 经济工作的平均主义
    equalitarianism in economic work
  • 红军的绝对平均主义,有一个时期发展得很厉害。
    Absolute equalitarianism became quite serious in the Red Army at one time.
  • 这些都证明红军官兵的绝对平均主义还很严重。
    Absolute equalitarianism, as shown in these examples, is still very serious among officers and soldiers of the Red Army.
  • 性别平等的呼声有少量自相矛盾的内容。
    Claims of gender equality are laced with contradictions.
  • 收支平衡在帐目借方和贷方总数相等
    Equality of totals in the debit and credit sides of an account.
  • 国的经济,一定要走“节制资本”和“平均地权”的路,决不能是“少数人所得而私”,决不能让少数资本家少数地主“操纵国民生计”,决不能建立欧美式的资本主义社会,也决不能还是旧的半封建社会。
    China's economy must develop along the path of the "regulation of capital" and the "equalization of landownership", and must never be "privately owned by the few";we must never permit the few capitalists and landlords to "dominate the livelihood of the people";we must never establish a capitalist society of the European-American type or allow the old semi-feudal society to survive.
  • 障碍赛在速度方面的比赛或对抗为了给竞赛者以相同的获胜机会,给他们规定不同的条件的比赛
    A race or contest in which advantages or compensations are given different contestants to equalize the chances of winning.
  • 让步在比赛事先给较弱一方一定数量的比分,以使所有参赛者获胜机会均等
    A certain number of points given beforehand to a weaker side in a contest to equalize the chances of all participants.
  • 给优者不利条件在英国,高尔夫球为均等取胜机会,让优等选手进行障碍性击球或让低等选手击球数减一次的有利机会
    In Great Britain, a golfing handicap of one stroke given to a superior player or an advantage of one stroke taken away from an inferior player's score in order to equalize the chances of winning.
  • 由于鼻涕在鼻窦时间越长颜色就越重,所以如果早晨的喷嚏物呈绿色或锈色,也不必惊恐。
    Mucus gets darker the longer it sits in your sinuses, so don't be alarmed if your early? morning sneezes are green-or rust-colored.
  • 一个预定在一部长的电视连续剧担任角色的演员,得知自己的角色在剧被取消时,感可能感到吃惊。
    An actor who has been booked for a long series of television may be alarmed to hear that his part is being written out of the script.